Layman System

Chapter 1395: Sit still

Zhou Dong's heart was full of doubts, as if he could not understand the scene before him at all.

The rich woman also saw the surprise in Zhou Dong's heart, but she smiled and took his arm and walked into the room.

"Are you surprised to see me like this? It feels like a different person during the day?" The rich woman finally smiled and said, the voice was almost exactly the same as during the day, gentle and sexy.

Zhou Dong only reacted from the shock just now, realizing that this woman was the rich woman who interviewed him during the day, and then looked at her with a very shocked look.

"You are the person who interviewed me during the day, but what is the situation? How do you look different from the day, what is going on?" Zhou Dong's heart was full of doubts.

The rich woman just smiled faintly, and quickly explained the reason for this to him.

"Actually, I think you have seen it. I made myself a disguise, and deliberately dressed up a little ugly. You know, I am a woman, owning such a big company under my hand, with countless wealth, and still Being single, without a man around him, is still very dangerous, so I can only think of such a way."

Zhou Dong glared at the woman in shock, and then nodded suddenly.

"So, I didn't even see that if you didn't restore your true appearance, I thought you were still that kind of ugly woman."

Zhou Dong directly expressed the thoughts in his mind, without covering up, let alone complimenting this woman because she was her boss.

This attitude greatly admired the rich woman, and she had a better impression of Zhou Dong.

A satisfied smile appeared on the rich woman's face, and she praised Zhou Dong: "You are still very sincere. You are not the same as those men who just want to flatter me."

With that said, the woman walked towards Zhou Dong with a smile on her face, stretched out two snow-white arms and hooked Zhou Dong's neck.

Zhou Dong's heart just calmed down and jumped wildly again, anticipating what the woman would do next, and hurriedly escaped from the stool.

"Well, it's not very good for the boss to do this. I already have a wife and I'm already married." Zhou Dong hurriedly stated his identity and distanced himself from the rich woman.

Such a move shocked the rich woman, but there was a trace of admiration and appreciation in Zhou Dong's eyes.

"Unexpectedly, this man is quite principled. In the face of a **** and charming beauty like me, he is not confused at all. It seems that he is indeed a very unusual person. Maybe I should respect him."

The woman did not continue to seduce Zhou Dong, but consciously kept a certain distance from him, and then smiled.

"Hehe, don’t be nervous, the action just now is just a test of my test of you. It seems that you are a very principled person, so I can rest assured that now I have nothing more to do, you can also leave from here Yes, remember to report to the company on time tomorrow morning."

Zhou Dong looked at the woman in surprise, and then hurriedly left the hotel and returned to the residence again, feeling a heart still thumping.

Facing such a **** stunner just now, Zhou Dong almost couldn't control it. After all, he was a normal man.

But for Li Li, Zhou Dong suppressed the primitive desire in his heart at the last moment, and did nothing to the female boss.

"Oh my god, according to me, this is the last test for that woman. Facing such a **** beauty, I am afraid that few men can escape it. Fortunately, I didn't have a fever in my head, otherwise I am afraid now. Already committing a crime."

But after this incident, the rich woman is more interested in men's football, and thinks that he can be reused, so she will take him on various occasions.

In addition, Zhou Dong applied for the role of assistant, so everything went very naturally.

However, Zhou Jin was very vigilant towards Zhou Dong, the new assistant. He never talked about important things in front of him, and he would avoid him every time.

At noon that day, the rich woman called Zhou Jin over again to talk about the agency, but Zhou Jin looked at Zhou Dong who was standing behind the rich woman and frowned again.

"It's okay. This person is my newly hired assistant, and he has a very good character. I trust him very much. If you have anything, you can just say it directly. There will be no problems. I will be responsible for anything."

The rich woman had already seen Zhou Jin's doubts and hurriedly spoke for Zhou Dong.

But Zhou Jin had already experienced that in China, so he was very careful about the next situation. He couldn't trust a rookie like Zhou Dong at all.

"I'm really sorry, I don't have any opinion on the person you chose, but the more secret our transactions are, the better. There don't need to be too many people to know. After that time, things may happen. Yes, before we talk about formal topics, I still hope this person can go out and avoid it."

In order not to arouse Zhou Jin's suspicion, after Zhou Dong asked the rich woman for instructions, he walked out of the house consciously, closed the door gently for them, and deliberately raised the footsteps very heavily and walked away.

As expected, Zhou Jin pricked up his ears, listened to Zhou Dong's footsteps, and realized that he had been far away from the door, and then he spoke.

Zhou Dong has been working for a few days in the company in Phu Quoc. Ru Haifang was also very curious about his situation. When Zhou Dong just returned home from work, he immediately asked him questions.

"You have been with that rich woman for several days now, and you have had a lot of opportunities to meet Zhou Jin. How is the situation going? Tell me quickly."

Lu Haifeng's expression looked very anxious, as if he was much earlier than Zhou Dong.

At this time, Zhou Dong only frowned slightly, remembering Zhou Jin's vigilant performance over the past few days, and shook his head slightly.

"My situation is not particularly good, so I have been able to get close to the rent these days, but he is very defensive to me, and I still haven't figured out the situation, is Li Li in his hands?"

"Let’s not talk about these situations, but as far as I have observed, this rich woman is now acting for Zhou Jin’s medicines and has a very good attitude towards him. There is no chance to attack him. I think we may have to do it and many more."

But when Lu Haifeng heard Zhou Dong say this, he became anxious.

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