Layman System

Chapter 1373: Magic little stone

"Okay, thank the boss for your kindness. I swipe the card with this stone." Zhou Dong directly took out a bank card from his pocket and prepared to buy it in your own name.

After all, this is just a small stone, and for a group as big as the Tiangong organization, it doesn’t care about it at all, so Zhou Dong didn’t take it too seriously, and paid the boss directly, and then put it away. The stone was put aside.

After finishing this matter, Zhou Dong was still thinking about the task set for him by the Tiangong organization, so he hurriedly used his perspective skills and began to seriously look at the stones.

"Boss, bring this and that, and bring me a stone from the back, and I bought the few." Zhou Dong stood in the middle of the field, pointed his finger at several stones in various directions, without seeing the boss. At a glance.

But the boss had a very happy smile on his face, and hurriedly ordered his men to move stones for Zhou Dong.

After several hours of selection, Zhou Dong has bought a lot of consciousness, and there is not much left before the tasks assigned by the Tiangong organization, and he has a long sigh of relief before sitting on the side and taking a rest.

The boss had already moved a soft stool over to Zhou Dong with a wink, then brought a cup of hot tea and handed it flatly to his hand.

Zhou Dong faintly thanked him, took a sip of hot water, and then got up and continued to search for a good stone.

"Take advantage of this period of time, Ouyang Feng and Yu Xiaoxiao are still gaining the doomed trust, and I happen to have free time. It is better to take advantage of this effort to quickly complete the tasks of the Tiangong organization, and then they will I will not be urged from time to time to affect my plan like that."

Android had this idea in his mind, so it seemed like a workaholic at work, with almost no time to rest.

Ouyang Feng and Yu Xiaoxiao are also working hard to open up domestic and foreign markets for some time. The news is spreading more and more widely. More wealthy people are aware of this kind of thing, and business is in full swing.

And Zhou Dong also rushed around the major jade factories day and night, choosing the jade needed by the Tiangong organization, almost crazy.

But his behavior also attracted the attention and jealousy of his colleagues. Many people found that there was basically no good jade to buy recently, so they all targeted Zhou Dong.

On this day, when Zhou Dong was going out to go to the jade factory, he suddenly realized that there were several people behind him secretly following him. Looking back, those people hurriedly hid behind a wall, but they could not escape. Zhou Dong's eyes.

Frowning his brows, Zhou Dong secretly guessed in his heart: "It seems that I have been picking good jade from the jade factory for some time. Those colleagues are also a little unbearable. It is very likely that they are here to make trouble. I have to do some preparation next time I go out."

Zhou Dong hurried to a jade factory, picked two stones at random, and hurried back home.

Putting on a set of very ordinary clothes, wearing a baseball cap on his head and lowering the brim of the hat, Zhou Dong took a picture in the mirror after a period of disguise, and found that he couldn’t even recognize himself. , A uniformly satisfied smile appeared on his face.

After sneaking into the yard and looking at the surrounding environment, Zhou Dong walked out safely after finding that no one was peeping. However, the effect of her disguise was very obvious. When she walked on the street, there was no one. Continue to follow him.

"Heh, it seems that most of my Overseas Chinese Affairs Office is at a very good level. Those people did not continue to follow, but then I will choose jade in the history factory. If I choose too much, I am afraid it will still cause other people. Attention."

Zhou Dong's brows frowned again, feeling that this matter still needs to be concealed a little bit, otherwise he might be retaliated by those people.

When he arrived at a new jade factory again, Zhou Dong just pretended to be very casual, and went around the place like other businesses. In the end, he chose two or three stones and had them moved back.

During the whole process, no one's attention was drawn, because the amount he bought was not very large, so everyone did not focus on an ordinary person.

Now all the colleagues in the industry are focusing on Zhou Dong who bought in large quantities, and would not pay attention to him, who is an ordinary dressed person, so Zhou Dong bought a lot of jade by this method.

When he returned home again, Zhou Dong put on new clothes, but he kept wearing a hat on top of his head, covering half of his face, no one could easily recognize him.

When he came to the foreshadowing factory, Zhou Dong bought a few stones in small quantities and then went home directly.

Returning home in the evening, Zhou Dong calculated the task set by the Tiangong organization, and found that although it was almost completed, there were still hundreds of yuan to complete.

"No way, although no one will follow suit or retaliate if this continues, the progress of this work is really too slow, and it's a waste of energy. I have to think of another way."

Zhou Dong lay in bed tossing around for a long time at night, thinking of many ways, but in the end they were denied one by one, and his heart became particularly irritable.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, Zhou Dong's mind suddenly flashed a flash of light, and then he sat up from the bed very vigorously and patted his thigh.

"By the way, I can find another person to replace my role, dress him up as me, and ask him to buy things in large quantities, and these people change every day. In order to disturb the audiovisual of those people, it will not Make them too dangerous."

"I took this opportunity to buy a little less than them, but the quantity is at least much larger than it is now. The task will be completed within a few days. This is a great idea!"

Zhou Dong's emotions had become excited, he almost didn't feel sleepy anymore, and he admired himself a little now.

"Hey! I'm really a genius, and a genius director. Why didn't I remember this method earlier? If it was a few days earlier, I might have completed the task by now, but it's not too late to think of this method. In just two or three days, I can guarantee the completion of the tasks of the Tiangong organization!"

Early the next morning, Zhou Dong hurriedly searched the Internet for information about applying for a job and interviewed a few actors who were similar to his own.

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