Layman System

Chapter 1374: He was resolved

After summoning these few applicants into his own room, Zhou Dong gave them a brief overview of the next tasks.

"You guys need to accompany me in a play next, that is, pretending to be me, go to various jade factories to buy jade, and every time you buy in large quantities, but you must buy the lowest price."

After hearing about Zhou Dong's task, all of them felt very puzzled, and they looked at the people standing next to each other.

Zhou Dong seemed to be aware of the doubts in these people's hearts, and said casually: "As for the reasons for this, you don't need to know it, but this matter is not illegal, and there is no danger in doing it as usual. Well, the price I offer you is twice as high as your salary."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Zhou Dong say this, and then they readily accepted the task and rushed to different jade factories.

There are many people in this circle. Although they don't know Zhou Dong, they have seen his photos more or less, so they are very familiar with his body shape and figure.

When the actors arrived at different jade factories, they immediately attracted the attention of a group of people around them.

Although many people do not know Zhou Dong, they all whispered behind their backs when they see this familiar figure. Some people have admiration on their faces, while others have an angry look, as if they have something with Zhou Dong. What a hatred.

"Look at it quickly, did that person come to buy jade again? I heard that a lot of people have been following up during this period of time."

"Yeah, haven't you heard of it recently? He seems to have bought too many jade, and he picked up all the good things and moved other people's cakes, so he has been followed and killed."

"This kind of thing is really normal. He was originally a competitor. He robbed other people's business and they didn't have any money. Naturally, he would not let him go. But it is a pity. I heard that his ability is really extraordinary Well, it was almost a stone that was picked out at a glance. It was almost all the best jade."

When a group of people was talking about it, the actors lowered the brim of their hats and stood in front of the stone thoughtfully.

The staff in the jade factory also mistaken these actors for Zhou Dong, so they ran to him flatteringly and listened to the actors' instructions.

The actors' acting skills are also very superb. They kept inquiring about the price of these stones, and finally picked out dozens of very low-priced stones for the staff to move out.

The two staff members were also very confused about this matter, but still did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly moved out the rocks he needed.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Zhou Dong started to buy jade in large quantities. It took two days to complete the remaining final tasks and then dismissed the actors.

Soon, Zhou Dong reported the past situation to the Tiangong organization.

"You have completed all the tasks assigned by you. Now you can ask the person in charge to check it out. I'm going to work."

After checking the quantity for a while, the person in charge over there quickly gave Zhou Dong a reply.

"Now that the task is complete, I can do my own affairs with confidence." Zhou Dong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Just when the task has been completed, a message has begun to spread in the circles here.

"It is said that the person who is very good at picking jade has been solved by others, because he moved other people's cakes and has now disappeared in this world."

No matter where you go, as long as you are in this jade circle, you can almost hear the news.

The local tyrants were also in this circle, so they soon got the news, and felt shocked in their heart. They were very unwilling to believe in such a thing, so they hurried to find Zhou Dong's whereabouts.

"Impossible. Zhou Dong met with me a few days ago. How could he suddenly disappear into the world? That is really incredible. I have to find him quickly."

The local tyrants were unwilling to accept this, so they sent people everywhere to inquire about Zhou Dong's news.

However, he has stayed at home safely, planning the next thing secretly with Ouyang Feng, and has no idea about the rumors outside.

The local tyrant soon rushed to Zhou Dong's home abroad, and anxiously called his door open.

"How is your relationship with Zhou Jin during this period? Did he trust you more? Your business should be going well?" Zhou Dong is now very concerned about Ouyang Feng and their progress.

At this time, Ouyang Feng just reported the news there to Zhou Dong truthfully.

"The work during this period is going well, but I don’t think I’m fully trusted by my loyalty, so the business is pretty good, but his person is very cautious, so it’s not easy to confide my inner feelings to others. To fully gain his trust, I think it may take some more time."

Zhou Dong also frowned slightly at this time. Although he also knew Zhou Jin's personality, his progress was too slow after all, which made him a little anxious.

The hours for Li Li and Xiaodong were getting longer and longer, and the dangers were getting bigger and bigger. Zhou Dong really didn't want to drag on forever.

When the two were talking in secret, they suddenly heard a strong knock on the door outside, and then heard the voice of a local tyrant.

Zhou Dong hurriedly got up, walked to the courtyard outside, opened the door, and invited the local tyrant in.

As soon as he entered the house, the local tyrant showed a very surprised expression on his face. He didn't expect his brother to meet with Zhou Dong here.

"It's strange, didn't you two just pretend not to know each other for the sake of safety? Why did you get a piece today?" the local tyrant asked curiously.

Zhou Dong was not in the mood to answer his question at this time. He just said casually: “It’s nothing. I met him this time. I just asked him about his progress over there. The progress over there was a bit too slow. He discusses the next action."

The local tyrant didn't think too much when he heard Zhou Dong's explanation. After all, after receiving the news that Zhou Dong had been killed, he was surprised to see this man again.

"Hi! It’s fine if you’re fine. There’s always a message circulating outside saying that you have robbed someone else’s business and have been resolved by those underworld figures. I was worried about your situation, so I rushed over to see it You stand in front of me unharmed, and I feel very happy in my heart."

Zhou Dong also showed a shocked expression on his face when he heard the news.

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