Layman System

Chapter 1383: New owner

Zhou Jin was full of excitement now, and he didn't notice the expression on Hami's shaved face. He just spoke generously again.

"Ms. Yu Xiaoxiao, you can choose one of these people. I will let you experience the feeling of controlling others in a while. Then the person you choose will become your follower, and you will completely obey your instructions. There will be a feeling of being a queen."

Excitement flashed on her face now, but she didn't realize that Yu Xiaoxiao hated him now.

"Uh, then I'll choose this one." Yu Xiaoxiao pretended to be nonchalant, and pointed at Li Li casually, but this was actually decided after some thought.

Although Li Li's symptoms are not as severe as those of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, she is a woman after all. Zhou Jin is imprisoned in this kind of secret room. What Zhou Jin will do to her is not certain.

So for the sake of safety, Yu Xiaoxiao finally chose to let Li Li be her own robot, so that she could be taken out in an open manner.

Zhou Jin was already immersed in excitement at this time, and did not think much about Yu Xiaoxiao's thoughts, but directly took out a bottle of transparent liquid from a cabinet behind and placed it on the table very carefully.

Opening the drawer, Zhou Jin found a very clean small test tube from inside, poured all the liquid into it, and then looked up at Yu Xiaoxiao.

"Now you cut your finger and let your blood drip into these potions, and then I will inject them into Li Li's body, so that after a while, you can see the effect."

While talking, Zhou Jin already handed Yu Xiaoxiao a sharp knife.

Yu Xiaoxiao herself is a eldest daughter, and she doesn't need to use a knife at home. At this moment, seeing this bright dagger still feels a little scared.

But after struggling in her heart for a long time, Yu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and took the dagger from Zhou Jin's hand and slashed lightly on her wrist.

Drops of blood poured into the transparent liquid, Yu Xiaoxiao quietly looked at the mixed liquid below, and there was a pain in her wrist.

Zhou Jin's attention was no longer on anyone's body at this time. He still stared at the mixed liquid with a fanatical eye, almost as if to see an extremely shocking thing happen.

"Great, you are the first person to accept my new drug test, and then you will experience a completely different feeling that no one else has ever had." Zhou Jin's eyes already Excited light was emitted.

The dim light shone from the top of his head, casting a shadow on the man's face, making Yu Xiaoxiao feel that he was even more terrifying.

After about a few minutes, Zhou Jin felt that the blood was almost there, so he immediately stopped, then picked up the test tube and shook it vigorously in his hand to mix the blood and the medicine evenly.

Seeing the production of this new mixed liquid, Zhou Jin was already so excited that he didn't know why, and his hands almost trembled.

Cautiously put the test tube on the table, Zhou Jinyou carefully took out a long needle tube from the drawer, carefully sucked out all the liquid, and then went straight to Li Li.

Yu Xiaoxiao's heart began to beat violently at this time, staring at Zhou Jin's back with a horrified look, and then there was a trace of sympathy in Li Li's eyes.

Although I don’t want to see Zhou Jin inject this liquid into Li Li’s body, Yu Xiaoxiao also knows that there is no way to stop him now. If he acts rashly, he will probably cause this man again. suspicion.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoxiao could only suppress the strong anger and resistance in her heart, then bit her lip tightly, staring at the two people in front of her with complicated eyes.

Li Li's eyes were filled with dullness, and there was no reaction to Zhou Jin.

With a sinister smile at the corner of Zhou Jin's mouth, he slowly inserted the pointed needle into Li Li's white skin.

As the tip of the needle plunged into the skin inch by inch, Yu Xiaoxiao also closed her eyes tightly, as if she couldn't bear to look.

But Zhou Jin's reaction to her was the opposite. An extremely uplifting aura exuded from her entire body. He quickly pushed the mixed liquid inside Li Li's body, and then sat back calmly back to where he was just now. On, quietly waiting for the next thing to happen.

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao thanked him very much. Seeing Lili, there was no special reaction, and once again turned his attention to Zhou Jin.

"Boss Zhou, this medicine has already been injected into his body, but she doesn't seem to have any reaction at all. It doesn't seem to be any different from before. It won't be because the medicine loses its effect after mixing it?"

Faced with Yu Xiaoxiao's question, Zhou Jin just smiled faintly, as if he was confident at all.

"It's okay, it's just the time for the drug to react with the body. You can't see any effect just after the injection. You will find the change after a while."

Hearing what he said, Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't keep asking any more. He could only stand quietly and watch Li Li's face.

About half an hour later, when Yu Xiaoxiao was already waiting a little anxious, she suddenly heard Zhou Jin speak.

"Okay, now the time has come, the drug response is sufficient, there have been changes in Li Li's body, and you are her new master." Zhou Jin had a triumphant smile on his face.

"This, I don't see any changes in this, how can I be sure whether she will really obey my orders?" Yu Xiaoxiao raised her question again.

After all, this woman looked almost the same as just now, and there was no change at all, so Yu Xiaoxiao also felt very confused in her heart.

"This is of course indistinguishable from the outside, but you can order her to do one thing at will. If she really obeys you, it means that my medicine is successful, and then you can control her at will. ."

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled, and she quickly thought of a command: "Well then, you squat on the ground."

Like a robot hearing the order, Li Li squatted on the ground without any thought or hesitation. Yu Xiaoxiao's heart was particularly shocked, and her eyes were bigger than Tongling.

"She is really listening to my orders!" Yu Xiaoxiao also exclaimed in disbelief.

However, Zhou Jin laughed triumphantly as if he had already expected it.

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