Layman System

Chapter 1390: Lu Haifeng's experience

At this time, Lu Haifeng was also sitting in front of the TV, blocking the whole process of news.

He now has a little more information than the police, at least he knows Zhou Dong's phone number and his relationship with this matter.

"At present, Zhou Jin is still at large. If I want to catch him quickly, I still have to rely on external forces. I am afraid that there is still no way to bring him to justice quickly. If you continue to flee, you will soon cause more harm to more people. I can't watch this happen!"

When Zhou Dong was at a loss, he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing, which was a strange number.

Although he was very confused, Zhou Dong still connected it mechanically.

Lu Haifeng’s voice came over there: "Mr. Zhou, I know you must be worried about the old injections, and your relatives and friends have been controlled by Zhou Jin. My name is Lu Haifeng. I can treat you in this matter. It helps. If you have time now, come out and meet me."

Suddenly hearing a stranger say this, Zhou Dong still had a lot of doubts in his heart, and his brows were already frowned.

"Who are you? I don't know a person named Lu Haifeng, and why do you say that you can help me? There is no cure for that kind of thing now on the market. I know this very well. Don't try to pass it. This thing lied to me."

Although Zhou Dong said it was special, he still held a faint hope in his heart, hoping that this person could really give a reasonable reason.

As expected, Lu Haifeng over there was silent for a while, and then gave Zhou Dong an unreasonable reason.

"Mr. Zhou, I understand that you have to be vigilant, but please think about it carefully. Now you have no way to go. What else can you do besides asking me for help? And I can assure you that I am a very regular Doctor of Biochemistry, I won't do things like Zhou Jin."

"If you still want to save your relatives, come and meet me, I promise you will not come in vain, and you will definitely get help from it, but I am not helping you in vain, I hope you can help me. A little busy, we can be considered mutually beneficial."

Although Zhou Dong was half-believing in his mind, he felt that the reason for what this person said was also good, so he set off directly to the place Lu Haifeng said.

In a bar, Lu Haifeng had already found a relatively remote corner, kept his gaze at the door, and was waiting for Zhou Dong.

About half an hour later, Zhou Dong's figure appeared at the entrance of the bar, but there was a very sad expression on his face, as if he was in a particularly bad mood.

At this time, Lu Haifeng hurriedly stood up, waved to Zhou Dong, and then saw this thin man approaching.

Zhou Dong was not in the mood to speak at all, just sat down in front of Lu Haifeng with a frustrated expression, waiting for him to speak.

At this time, Lu Haifeng suddenly took out something from the back of his bag and pushed it in front of Zhou Dong.

This is exactly the old-fashioned injection that Yu Xiaoxiao sells, that is, what makes those wealthy ladies injure the uterus.

"You must have something to do with this matter, am I right?" Lu Haifeng's two eyes were nailed to Zhou Dong's spot like eagles, looking straight at him.

Zhou Dong still glanced at the man opposite, but still did not speak, the expression on his face was particularly gloomy.

It seems that Lu Haifeng didn't mind Zhou Dong's performance, but started to introduce his own experience.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Zhou, I’m not a bad person, and since I asked you out, I just want to sincerely talk about this matter with you. My relationship with Zhou Jin was very good before, because it was all about biochemistry. , So we often communicate with each other."

"But once, Zhou Jin developed an r injection, showed it to me, and told me its use, but I was a little shocked at the time, and was particularly repulsive of this thing, so I persuaded him not to do this kind of business. But Zhou Jin severely rejected it."

"The two of us did not reach a unity on this matter. We had a big quarrel at the time, and we parted ways in the end. I didn't want to follow him to do such damaging things. Later, Zhou Jin did it alone."

Zhou Dong still didn't speak, just lowered his head with a gloomy expression, listening to the man talking endlessly.

What this man said is completely out of his own right now, and what Zhou Dong is most worried about right now is how to get Li Li and Yu Xiaoxiao out, and he doesn't have the time to listen to him talk about old things.

But Liu Haifeng didn't care at all, and continued to tell the story between himself and Zhou Jin.

"Since that incident, I have never contacted Zhou Jin anymore. Until recently, I saw on the news that an anti-aging injection was on the market, and I knew that it must have been developed by Zhou Jin."

"But he was very smart, and he found an agent to take care of himself. I originally thought that if I got evidence of that kind of thing, I could bring Zhou Jin to justice, but I didn't expect it to put Yu Xiaoxiao in jail. This is really something I don't want to see."

"I'm afraid Yu Xiaoxiao himself didn't know that that kind of thing would have such a huge side effect. It was completely used by Zhou Jin as a chess piece."

Lu Haifeng also sighed at this time, as if sympathizing with Yu Xiaoxiao's fate, and there was a hint of anger in his expression.

Regarding Zhou Jin's beast, he really felt that he was somewhat powerless.

Zhou Dong had been sitting there quietly, listening to Lu Haifeng's account, and when he finally stopped, he slowly raised his head and looked at him with a very cold look.

"Mr. Lu, you have called me out and talked so much. What is the purpose? Let's just say it. I don't have time to listen to you."

Lu Haifeng smiled: "Mr. Zhou is a very bold person, so let me just say it. Since I knew Zhou Jin was developing something harmful to people, I started to study its antidote, and now I have it. As a result, I have medicines that can relieve the control effect of the r injection."

After Zhou Dong heard the news, his eyes were already bright, and he stared at Lu Haifeng with a very eager look.

Lu Haifeng seemed to become a little excited at this time, and leaned forward slightly: "Mr. Zhou, as long as you can help me bring Zhou Jin to justice, I can use this antidote to rescue Yu Xiaoxiao. When those people's illnesses are resolved, Yu Xiaoxiao naturally doesn't have to go to jail."

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