Layman System

Chapter 1386: Big problem

"Then you can take her out to walk around, but be careful, but you must not lose this person. That is the experiment I found out at a great cost. If you lose it, the consequences will be very serious. "

As soon as Zhou Jin mentioned these experimental products, the expression on her face became serious, and Yu Xiaoxiao also nodded hurriedly, agreeing to all Zhou Jin's requests.

It has been a long time since I acted for the Bulao injection, and Yu Xiaoxiao has sold it to many upper-class people, but the Bulao injection has had some problems recently.

There are many celebrities and daughters who have been finding physical problems for some time, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

Even a lot of news has begun to report that an unknown drug has recently been popular among the wealthy in the country. After being injected, the wealthy daughters and wealthy women have all lost their fertility.

This incident has become more and more troublesome and has even alarmed the entire wealthy circle, so the police have also begun to intervene in this incident.

Yu Xiaoxiao had just brought Li Li out of Zhou Jin and was about to contact the male lead, but when they met, they suddenly received one call after another from the customers, and the phone was about to blow up.

Every phone call came to complain to her, and the tone was extremely vicious, as if she wanted to kill Yu Xiaoxiao.

"You cruel woman, actually recommended that kind of harmful injections to us. Now I can't even have a child. My husband is going to divorce me. You can let me see if I really get out If there is any problem, I will definitely not let you go!"

"Where are you hiding now? The domestic customers have used your things, and now they all have problems with the uterus, and they can't even give birth to children. We have contacted many customers and we are waiting for you to return Say, if you don’t give a reasonable explanation, be careful that we chase abroad to smash your place!"

"I'm not married yet, but the doctor checked that my uterus was aging, like eighty or ninety years old. I'm afraid I won't be able to give birth to any children in my life. I tell you all this is caused by your stuff. , You have to pay me, I want my womb!"

After receiving continuous complaints from such customers, Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it. He felt that the incident was getting worse and worse, so she had to plan to return home.

Looking at Li Li with a dull face, Yu Xiaoxiao took her to her residence: "Now you are staying here. I will go to China to deal with some things. Don't run around and eat. Everything is in the refrigerator. You can get it whatever you want. I should be back as soon as possible."

Seeing Li Li nodded obediently, Yu Xiaoxiao left here with peace of mind and went straight to the airport.

Because the issue of the old injection was too much trouble, the police had handed it over to some professional production staff for testing, but the final responses were all consistent.

"Although this thing has a little effect on delaying aging, its side effects are indeed very huge, because this medicine can damage a woman's uterus and make her lose her lifelong fertility, which is very harmful."

The conclusions given by the experts shocked the police and immediately became highly vigilant and ordered severe punishment for the person who sold and manufactured the eternal injection.

Soon, these customers reported to the police what Yu Xiaoxiao had sold to them, and the police quickly tracked Yu Xiaoxiao's whereabouts.

"We have just found out that this woman Yu Xiaoxiao is departing from abroad to China, and she is already on the flight. Her plane is on the way. We can prepare now. Once she lands, we will catch this person. stand up!"

The police quickly got the news, so they immediately sent a team to the airport.

Yu Xiaoxiao had just stepped off the plane and was about to look for those customers to deal with the matter, when she suddenly saw a large number of policemen rushing out in front of her and grabbed her with all his might.

"You..." Yu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to scream, but when she remembered the harm that those things had brought to others, she could only shut her mouth obediently and felt bad.

The news that Yu Xiaoxiao was arrested by the police quickly reached the male protagonist's ears.

The male protagonist was also shocked when he heard the news from the news.

"Bulao injection actually has such a big side effect. He should not be asked to open the market in such a hurry at the beginning. Instead, he should investigate the market feedback. Now that she has been arrested by the police, it will be useless to say anything. I'll talk about saving people."

The hero didn't care about other things now, and soon took one of the earliest flights and rushed back to the country, ready to rescue Yu Xiaoxiao.

At the same time, the anti-aging injection caused a huge sensation in China. In addition to the upper-class consumers, the chemical and biological experts have also been dispatched to explore this magical medicine.

Among them was Lu Haifeng, a doctor of chemistry, who was naturally more interested in this thing, and after hearing the news, he hated the people who produced it.

"People nowadays are utterly conscientious. With a little professional ability, they have created so many things that are harmful to people. I must find evidence that this thing damages the human womb and send those who are extremely sinful to prison. go with!"

Lu Haifeng is a person who hates evil and has superb professional ability, so he is particularly concerned about this matter.

Now, everyone in his research institute already knows that even if Dr. Lu doesn't do other business, he must rescue the man behind this thing and seek justice for those who have been hurt.

Soon, Dr. Lu’s assistant bought him some age-old injections from the market for Dr. Lu to study.

Yu Xiaoxiao was taken by the police to the Public Security Bureau at this time, and the news soon reached her father.

Yu Xiaoxiao’s father had also heard about the old injections, and originally hated the person who sold it, but when he heard that the thing was actually acting on behalf of his daughter, he was stunned there, as if suddenly petrified. .

It took a long time for Yu Xiaoxiao's father to wake up from the shock, with a very painful expression on his face.

"Impossible. How could my daughter do such a harmful thing? She must have been instigated, or she was in trouble. I don't believe she is such a vicious person, and she has been very kind since she was a child. "

Yu Xiaoxiao's father seemed to be a teenager suddenly old, muttering in his mouth, tears on his face already.

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