Layman System

Chapter 1393: Rich woman's excitement

The interview round is stricter than the other round, and more and more people are removed. In the end, the number of people left has reached single digits. Zhou Dong is also one of them.

Due to his excellent language skills, agile mind, and outstanding business ability, Zhou Dong has been favored by the chief examiners, so his interview went smoothly until the final round.

In the end, all the interviewers had been censored, and the chief examiners looked at the young man and gave him a very satisfactory answer.

"Mr. Zhou, your business ability is very outstanding, and you have a cheerful and lively personality. You have passed our interview. We have a very high evaluation of you. However, if you want to apply for the assistant of the president, you need to conduct the last round of interview. The president himself will evaluate you."

A polite smile appeared on Zhou Dong's face, and he respectfully thanked the examiners.

"Thank you very much for the examiners' care and concern for me. I will definitely perform well in the next interview, and I will never disappoint the examiners' expectations and support for me."

The examiners nodded in satisfaction throughout the process, with gentle smiles on their faces, and they became more and more satisfied with this young man.

"That's good. We all look forward to you successfully passing this assessment. The next interview will be conducted in half an hour. You can simply prepare."

Zhou Dongluo stood up from the chair generously, bowed politely to the chief examiners, and then turned and walked out.

The company is very luxurious. Zhou Dong sat on a chair in the lounge, waiting patiently for the company's notice.

Touching his face casually, Zhou Dong couldn't help but teased in a low voice: "Haha, it seems that my face is quite suitable. I haven't felt any discomfort so far, and my voice seems to have become much different from before. It's different, it's almost like a different person."

When he was intoxicated, the door of the lounge was suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman with a very **** figure walked in and smiled at Zhou Dong politely.

"Mr. Zhou, the president will conduct the last round of interviews with you next. Please follow me to another room."

Zhou Dong nodded hurriedly, got up from the chair, adjusted his mood, followed this beautiful woman, and walked into a room.

But the moment Zhou Dong walked into the company, the whole person almost froze, and the blood rushed to the top of his head, and he froze in place, as if suddenly petrified.

Because besides the rich woman who came to interview him this time, there was another person he tried so hard to find, that was Zhou Jin.

At this moment, Zhou Dong felt that his heart was about to jump to his throat, almost a subconscious reaction, he wanted to escape from the door.

For a long time at that time, Zhou Jin didn't seem to have any unusual reaction to him. Zhou Dong's heart gradually calmed down, and then he remembered what he had changed, and finally he was relieved.

"Hi! Seeing that I'm nervous, I've obviously gone through disguise. Now that I see this person is still so nervous, I almost forgot about it. Now I am no longer the me I used to be. Zhou Jin wants to recognize me. I’m afraid it’s not that easy."

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong also showed a confident and unrestrained smile on his face, and walked straight into the middle of the room with his head straight up.

In addition to Zhou Jin in the room, there was another woman who wiped her face white, as if she had applied a layer of flour, and the lipstick on her mouth was very bright, as if she had drunk human blood. Feeling very uncomfortable in my heart, I can't help frowning.

"This rich woman is really ugly. I didn't expect Zhou Jin to spend so much time on such an ugly woman. It's really embarrassing for him."

Zhou Dong wondered inwardly. Although he didn't usually think about women too much, when he saw the rich woman in front of him, he still felt a kind of disgust and rejection in his heart. He felt that this person was really ugly.

But after thinking about it, Zhou Dong felt that such an idea was really ridiculous.

"Hey, rich woman, how can there be a few so beautiful, and relying on this woman's rights and status in F country, Zhou Jin should have also benefited greatly." Zhou Dong has already guessed the benefits between them. Relationship, so I just smiled.

When the rich woman saw a handsome young man walk into the room, her eyes lit up, as if she was particularly admired for him, and her attitude was naturally much more friendly.

Zhou Jin didn't have too many expressions on his face. Although he had a good relationship with the rich woman, after all, it was this woman's company, so it was inconvenient to intervene in many things. At most, it was just a reference.

"Hey, you look a bit like that male star of China, he is very handsome, I am his fan!" The rich woman suddenly let out a surprise cry, which made Zhou Dong stunned again.

"Heh, I didn't expect that the mask Lu Haifeng made for me is really good. It turns out that the appearance can also attract this rich woman. It seems that the chances of applying for success this time have increased a lot."

Zhou Dong secretly rejoiced in her heart. After all, this was an effect she hadn't expected, and she could also use her appearance to attract the attention of a rich woman.

What only surprised Zhou Dong was that although this rich lady looked particularly ugly, her reaction was very gentle, which really did not match her appearance.

Facing the rich woman's praise, Zhou Dong just smiled politely, which was regarded as a response to her.

Since Zhou Dong's appearance was particularly fond of, the rich lady didn't have the problem of too difficult assessment, but easily let him pass the final round of interview.

After almost ten minutes, the rich woman was very excited to announce: "Mr. Zhou, you have successfully applied for my assistant. You can come to work with me tomorrow, but you need to leave your contact information first. Give it to me so I can find you directly if I have a problem."

After Zhou Dong heard the news, he was naturally very excited, and he gave his phone number and personal information to the rich woman without hesitation, and then stood up politely.

"Boss, thank you very much for hiring me. Next, I will work hard to complete my task, and I will definitely treat this job well."

A particularly happy smile appeared on the rich woman's face, and then she watched Zhou Dong turn around and walked out, still staring at his handsome back, almost falling into a fantasy.

This interview really surprised her a bit, and still a little bit from ear to ear.

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