Layman System

Chapter 1389: Was shot

The door of the room was opened, Zhou Dong had a faint premonition in his heart, but he walked in quickly.

I looked around the room, but found that there was no one inside, and Li Li was not here at all.

"It seems that I'm a step late again. Li Li must have been taken away by Zhou Jin!"

Li Li was hidden in this place, only Yu Xiaoxiao knew about it, and without her order, Li Li would not run around, but now his people are gone, it must be because of Zhou Jin.

Zhou Dong also guessed this, and after hesitating for a long time, he still felt that he should return home.

"From the current situation, I am afraid I can only go back and find Yu Xiaoxiao. After all, there is a special connection between her and Li Li. Maybe now only she can figure out a way."

With this idea in mind, Zhou Dong didn't make more stops in the local area, and once again hurriedly ran to the airport and then flew to the country.

Having been running around for several days and nights, Zhou Dong didn't even have any time to rest, and all three meals a day were taken care of by the roadside, and rest was not even mentioned.

The situation is particularly urgent now. Zhou Dong has almost no time to sleep, almost sleeping on the plane for a while, and then hurriedly rushed to the police station where Yu Xiaoxiao was.

"Policeman, I want to visit Miss Yu Xiaoxiao." As soon as Zhou Dong arrived at the police station, he rushed to the duty officer, his tone was also anxious, his eyes were covered with red blood and he looked very embarrassed. .

The staff on duty checked Cha Yu Xiaoxiao's information, then reluctantly raised his head and glanced at Zhou Dong.

"This gentleman, Miss Yu Xiaoxiao has now been sentenced, because her crime is particularly serious, so she can no longer visit, you should go back."

Hearing this news, Zhou Dong felt very surprised in his heart, but what made him even more unexpected was that Yu Xiaoxiao's sentence would come so soon.

"We two met a few days ago. I didn't expect that she had been sentenced this time, and there was no chance to meet. The changes in the world are really unpredictable." Zhou Dong sighed silently in his heart. But there was no alternative, and I had to walk out of the Public Security Bureau in frustration.

Now Li Li and Xiaodong are nowhere to be seen, Zhou Jin also fled without a trace. Yu Xiaoxiao has been sentenced and Zhou Dong finally did not know what to do, because things are almost a mess. There is no chance to start at all.

"Yu Xiaoxiao knows most about Li Li and the three of them, but now his only hope has been sentenced, and he can't even see it in person. How can I continue this matter? Who can tell me?"

Zhou Dong has now fallen into a deep doubt. The whole person feels like they are falling apart, there is no direction at all, and his mental state has become extremely decadent, like a ship floating on the vast ocean. Like a small boat, I don’t know where to sail.

After coming out of the police station, Zhou Dong sat down on the steps of the roadside with a frustrated look, smoking cigarettes one by one, and he became at a loss.

Until the sun was about to set, Zhou Dong had only been doing this for a year. He stood up from the steps and returned to his home mechanically.

The room was terribly quiet and quiet, Zhou Dong felt that a deep sense of loneliness had completely surrounded him, and he could not see through it.

Turning on the TV in the living room, Zhou Dong suddenly fell down on the sofa, watching the picture on the TV boredly.

At this time a piece of news was being broadcast on TV. A female reporter with a microphone in her hand, with a serious expression, was talking endlessly, but Zhou Dong seemed to be unable to listen at all and she was dull.

"The following is the latest news for the general public. The old injection case that shocked the country some time ago has made new progress. It is said that the seller Yu Xiaoxiao has confessed to Zhou Jin, but Zhou Jin seems to have accomplices."

As soon as he heard the names of these people, Zhou Dong's eyes suddenly became more purple, and suddenly he bounced from the sofa and stared at the TV intently.

The hostess continued to say: "Just last night at 8 o'clock, the police had already grasped Zhou Jin’s trajectory, and when they were about to capture him, they suddenly rushed out two unknown people. They tried their best to protect Zhou Jin. As the police's persuasion was ineffective, the two men were shot dead on the spot."

At this time, the picture on the news had turned to the picture at the time of the shooting that night, Zhou Dong was almost shocked.

The people who appeared on the screen were not others, but Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang. Both of them had extremely excited expressions. They treated the police as if they were an enemy, holding a steel baton in their hands and fighting with the police.

The two of them wielded violently, and the police tried their best to avoid them.

"Put down the weapon in your hand, and surrender quickly, or we will shoot!" The policeman on the screen shouted loudly, and the guns had been aimed at Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang.

But Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang have already controlled their minds, how can they stop?

Zhou Dong had secretly guessed in his heart: "It must be the **** surnamed Zhou who gave them the order, which made their six relatives deny and attacked the police."

At this moment, two gunshots suddenly sounded on the screen, and then Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang fell down without any suspense.

Hearing these two sounds, Zhou Dong's entire heart was already contracting violently, and he could hardly believe what was happening before him.

"Impossible, Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang left me like this, how is this possible?" Zhou Dong's face showed a very painful expression, the whole person seemed to be suddenly tightened, his stomach cramped pain.

But at this time the hostess on the news continued to talk again.

"The two strangers who appeared at the scene have been killed by the police due to stubborn resistance. The police are still chasing Zhou Jin. What will happen next? We will give you further reports."

At this time, Zhou Dong had a strong anger in his heart, his eyes almost sparked, his hands clenched into fists, his teeth clenched, and he stared at the picture on the TV.

"Zhou Jin, you bastard, you are inferior to a beast. When I catch you, I must torture you so that you can also taste the taste of being tortured!"

The old injection case has caused a sensation in the city, and soon this news has been known to all citizens.

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