Layman System

Chapter 1372: Take down the agent

The bid this time was too low, and it didn't even reach half of the last time. This made Zhou Jin's heart very unacceptable. After all, the gap was too strong.

Ouyang Feng had already noticed the anxious expression on Zhou Jin's face, and he only smiled secretly in his heart, but on the surface he was still looking at the opposite competitor.

Zhou Jin has now particularly hated Ouyang Feng, thinking that he is deliberately lowering the price, and put all his hopes on his competitors, hoping that he can offer a higher price.

But the competitor had been successfully hypnotized. At this time, there was no intention to compete. Instead, he sat there blankly. Even after Ouyang Feng had bid for a long time, he did not speak.

Zhou Jin couldn't help reminding him at this time: "Mr. Liu, it's up to you to bid now. Mr. Ouyang has just made the offer."

"Oh, is it?" The person surnamed Liu responded indifferently, as if he hadn't reacted yet, and then said something that shocked Zhou Jin, "I will not continue to increase the price."

At this time, Zhou Jin's eyes were almost about to fall to the ground. He looked at the person in front of him incredulously, and it was hard to imagine that he was the same person who enthusiastically raised prices last time.

"What's the matter? Mr. Liu's performance this time seems to be particularly cold. Is there any doubt about my stuff? The stuff is very good, and according to the current market, there is always demand, and the demand seems to be It is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a good market. If you invest now, you will definitely make a lot of money in the future."

Zhou Jin kept lobbiing in front of Liu, wanting to restore his previous fanatical posture, but these actions failed one by one.

Liu's expression was cold, and finally he gave Zhou Jin a calm answer: "Boss Zhou, I won't keep bidding anymore. You don't have to brainwash me anymore. The things I decide will not change."

Ouyang Feng was already very proud of the new year at this time, with no corners of his mouth, showing a triumphant smile, but this expression also flashed by, even a careful person like Zhou Jin could not see it.

Seeing that competitors were unwilling to continue to increase prices, Zhou Jin just sat down helplessly, and then turned his attention to Ouyang Feng's face again.

Ouyang Feng was not in a hurry to win the agency, but sat there calmly, waiting for Zhou Jin to speak.

At this time, Zhou Jin's inner doubts had almost filled his entire mind, and he didn't know what had happened.

"What's the matter? The attitude of these two people was so enthusiastic last time. This time, how come they are all wilted like eggplants hit by frost, and this Ouyang Feng also eagerly wanted to join me as an agent last time. It was a bit too cold when I was there."

But after looking at the two people, it seemed that neither of them had any intention of increasing the price, and Zhou Jin's heart began to become nervous again.

Although his stuff is very special, and there are not many people who can produce it at present, it can even be said that there is only one of them, but this kind of stuff also needs to open the market, if you don’t act quickly, I’m afraid the cake will be eaten by others. When he fell, Zhou Jin was also very worried.

I was afraid that these two competitors would finally give up the agency power, so after a short period of weighing, Zhou Jin finally gritted his teeth and decided to hand the agency power to Ouyang Feng.

"Since Mr. Ouyang is a fair competition this time, and the two bids are already clear, let's hand over the agency to you in the end. Your bid is the highest. Next, you will open the market in the U.S. Make money together."

At this time, Ouyang Feng nodded with a smile on his face, and reached out to hold Zhou Jin's hand, which represented the beginning of cooperation between the two.

"Thank you very much, Boss Zhou, for giving me this opportunity. Next, I will definitely work hard to open up the market over there and let us all make money."

Although Zhou Jin also had a smile on his face, that smile was uglier than crying.

The two people turned their heads and looked at them almost at the same time. Sitting on the opposite competitor, they found that there was still no expression on his face, and they seemed not interested in knowing this matter at all.

Zhou Jin sighed helplessly, and then left the hotel with Ouyang Feng, not in the mood to take care of that person.

After Ouyang Feng came out of the hotel, he quickly told Zhou Dong the news. It happened that Yu Xiaoxiao was also with Zhou Dong now, so he also got the news.

"That's great. Now that you and Yu Xiaoxiao have obtained Zhou Jin's agency rights, then you two will work hard and strive to gain his trust earlier before we can proceed with our next plan. ."

Both of them nodded their heads, the expressions on their faces were very serious. Each knew that he was carrying a lot of burden on his body, so they didn't dare to neglect.

After finishing this matter, Zhou Dong received another call from the Tiangong organization.

The Tiangong organization found that Zhou Dong's tasks had not increased in the past few days, so it felt particularly anxious, and in desperation, they had to call him a urging call.

"Mr. Zhou, there seems to be no progress in our bathroom business these days. Have you visited the newly opened jade factory? Hurry up and buy some good-quality consciousness, and try to complete your task. It's a long distance, you have to work hard."

Zhou Dong could not refuse the request of the Tiangong organization, so he could only choose to go to the jade factory to continue watching.

Regarding Zhou Dong's arrival, the person in charge of the Jade Factory was very happy and welcomed him in with enthusiasm, as if he were treating a distinguished guest.

Zhou Dong's gaze began to look at these stones. The provinces and cities suddenly saw an ordinary small jade, and then his gaze was fixed on it.

"It's weird, this little stone looks ordinary, there is nothing special at all, but why do I have a strong sense of familiarity? It's like deja vu. This feeling is really weird."

Zhou Dong also felt very puzzled in his heart, and he stopped in front of this little stone, his gaze kept on it.

Because that feeling was too strong, Zhou Dong didn't think too much, so he bought the stone from the boss.

The boss looked at this stone without any surprises, but since Zhou Dong valued it, he made a favor: "Since Mr. Zhou likes this stone, then I will sell it to you at a low price, and take care of us. My business can be considered a favor."

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