Layman System

Chapter 1392: Application assistant

Zhou Dong soon sent someone to inquire about the news from the rich woman's company and learned that they were hiring a group of assistants recently. He felt that this was an opportunity, and he felt excited.

"Great. This is really a great opportunity. They are applying for an assistant, and my F language is very good. I believe this matter will not be difficult for me."

Zhou Dong quickly prepared something for himself, and then came to the rich woman's company during the audition.

Since the rich woman's company is very well-known in her home country, as soon as there is a recruitment information, those people are all eager to apply.

When Zhou Dong rushed to the scene in the morning, he found that the front door of the company was already crowded, and many people were queuing to register information.

"This scene is simply more lively than the market. It seems that this rich woman's company is really famous." Zhou Dong couldn't help but sighed. People like him who have seen big scenes are also shocked by the scene. .

Just queuing in the morning took an hour, but Zhou Dong waited very patiently.

A chief examiner shook his head facing the interviewer in front, a disappointed expression appeared on his face, and then he called out Zhou Dong's name.

Zhou Dong adjusted his breathing, with a sunny smile on his face, sitting down in front of the chief examiner confidently.

The examiner had a very good impression of this young man, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the gloomy mood had also become a lot more cheerful because of this smile.

The chief examiner here speaks in the local language, but Zhou Dong has no difficulty listening and is very fluent in answering questions.

"Please introduce yourself and why you are applying for this position."

Zhou Dong smiled slightly. He had already prepared this question early, and at this time he answered fluently. He spoke the f language very fluently.

The interviewer nodded in satisfaction, with a brighter smile on his face, particularly satisfied with this young guy.

The chief examiner also happily communicated with several examiners next to him: "This young man speaks F language well, and he looks very energetic, has a good answer, and responds very quickly. If he applies for the assistant to the president, he will also It must be competent."

Zhou Dong sat across from him, and he had heard these chief examiners clearly, and he felt very happy in his heart.

"Hey, I have just passed the first round of interviews as soon as I got out. The challenge is still in the next round of interviews. If I can pass, it is estimated that I will be able to join the rich woman smoothly. , So you can get more information about Zhou Jin."

After leaving Zhou Dong with the satisfied eyes of the examiners, he soon returned to his place of residence and told Lu Haifeng the good news.

"I have just completed the first round of interviews for that company, and there will definitely be more stringent assessments."

At this time, Lu Haifeng had a very excited smile on his face, and there was a trace of worship in Zhou Dong's eyes.

"Oh, your level is really good. I didn't expect that you can communicate with them so smoothly in a place like a foreign country. You can definitely cope with the next challenge, and then we can get in quickly. Zhou Jin is now."

Zhou Dong was not as excited as Lu Haifeng, he just nodded slightly, and then considered the next question.

"Although it was easier to pass the interview this time, it was only an audition. And Zhou Jin didn't know that we had come to this place, but the next challenge should be a lot more difficult. Maybe as the interview progresses, Zhou Jin will notice In my capacity, we still have to make thorough preparations."

Lu Haifeng felt that Zhou Dongle's consideration was necessary, so he nodded solemnly, and then put forward his own views.

"You are right. Our action this time turned out to be carried out in secret. It needs to be well planned, and Zhou Jin is very cautious in doing things. If he finds any clues, all previous efforts will be ruined. Up."

Zhou Dong thought for a while, then made his request to Lu Haifeng.

"Well, I want to make a simple disguise for my face. At least, when Zhou Jin sees me for the first time, he won't like Yi Yi for my identity, and my voice will probably have to change. In the event of a last resort, if Gen Zhou Jin needs to speak, this will come in handy."

Lu Haifeng also nodded at this time, thought carefully for a while, and then gave Zhou Dong a more satisfactory answer.

"Well, I know some of the relatively high-tech technologies. Regarding the facial disfigurement you mentioned, I think maybe you can use the latest nanotechnology to make some slight adjustments to your face, which should make you a different person in a short time. A person."

With a mysterious color in Lu Haifeng's eyes, he smiled and looked at Zhou Dong.

"Moreover, this technology can also allow you to transform according to your own mind. I can choose to dress you up as a handsome and sunny guy. I remember, that rich lady is a woman, and maybe you will be treated with your handsome face. It’s fascinating, so that our plan will be much smoother."

Zhou Dong knew that Lu Haifeng was teasing himself, and he just sneered, thinking that this man was really boring.

"You are really boring, but in order for our plan to succeed, there is nothing wrong with me using beautiful men's tricks. Apart from facial modification, is there any way you can make my voice slightly change?"

At this time, Lu Haifeng had already figured out a good way, with a smug smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I have already considered this matter. I know that there is a magic potion that can change a person's voice. Even if Zhou Jin is standing in front of you, he will definitely not recognize you."

Seeing what Lu Haifeng had said, Zhou Dong also nodded in satisfaction, feeling a lot more settled in his heart.

"That's good. Our plan must be as thorough as possible, and there will be no flaws. If all these things are in place, I think I will be able to sneak into the rich woman smoothly and become her successfully. Assistant."

A particularly confident expression flashed on Zhou Dong's face, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he had a full grasp of this matter.

The interview procedure of the rich woman's company is very complicated. After Zhou Dong passed the first round of interviews, in the next few days, he participated in more and more stringent interviews.

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