Layman System

Chapter 1396: Do it yourself

"Wait, wait, how long have you been waiting? Now that you have finally found a chance to get close to Zhou Jin, you have been reluctant to do it. Wouldn't it be a waste of good opportunities?"

Facing Lu Haifeng's anxious performance, Zhou Dong's heart was also surprised, staring at the man in front of him with a particularly suspicious look.

"Does this man really want to send Zhou Jin to the police station? I think his purpose may not be so simple. Otherwise, why would he be more anxious than me? My wife is still in Zhou Jin's hands. Well, now the whereabouts are unknown, and I am not as anxious as him."

However, these were only speculations in Zhou Dong's mind. Because of the evidence on hand, he had to give up.

And this Lu Haifeng didn't look like a particularly bad person, so Zhou Dong didn't care about him.

"Lu Haifeng, I think it's better not to act rashly on this matter. Now we finally have news of loyalty. If we act rashly, it is very likely that we will be stunned. He will raise our vigilance again, so that we will have difficulty acting again.

To comfort his partner, Zhou Dong patiently explained a lot to him.

"Furthermore, now that I still have relatives in the hands of the other person, don't I worry? But it's useless to be anxious, we still have to think of a reliable way."

Although Lu Haifeng didn't say anything on the surface, deep grievances had accumulated in his heart, and he seemed to be particularly dissatisfied with Zhou Dong's actions.

"Okay, okay, don't say so much, anyway, now you have chosen the trust of the female boss, and then just a little bit more work, you can catch Zhou Jin, I hope you next Act faster, after all, we can’t just wait forever.”

Lu Haifeng said impatiently and turned back to his room. The door slammed shut, looking very impolite.

Zhou Dong just frowned, ignored the person, turned around and went back to his room.

But from this day on, Lu Haifeng's attitude towards Zhou Dong was not as kind as before, and every time he came back, he began to urge him about Zhou Jin.

Zhou Dong's answer the previous few times was fairly patient. He kept asking Lu Haifeng to wait a little longer. He was working hard, but when he got there, he felt annoyed and didn't want to talk to this person anymore. Instead, he was busy implementing his own. plan.

That night, Lu Haifeng had already waited and was really impatient. Hearing the sound of the door outside, he rushed out, staring at Zhou Dong with an angry look.

"You have been in that company for more than a week now, but there is no progress at all. Don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

Zhou Dong was annoyed by this person, but he could only turn his head helplessly: "Isn’t I working hard? The reason for this is that I just want to make the plan more secure. You are so anxious. Is it useful?"

But Lu Haifeng now seems to have exhausted the last bit of patience, and he is even more dissatisfied with Zhou Dong's attitude.

"You accompany the female boss in and out to eat, drink and have fun every day. I am afraid that life is quite comfortable. Do you know how anxious I am to wait here every day? You have to make that mask for you every day. You think in my heart Will you be in a hurry?"

At this time, Zhou Dong also felt that Lu Haifeng's words were a bit too much, with a trace of anger on his face.

"Lu Haifeng, let me tell you, we are just a cooperative relationship. When the time comes, you will go to Zhou Jin and I will go to my wife, but now you have no right to point fingers at me. As I said, I have been doing my own The plan is just not the right time."

"If you really think I'm doing something wrong, you can figure out what you can do and cooperate with me. You disrespect me too much. I am very angry with your behavior, and don't ask again. I have such a thing."

Lu Haifeng's eyes seemed to shoot an angry flame, staring at Zhou Dong fiercely.

"And today, let's pick up the words clearly. You are not allowed to bother me again. If you bother me again, I will move out from here. I will find someone to deal with the mask. I can do it without you."

Zhou Dong's tone was very cold, but an angry flame was already burning in his heart, he gave Lu Haifeng a fierce look, and then turned back to his room.

Staring at Zhou Dong's back, Lu Haifeng was even more furious, gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Well, since I don't have the ability to persuade you to act, then I have to do it myself." Lu Haifeng murmured, and then returned to his room, lying on the bed angrily, the anger in his heart had not disappeared. .

On Zhou Dong's side, in addition to working with your boss every day, he secretly sent his men out to investigate news and inquire about Li Li's traces.

At noon that day, when Zhou Dong was resting, he suddenly received a message about Zhou Jin's situation.

"Brother Dong, we have already checked the hotel where Zhou Jin lives, and have been spying on his whereabouts secretly. In this period of time, apart from going to the hotel and meeting the female boss, he has hardly been to other places. Maybe Li Li Not in his hands, this is the news we have received so far."

Zhou Dong frowned once again when he received this message.

"According to this, Li Li is probably not in Zhou Jin's hands, but the current situation is still uncertain. Only after the final situation is completely determined, can I act on this man. Now I need to keep him under surveillance. To prepare for future actions."

Zhou Dong had his own preliminary plan based on the situation here, but he did not expect that Lu Haifeng had secretly planned to do it himself.

When I arrived at the office in the afternoon, the female boss suddenly told Zhou Dong: "We are going to see Zhou Jin this afternoon to discuss business with him. You will prepare the car later. We will leave in 10 minutes."

Zhou Dong hurriedly agreed, and quickly drove the car downstairs to the company, and saw that the rich woman had already walked over.

When the rich woman got in the car, Zhou Dong stepped on the gas pedal and led her to the hotel where Zhou Jin lived.

But when the car was halfway down the road, the rich woman suddenly received a call.

Zhou Dong did not hear what was said on the phone, but saw that the face of the rich woman sitting next to him had changed.

Hanging up the phone, the rich woman said directly: "Let’s go back, the hotel where Zhou Jin is staying is on fire."

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