Layman System

Chapter 1382: Shock

"This man is so insidious. He actually created such a conscienceless thing. This is simply treating people as beasts. He has no conscience at all!"

Yu Xiaoxiao scolded Zhou Jin fiercely in her heart, but on the surface he did not dare to show it.

Zhou Jin saw that Yu Xiaoxiao hadn't reacted for a long time, thinking she couldn't understand what she was saying, so he planned to show her.

"Miss Yu Xiaoxiao, I know that you are still a bit uncomfortable with this new product, but you can rest assured that I will show it to you right away. The three people in front are my test products, and I have been injected into my body. Things, so it’s almost equivalent to the robots under my hands, and will obey any commands I give."

Yu Xiaoxiao was completely shocked at this time, there was no way to respond to Zhou Jin's words.

Zhou Jin didn't take it to heart, but began to direct Li Li and Xiaodong to demonstrate.

"You, come here, kneel down for me!" Zhou Jin's finger was on Li Li's body.

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened again at this time, looking at the man standing in front of him, she could hardly believe her eyes.

"How can he ask Li Li to do such a thing? This is completely disregarding the dignity of the other party, how could Li Li agree?" Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes had already turned to Li Li at this time.

But what shocked her was that Li Li had walked toward this side expressionlessly, and knelt on the ground with a plop. There was hardly any resistance or hesitation.

This action made Yu Xiaoxiao shocked again, her eyes almost fell out, her mouth wide open, she couldn't say a word in surprise.

Zhou Jin looked at the woman kneeling in front of her with a smug look at this time, and then turned to look at Yu Xiaoxiao, the arrogance in his eyes could not be concealed.

It seemed that he wanted to show off in front of Yu Xiaoxiao, Zhou Jin also felt a little uncomfortable, and once again pointed to Xiaodong who was on the side.

"Come here, move me a stool and sit down, then use a rag to polish my shoes."

Yu Xiaoxiao was even more shocked at this time, and there was no way to turn her gaze away, but stared directly at Xiao Dong.

She found that Xiaodong had also walked over like a robot, brought a comfortable stool in obediently, then picked up a piece of cloth from a table next to him, knelt on the ground and started polishing Zhou Jin's shoes.

Before she woke up from the shock just now, Zhou Jin began to issue a new order from him.

"Hit your head against the wall!" Zhou Jin's eyes were already on Zhang Shuang's body at this time.

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao finally recovered from the shock just now, and then hurriedly stopped.

"Yes, you will kill him if you do this. Don't do this!" Yu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Zhou Jin and found that there was a very smug and sinister smile on his face. Liang, then hurriedly called Zhang Shuang.

But Zhang Shuang's eyes were dull, and he had already started to slam his head against the wall.

Every heavy percussion made Yu Xiaoxiao feel as if a huge hammer was constantly hitting her own heart. She already turned her head to the side and felt extremely anxious.

But in order not to be too obvious in front of Zhou Jin, Yu Xiaoxiao could only forcefully suppress the fear and anxiety in her heart, but her brows were already frowned tightly.

At this time, Zhou Jin had a very proud smile on his face, looking at the three people in front of him with a kingly posture, as if he was admiring one of his own works of art.

Then he turned his gaze to Yu Xiaoxiao's face, and asked in a particularly proud tone: "How is it? My things are very good, right? How many people can do such things? I only need to use my things in the future. No matter who the other person is, as long as you want to control him, you can let him do whatever you want him to do."

Yu Xiaoxiao's psychology has begun to chill, and the whole person feels particularly stiff.

But in the face of Zhou Jin's questioning, she could only endure the shock and panic in her heart strongly, with a smile on her face.

"Boss Zhou, this thing of yours is really amazing. I have not only never seen it before, nor even heard of it. It seems that your research on it is really thorough." , Yu Xiaoxiao didn't know how to answer Zhou Jin's words, but just complimented him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jin was very satisfied with such a compliment. There was a burst of laughter in his mouth. The laughter echoed throughout the secret room, which made Yu Xiaoxiao feel a little hairy, and felt that this person’s laughter seemed to come from Like hell.

However, in order to act like some Yu Xiaoxiao, he looked at Zhou Jin with a smile on his face and expressed his admiration for his new product.

"Boss Zhou, this new thing of yours is also very special. If it can be developed in the market, it will definitely be able to make a lot of profit. I admire your ability."

"Hahaha, don't worry. Although this thing is very interesting, I am still studying it now, and this is the latest generation of injections that I have produced. Are you interested in trying it?"

Zhou Jin had already turned his head to Yu Xiaoxiao at this time. Although he was very repulsive in his heart, Yu Xiaoxiao still pretended to be very interested in order to be able to help Zhou Dong.

"Since Boss Zhou is so generous, then I'm better off being respectful."

Seeing that Yu Xiaoxiao did not reject him at all, Zhou Jin was even more excited and admired her even more.

"It seems that my vision is really right. I have chosen you as my agent. Apart from Zhou Haode, you are the first person who will not be repulsive. Do you now understand the feeling in my heart? Can’t wait to see the effect of this thing."

"Now I will let you be the newest owner of this medicine, and I can't wait to see the effects of it. To me, these things are like my own biological son, which is more than my own life. Be precious."

As Zhou Jin said, there was already a particularly complex expression on his face, and he couldn't put it down for these things.

It’s just that his insidious face looked even more hideous and terrifying under the dim light in the room, making Yu Xiaoxiao chill again, and he felt that this person was like a devil from hell, but it was Come to this world to claim the lives of others.

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