Layman System

Chapter 1385: Illusion

On the phone, Zhou Dong heard Yu Xiaoxiao's tone particularly anxious, as if she was still a little frightened, and vaguely felt that something was not quite right.

"It's getting so late. Yu Xiaoxiao called at this time. There must be something very important. Maybe he has made some important discoveries from Zhou Jin. I have to go and see her."

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong hurriedly responded to Yu Xiaoxiao: "No problem, I will rush to the bar immediately, and meet in half an hour!"

Putting on his clothes in a hurry, Zhou Dong hurried downstairs and drove his car towards the bar.

The bar is full of excited men and women, so until midnight, there are still many people drinking in it, and the atmosphere is very lively, which does not match the silent night at all.

When Zhou Dong opened the door and walked in, he saw Yu Xiaoxiao's familiar figure, sitting in a seat by the window, and hurried to her.

"What's wrong? What happened? I think your emotions seem a bit wrong." Zhou Dong's pair of concerned eyes looked at Yu Xiaoxiao's face.

Yu Xiaoxiao seemed to have been seen in the secret room. He said that the truth hadn't calmed down in his heart until now, and he was almost always cold after receiving the new. Seeing Zhou Dong, the panic in his heart was slightly lessened.

"That's it. I just went to Zhou Jin's place and took me to his secret room to have a look. I saw Li Li and Xiaodong there."

Zhou Dong had been searching for these people for a long time. Now when he heard the news from them, he was naturally very surprised. There was already a very surprised expression on his face, and he grabbed Yu Xiaoxiao's arm.

"Are you true? They are still alive now, that's great. I thought they disappeared with the fire at that hotel last time. This news is really great for me!"

Zhou Dong's whole body was like Yu Xiaoxiao who came here for the test, obviously he was particularly interested in her news.

But the expression on Yu Xiaoxiao's face was not as excited as Zhou Dong's, because the scene she saw was really terrifying.

"They are alive and well, but they are not good at all, because Zhou Jin has already controlled several of them, and he has turned several of them into his own machines, ordering them to do anything, that is The effect of that kind of injection."

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhou Dong with a slightly horrified look.

"You mean Zhou Jin has invented a new injection that can control ordinary people to obey his orders?"

The expression on Zhou Dong's face was shocked. It seemed that he had never thought that such a thing really existed in the world.

The expression on Yu Xiaoxiao's face has been particularly calm. After all, she was greatly shocked just now, and now she is no stranger to this kind of thing.

Nodding slightly, Yu Xiaoxiao told Zhou Dong another fact that surprised him.

"Not only that, Zhou Jin also took me to see the latest generation of that kind of injection this time. Li Li has successfully become my robot now. That is to say, as long as I give an order in front of him now, she will follow me. To act without any hesitation or doubt."

The excitement on Zhou Dong's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a more anxious worry.

In addition to his wife, there are also two buddies, Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang. They have been given more than one injection in their hearts. If this continues, it is likely that the body will not be able to bear it. Zhou Dong's heart is very anxious, and his faces are There was a disappointed look.

"According to what you said, some of them are in a particularly bad situation now. I have to find a way to save them quickly."

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao remembered Zhou Jin's obstruction to herself, and then told Zhou Dong the situation again.

"When I was about to take Li Li away, Zhou Jin was very strong and stopped me. It seems that he was afraid that I would take her out because you are abroad. If you want to rescue a few of them, it might not be particularly easy. ."

Zhou Dong frowned at this time, he already understood Zhou Jin's thoughts, and then he had a plan of his own.

"Well, since Zhou Jin has such a worry, then I might as well create an illusion for him to make him mistakenly think that I have gone back, and then the precautions here can be relaxed. Maybe you have a chance to take Li Li Bring it out, and when you have the opportunity, you can contact me again and I will meet you outside immediately."

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded and felt that Zhou Dong's plan was feasible, so he agreed: "Well, this is indeed a way. When the time comes, the two of us should work together inside and out, and we should be able to rescue Li Li as soon as possible."

Soon, Zhou Dong bought a ticket directly, flew back to China from a foreign country, and let people spread the news, which soon reached Zhou Jin's ears.

When Zhou Jin heard the news, he was also relieved, but he did not relax his vigilance because of this.

After sending people out to investigate the news in many ways, and after confirming that Zhou Dong had left abroad, he finally didn't feel as nervous as before.

Yu Xiaoxiao has also been observing Zhou Jin's reaction for a while, and running to him more and more frequently, the purpose is to be able to contact him a few times and test his current inner thoughts.

On this day, when Yu Xiaoxiao arrived at Zhou Jin's place again, she found that he had begun to take the initiative to mention Zhou Dong's affairs, and her heart became more relaxed.

"I heard that Zhou Dong has returned to China now. Maybe it is time for you to take Li Li out. After all, you two are not familiar with each other. You are her master. You can run in with her more now. She can better follow your orders."

Yu Xiaoxiao was ecstatic in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended not to be too excited: "It's okay, after all, she and I are not very familiar with each other, and I want to see how she reacts outside."

At noon that day, Yu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Jin had a lunch together. The atmosphere was also very good. Zhou Jin seemed to be in a good mood and ate a lot of food at once.

Yu Xiaoxiao felt that the time was almost right, so she directly made her request to Zhou Jin: "Boss Zhou, since the situation is not so tense now, let me take Li Li out for a walk in the afternoon and take her around. Get acquainted with the outside world, then she will be more flexible in action, do you think it is okay?"

Considering that Zhou Dong is no longer on this site, Zhou Jin readily agreed to Hamigua's request.

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