Layman System

Chapter 1379: acting

"It's actually Zhou Jin!" Yu Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she almost screamed, but fortunately, she managed to control the panic in her heart, she couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes staring at the boss.

Just when Yu Xiaoxiao's heart had begun to beat wildly, Zhou Dong turned the screen on the phone and turned it to his face again. This made Yu Xiaoxiao's extremely flustered heart slowly calmed down and he let out a long sigh of relief. .

Lowering his voice, Yu Xiaoxiao said directly: "What the **** is going on? Why is Zhou Jin shown in the video just now? Is he already here?"

Zhou Dong also looked back vigilantly at the man standing not far away, and then quickly hid in a small alley. Only then did he calmly start talking to Yu Xiaoxiao.

"You guessed it, it's already near here, and he's been following you along the way just now, but you didn't find it. I just received your call and have already called the nearby surveillance, he I already suspect you."

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't expect Zhou Jin's actions to be so fast, he was already nervous, and his expression was extremely stiff, and he could tell at a glance.

Zhou Dong naturally noticed Yu Xiaoxiao's nervous state, and hurriedly comforted her a few words.

"Don't worry, you haven't been in any big danger so far. After all, Zhou Jin is only suspicious of you now. If he gets any evidence, I'm afraid he has already controlled you, and now you can't be too nervous. , Otherwise there is no silver three hundred taels here."

But Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling nervous, and the expression on her face seemed to be uncontrollable.

Lowering her voice again, Yu Xiaoxiao's tone was full of anxiety: "What should I do? Now Zhou Jin has been eyeing me, where am I going?"

Zhou Dong already had a plan in mind, so he quickly gave Yu Xiaoxiao a reply.

"Don't worry, I have already thought about the next thing for you, you just need to do it. Now that you have come out, it is better to pretend to be waiting and find a classmate you are familiar with. Not only can you deceive Zhou Jin, but it will also make him no longer doubt you."

Yu Xiaoxiao now accepted Zhou Dong's specific actions, but his heart slowly began to calm down again, without the tension that was just now.

"Your idea is pretty good. I happened to learn acting in college. There is nothing wrong with acting. This is a piece of cake for me, so let's just look at me!"

When Yu Xiaoxiao met her own good show, besides being nervous, there was a slight excitement in Yu Xiaoxiao's heart.

Zhou Dong patiently comforted Yu Xiaoxiao again, and then hung up the phone.

Here Zhou Jin has been waiting in a remote corner outside for quite a long time, keeping her eyes on Yu Xiaoxiao's body, and discovering that she is just making a phone call, and there is another doubt in her heart.

Yu Xiaoxiao now seemed to feel that she had a pair of eyes staring at her behind her back, and her back was a little chilly, but she didn't dare to look back casually, just made a casual call to one of her classmates.

About a few minutes later, a young man in casual clothes walked over from outside.

When I saw Yu Xiaoxiao sitting by the window, he walked over to her with a smile on his face and sat down opposite.

"Hey, Miss Yu Xiaoxiao, why did you call me out today when you have time? I heard that your business has been very busy recently. Today is a holiday? Not going to make money anymore?" The person teased Yu Xiaoxiao. One sentence.

Yu Xiaoxiao also smiled faintly: "How can I finish earning money? Today is a break, so I invited you out to gather together. Besides, didn't you consult me ​​about the agency some time ago? It just happened today. Time, let me tell you specifically what that thing is."

Originally, this classmate was planning to cooperate with Yu Xiaoxiao, but now that she heard that she was about to talk to herself about this matter, she was naturally very happy, and her eyes were bright.

Zhou Jin, who was standing aside, saw that Yu Xiaoxiao was just an ordinary classmate, and the meeting between the two seemed very normal. It was just an ordinary meal. There was a disappointment in his heart, and then quietly from behind. left.

Zhou Dong had been staying in the monitoring room at this time, commenting on Zhou Jing's every move on the screen. After seeing the man had left, he called Yu Xiaoxiao again.

"Yu Xiaoxiao, now Zhou Jin has gone far, your performance can be over, we will meet in a while, I will look for you, just stay in your eyes and don't move."

After receiving Zhou Dong's call, Yu Xiaoxiao hurriedly ended the conversation with her classmates as quickly as possible.

"Well, we will talk about this today. You can think about it a little bit when you go back. This thing is currently not seen in the market, and it is still relatively scarce, so it is basically used by some wealthy people. But this initial fee is also a very high price, you need to think about it yourself."

That classmate was very grateful to Yu Xiaoxiao, and felt that Yu Xiaoxiao might be in a hurry, so he hurriedly left.

"Well, I know that you are a busy person, and you don’t have time to talk to me for too long. I’ll go back now. When you have time, the two of us will have a good talk. I’m still very interested in this thing. Let me act as an agent with you, so I can ask you if I don’t understand."

The person greeted a few more words before that classmate left the bar.

Seeing her classmates' back, Yu Xiaoxiao also let out a long sigh of relief, and then patiently sat there waiting for Zhou Dong.

A few minutes later, Zhou Dong's figure finally appeared in the bar and came straight to Yu Xiaoxiao's seat.

As soon as he sat on his seat, Zhou Dong said with a serious expression: "Now you can't stay with Zhou Jin anymore. It's better to stay with the Huaxia Engineering Team for a while. This is safer for you."

Zhou Dong already felt deeply that Zhou Jin had a deep doubt about the woman in front of him, and he could not guarantee her safety.

But Yu Xiaoxiao firmly disagreed with Zhou Dong's decision.

"No, if I were to withdraw from Zhou Jin now, I am afraid he will be more suspicious. Even if I want to leave, Zhou Jin will have to drive me away. If I just ask to leave in such a sudden, he will definitely Have greater suspicion for me."

"Moreover, since the incident with Ou Yangfeng, Zhou Jin's suspicion has become more serious. If you want to arrange another internal response, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

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