Layman System

Chapter 1391: Zhou Jin's location

When Zhou Dong heard Lu Haifeng say this, a new wave of hope rose in his heart, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"That's great. As long as you can take out the antidote to this thing and rescue Yu Xiaoxiao, I will definitely cooperate with you. Zhou Jin's inferior thing, which hurts my relatives and friends, I am sure I won't let him go!"

Zhou Dong readily agreed to Lu Haifeng's request, but in fact he still had some faint worries in his heart. After all, he didn't know Zhou Jin's position now, let alone bring him to justice.

But now the most important thing is to reach cooperation with this person's doctor first, and the next thing is naturally the next step.

Lu Haifeng was also very satisfied with Zhou Dong’s performance, with a little smile on his face: "That’s good. With Mr. Zhou’s help, the two of us should be able to cooperate to catch Zhou Jin and hand him over to the police. People are brought to justice, so many people can be saved."

Zhou Dong also hurriedly shook Lu Haifeng's hand at this time: "Don't worry, I will definitely send a large number of people to look for Zhou Jin's traces, and I will contact you as soon as I hear from him."

The two chatted in the bar for a long time, and they split up until the night was very late.

But when Zhou Dong returned home, he just sat down on the sofa, his expression darkened.

"Although the antidote for the r injection is already there, Zhou Jin doesn't know where to escape now. I am still at a loss. How can I provide Lu Haifeng with clues?" Zhou Dong could only be disappointed. He sighed, took out a few cans of beer from the refrigerator, and started drinking again.

After a while, Zhou Dong's cell phone rang suddenly, and after looking at the telegraph, it was from the Tiangong organization.

"Zhou Dong, we know that you are now looking for Zhou Jin's whereabouts, but the organization has already grasped his position, do you want it?"

This is the one thing Zhou Dong wants to know the most. It is naturally extremely pleasant, but after thinking about it, the surprise in his heart is reduced by more than half.

"The Tiangong organization will definitely not provide me with information so plainly, and they will definitely ask for it."

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong said lightly: "Of course I need Zhou Jin's position, but I think you should assign me some new tasks."

Sure enough, Zhou Dong's guess was not bad. The person in charge over there laughed twice: "Mr. Zhou's guess is good. We now have clues about Zhou Jin and can provide you with it, but after you solve your wife's affairs, you must A promise to work in the organization for three years."

"During this period, everything must obey the organization's orders, and there must be no resistance. Can you accept this condition?"

Zhou Dong is now anxious to rescue his wife, of course he refuses to agree to any conditions, let alone a three-year mission, I am afraid that he will be willing even in ten years.

"I agree to your request. Give me Zhou Jin's position as soon as possible." Zhou Dong simply agreed to the request of the Tiangong organization.

The person in charge of the Tiangong organization seemed very satisfied, and soon sent Zhou Dong an address.

The next morning, Zhou Dong dialed Lu Haifeng's phone directly and told him the situation here.

"Mr. Lu, I have now obtained the specific position of Zhou Jin. We need to go to Country F together."

Lu Haifeng over there was also very excited about the news, with an expression of excitement on his face, and hurriedly put down his work.

"Well, now I will stop all work and rush to you right away. Let's go straight away, don't wait any longer."

The excitement shown by Lu Haifeng here made Zhou Dong feel a little confused, but he didn't think too much in his rush, so he set off with this person.

Ever since Zhou Jin had encountered domestic affairs, he had quickly absconded to Country F, and found a rich woman nearby.

The rich woman has a big company, and she is particularly interested in Zhou Jin's life-long injection, so she has been acting for his medicine.

But because of Yu Xiaoxiao's imprisonment, Zhou Jin has learned a lesson.

"Although this old-fashioned injection is very effective, it has powerful side effects and can harm women’s uterus. So you can only sell these things to those men and not to women, otherwise you will be imprisoned. Don’t ask me how I knew it, just do it.”

The rich woman naturally didn't know much about this thing, so she obeyed Zhou Jin's words. After all, he was the developer of this thing, and naturally knew more about this kind of medicine than anyone else.

"No problem, this drug has great potential in the market. Even if it is not sold to women, those men will really want to take credit. After all, who doesn’t want to live for a few more years, and those who are rich all feel rich If you can't finish spending, let them live a few more years, I'm afraid it will be great news for them."

When Zhou Dong arrived in F country with Lu Haifeng, he had already inquired that Zhou Jin had already approached a rich woman in F country.

"Now we need to check the background of this rich woman. It is not easy to get close to Zhou Jin directly. After all, he is now prepared for both of us, but if we can start from the hands of this rich woman, it may be more likely some."

Zhou Dong had already figured out a plan, and immediately sent his own hands to implement it.

Soon, his subordinates reported to Zhou Dong: "Brother Dong, we have already found the identity of the rich woman. Not only does she have many industries in country F, but it is also said that she has connections with some officials, and she is particularly powerful. The network is very rich. It can be said that in Country F, there is almost nothing she can't do.

Lu Haifeng on one side also heard the news, and felt disappointed in his heart.

"That means that even if we know Zhou Jin's traces, there is nothing we can do with him. Now the two of them have started to cooperate. If we move Zhou Jin, then the rich woman will definitely not let us go. "

Zhou Dong's brows also frowned at this time. Although he said that the opponent's strength was very strong, he didn't want to stop there.

"No, since we have spent such a lot of effort and have already caught up to this place, we must bring Zhou Jin to justice, otherwise the previous effort was wasted? Besides, I still have relatives in his hands. , This thing must be done no matter what, I will find a way next, then we will talk about it depending on the situation."

Lu Haifeng can only nod his head, after all, he has no better way, everything can only be ordered by Zhou Dong.

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