Layman System

Chapter 1378: Secretly following

However, this good habit saved her life this time. Zhou Jin rummaged on the phone for a long time and did not find any suspicious call records, so he gently put down the phone.

I don’t know if Zhou Jun’s drug has expired, or because of insufficient doses, Yu Xiaoxiao actually woke up midway. Although her head was dizzy, but when she turned her head, she saw Zhou Jin sneaking up. Looking through her mobile phone, her whole body tightened with fright.

As soon as Yu Xiaoxiao saw this sight, she woke up in shock, and a lot of cold sweat oozes from her palms.

Forbearing without screaming, Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly closed her eyes and pretended to be in a coma, but in fact her heart was already thumping.

Now the room is quiet, Yu Xiaoxiao can almost hear her own strong heartbeat, but fortunately, Zhou Jin's attention at this time is all on the phone, and he hasn't noticed Yu Xiaoxiao at all.

After watching for a long time, Zhou Jin didn’t find any useful information from Yu Xiaoxiao’s cell phone. He was disappointed to gently put the phone in place, then looked back at the unconscious woman, and then gently. went out.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't know what Zhou Jin was doing. After he had been out for a long time, she didn't dare to open his eyes, for fear that when he woke up, he would see Zhou Jin's sinister face appear in front of him. She was frightened for a long time, her eyes closed tightly.

About ten minutes later, Yu Xiaoxiao felt that the room was quiet and there seemed to be no people. Then he slowly opened his eyes, looked around the room, and found that everything in it was It was full of weirdness and fear in my heart.

Now she can be sure that Zhou Jin is indeed suspicious of her.

"It seems that Zhou Dong feels pretty good. Zhou Jin has already taken care of me. I suspect that my situation may not be too safe. I have to tell Zhou Dong the news as soon as possible."

Yu Xiaoxiao felt that the matter was important, so she took out her mobile phone from her bag and was about to make a call to Zhou Dong, but suddenly remembered what Zhou Jin had done just now, so she put her mobile phone back in shock. .

"No, I can't make calls. What if Jin is eavesdropping outside? Or what eavesdropping function he has installed in my phone. As long as I make a call, my identity will be exposed. I have to find a chance to be Face Zhou Dong and talk about this."

Yu Xiaoxiao knew that Zhou Dong often went to a bar, so he quickly put his mobile phone in his bag and was about to rush to the place directly.

Opened the door gently, looked at the surroundings vigilantly, and found that Zhou Jin had disappeared without a trace, and finally came out with confidence.

When Yu Xiaoxiao walked out of Zhou Jin's room, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, feeling a huge pressure suddenly disappearing invisible.

But not long after she left, Zhou Jin had already flashed from behind with a sinister face, his eyes kept on Yu Xiaoxiao's body.

Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly walked down the street and finally found a place where he could make a public phone call. He ran over excitedly and directly pressed Zhou Dong's phone number.

Zhou Dong saw an unfamiliar call coming from his mobile phone, showing his brows were slightly frowned, but he was able to get through the call soon.

Yu Xiaoxiao's nervous and scared voice was heard from there.

"Zhou Dong, I have been suspected by Zhou Jin. He gave me some medicine when he met me just now, but I suddenly woke up midway and found that he was surreptitiously checking my phone. I doubt it. Let's find a hidden place to meet."

Yu Xiaoxiao no longer knew what to do next, and had to follow Zhou Dong's instructions.

After Zhou Dong heard the news from Yu Xiaoxiao, he had guessed in his heart that Zhou Jin must have acted.

"Since this sinister and cunning old fox has doubted Yu Xiaoxiao, maybe he has been following her secretly at this time, but Yu Xiaoxiao himself didn't find it."

To be safe, Zhou Dong directly asked where Yu Xiaoxiao was now.

After getting Yu Xiaoxiao's real-time positioning, Zhou Dong thought about it again, "Let's find a nearby bar first, and I will contact you in a while. We are not suitable for talking too much now. Please pay attention to safety. "

Zhou Dong hung up the phone in a hurry and set off directly to the area where Yu Xiaoxiao was, and called for real-time monitoring.

Zhou Jin was hiding behind a wall not far away, watching Yu Xiaoxiao's behavior suspiciously.

After Yu Xiaoxiao hung up and left, Zhou Jin also rushed over at the right time. Although he was very curious about the call Yu Xiaoxiao made, Zhou Jin hurriedly chased her in order not to lose her.

Zhou Dong had already asked the local staff to take out real-time monitoring and observe every move on the screen. I saw Yu Xiaoxiao alone calling and saying something. After she left, a familiar one appeared behind her. His figure is Zhou Jin.

Zhou Dong's eyes were brightened, and he said in his heart: "Sure enough, an old fox has already acted, but Yu Xiaoxiao is still in the dark. I don't know that he has been followed."

After thinking about it for a while in my heart, Zhou Dong suddenly decided to come up with a trick and plan to give Zhou Jin a counterattack.

"Yes! Since Zhou Jin has already suspected, then I might as well take this opportunity to convince him that there is no relationship between Yu Xiaoxiao and me, he is suspicious."

Thinking of this method, Zhou Dong didn't directly inform Yu Xiaoxiao, but quietly walked around behind him and followed Zhou Jin.

Yu Xiaoxiao had already rushed to a bar on the street at this time, and was looking around anxiously, looking for Zhou Dong's figure.

But after looking at it for a long time, there was still no trace of Zhou Dong, and there was a deep doubt in his heart, and his brows wrinkled.

"It's weird. Didn't Zhou Dong just call me and said that he has rushed over? Why hasn't he shown up yet?" With doubts in his heart, Yu Xiaoxiao found a seat by the window so that he could see Zhou Dong .

After struggling there for a long time, Yu Xiaoxiao decided to make a call to Zhou Dong. She was taking out her mobile phone, only to see that Zhou Dong's video call had come.

Hurrying to connect with the fastest speed, when Yu Xiaoxiao was about to speak, she saw that the other party's video was not Zhou Dong's head, but Zhou Jin.

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