Layman System

Chapter 1394: Slender beauties?

"What an unexpected surprise. I didn't expect such a handsome guy to be selected during the interview. Then I will be really lucky in the future. Looking at such a handsome person every day, I will feel much better?"

After Zhou Dong came out of the rich wife's company, he soon returned to his residence and once again joined Lu Haifeng.

"How is it? What was the result of your interview today?" Lu Haifeng could not go to the interview with Zhou Dong, but he was very much looking forward to the result. As soon as he saw Zhou Dong walk into the house, he rushed up.

Zhou Dong just smiled slightly: "Hey, your Dong brother is out, is there any problem that can't be solved? I have passed the last round of interviews, and the rich lady agreed to hire me as her assistant."

"Really? That's amazing! Your ability is really outstanding, even I am very envious and jealous!" Lu Haifeng couldn't help sighing, and then pulled Zhou Dong into the room with a smile on his face.

"Oh, you are interviewing outside this day, and I am almost dying of anxiety when I am alone in the house. You can tell me the process of the interview quickly so that I can learn more."

There was nothing to be entangled by Lu Haifeng, and Zhou Dong had no choice but to talk to him about the interview, making him listen very seriously.

In the end, Lu Haifeng just sighed long: "Oh, luckily it's a talent like you. If you change someone, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter this final round of interviews. If it were me, it would be even worse. Yes, I’m just a little bit stronger in the biochemical aspects, and I’m just like an idiot in other aspects."

Zhou Dong didn't care about this, but began to consider his next actions.

"By the way, how long can the disguise technique you gave me last? I'm going to work tomorrow. If it doesn't last long, I'm afraid that rich woman will become suspicious." Zhou Dong's brows have already frowned. , I think this matter is indeed a big problem.

If the matter about the face is not resolved sooner, I am afraid that sooner or later the rich woman will see the clues.

But Lu Haifeng smiled confidently: "Don't worry, you can go to his job and you won't be back. This mask can last for two or three days. I will do some maintenance for you every day. If the money is replaced, there should be no mistakes."

Zhou Dong also knew that there was no other way, so he finally nodded and agreed.

"Looking at the current situation, I am afraid it can only be the case. I will pay a little attention." Zhou Dong was talking to Lu Haifeng when he heard his cell phone ringing.

The rich woman was already immersed in Zhou Dong's appearance. A few hours after Zhengdao Zhou Dong left, she couldn't wait to call him.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw that it was the mobile phone number of the new boss, he hurriedly connected it as quickly as possible.

"Boss, do you have anything to do with me? What can I do for you?" Zhou Dong's tone was serious.

But the rich woman's voice over there was full of a strange charm, and it seemed to become very charming.

"Handsome guy, we are not considered the relationship between superiors and subordinates tonight. We will just invite you out to meet, can we? I have booked a room in the hotel and will send you the location in a while."

Hearing this rich lady's request, Zhou Dong was stunned for a moment, feeling that countless grass mud horses flew past in his mind.

"No, this rich woman is too impatient. She has just passed the interview and asked me to do this kind of thing. This is ridiculous. How could I be asked for money by a woman, even though she I'm a rich woman, but I can't lose my dignity."

Zhou Dong was very resistant at first, but when he thought that this was to complete the task, he started a fierce thought struggle.

"What should I do now? The rich woman just fell in love with my handsome face. If I don't agree to her, I am afraid that the position I just interviewed will be ruined, and it is impossible to talk about being close to Zhou Jin, in order not to cause this. Women’s doubts, I’m afraid I still have to sacrifice my hue."

In the end, Zhou Dongqiang held back what was in his heart, and pretended to smile and agreed to the rich woman's request.

"Well, then I'll set off right away and see you in the hotel later."

"Bo..." As soon as Zhou Dong's voice fell, he heard the call, and a beautiful voice came from there. It seemed that the rich woman kissed the phone, which made Zhou Dong's heart get goose bumps.

The brain automatically filled in the picture of the ugly woman pouting, and Zhou Dong felt cold all over.

It was such a woman I was facing tonight, and I didn't know what actions she would do to her weak body, Zhou Dong seemed to be a little scared now.

Lu Haifeng also walked over with a smirk at this time, and he had heard all the conversation between Zhou Dong and the rich woman just now.

"Haha, it seems that the face I found for you is really good. It has successfully attracted the attention of the rich woman. She seems to be very interested now. Hurry up. For our plan to succeed, I have to sacrifice you. This handsome face is."

Zhou Dong gave Lu Haifeng a big eye, then turned around angrily.

"You don't know how ugly that woman looks. If you see it, you will definitely refuse it without hesitation. Now you dare to laugh at me. Be careful when I strike!"

Zhou Dong lay down on the bed with anger, his face was full of resistance and unwillingness.

Lu Haifeng was afraid that Zhou Dong would be so resistant, so he had to accompany his smiling face to say something nice to him: "Oh, I just made a joke with you, you should hurry up and go to the hotel, I am waiting for your good news!"

Zhou Dong rolled his eyes again angrily, put on his jacket, and set off toward the hotel reluctantly.

When he came to the door of the room given by the rich woman, Zhou Dong just opened the door and was stunned again, as if he couldn't move his legs or feet when he was slapped several times.

Standing in front of him was a very slim and **** beauty, and she was almost twice as thin as she saw during the day, with light makeup on her face, but she couldn't hide her angelic face. A superb beauty.

Zhou Dong's eyes widened, and when he looked at this woman, it was as if he had suddenly seen an immortal descending from the earth, and the shock could not be concealed in his eyes.

At that moment, Zhou Dong almost thought that he had gone to the wrong room, so he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check it out and confirmed the information above.

"Yes, it's this room, but this woman?"

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