Layman System

Chapter 1402: Halfway

As soon as he got the news from his wife, Zhou Dong was not in the mood to continue to criticize the rich woman for doing things here, but planned to return to the country immediately.

"Well, thank you for telling me the news. I will go back to China to find Li Li now!"

Although Zhou Dong has reached a contract with the rich woman, the most important thing for Zhou Dong now is to trace Li Li's whereabouts, so he stopped a car on the road and rushed to the airport.

But the rich woman had already guarded against Zhou Dong's actions, because she was afraid that Zhou Dong did not want to work for herself, so she sent some people to watch him secretly, but Zhou Dongjiao didn't notice.

Anticipating that Zhou Dong's figure had been in the car, several people who were observing in the dark immediately notified the rich woman.

"You said that he has already rushed to the airport. It seems that this person is not going to perform the task. I am afraid that he is looking for a chance to escape." A particularly angry expression appeared on the rich woman's face, and she soon became a group of subordinates. command.

"Now immediately take a group of the most capable assistants and stop him. He must not be allowed to leave the airport of Country F. If this task cannot be completed, I will make you look good!"

Hanging up the phone, the rich woman's whole person was very bad, she was very angry, and felt that Zhou Dong had betrayed her.

A group of people quickly got into the car and flew towards the airport.

When Zhou Dong's car was still driving on the road, he suddenly saw several cars rushing out from behind and blocked in front of him.

The driver was shocked by the sudden situation, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes at the fastest speed.

Even if both of them were wearing seat belts, they were still dizzy from the bumps. When they finally awake, Zhou Dong's heart burst into flames.

The driver also began to curse, "Are you people blind? Can you drive? Driving like this will kill people, you understand?"

Just as the driver was poking his head out to yell at him, seven or eight sturdy men had walked down from the black cars in front, all with heavy weapons in their hands.

The driver suddenly swallowed when he spoke, as if he was suddenly hit in the mouth. The whole person was shocked.

"Oh my God, did you encounter some thugs? These people are all heavy machine guns in their hands. These are not ordinary bandits. What should we do? The two of us should run away now!"

The driver was already trembling with fright, and was shaking when he spoke.

After finally understanding the identity of the group of people in front of him, the driver was already ready to take Zhou Dong on his way.

But Zhou Dong immediately understood what was going on with these people, the expressions on their faces were still so cold, they had taken the seat belts, pushed their cars, and landed on the ground.

"Hey, don't you want to kill your kid? These people seem to be wicked criminals. If you go on like this, you will die immediately!"

The driver was still yelling in the car. He really couldn't understand Zhou Dong's behavior. He stared at the young man in shock, caring about him in his heart, and secretly squeezed sweat in his palms.

Zhou Dong was also very grateful for this person's behavior, but he looked back at him and spoke lightly.

"It's okay. People like them are here to find me. They have nothing to do with you. You can go by yourself now."

The driver didn't seem to react. Zhou Dong was there for a long time, only to understand what was going on.

The sturdy guys didn't look at her at all, they just focused all their eyes on Zhou Dong, and walked toward him coldly.

"Mr. Zhou, I think the cooperation between you and your boss has not been completed yet, why are you leaving in such a hurry? It's better to go back with us and finish the task."

What the person said was very plain and didn't seem to have any compulsive meaning, but Zhou Dong knew that this time he could not leave anyway.

In order to get him back from here, the rich lady has sent such a huge team, and with so many heavy weapons, if he dared to resist the slightest bit, I am afraid he would have been shot through by bullets.

"Hehe, your boss has really lost money. In order for me to go back and help her do things, it was really hard to put on such a big stage, I think I can't leave today."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth, and he was not afraid of these people at all.

"Mr. Zhou is a very smart person, so I don't need to spend any more words. It's useless to say more now. Get in the car and we will take you back."

The driver still stared at Zhou Dong with a look of astonishment. He didn't seem to have thought that this ordinary looking young man was actually related to these gangsters.

Zhou Dong turned around at this time and glanced at the driver: "There is nothing more to do here, let him leave safely."

Those people didn't even look at themselves, but directly took Zhou Dong into the car.

I didn't seem to have been from the shock just now, and the palms of my two palms were still cold. After the people's car had gone far away, I finally recovered and let out a long sigh of relief.

His whole body was like a ball that was suddenly discouraged, suddenly limp on the steering wheel.

"Oh my God, the scene just now was really thrilling. If I did anything inappropriate, I'm afraid I would be beaten into a hole on the spot."

After calming down, the taxi driver drove his car and ran away quickly.

Zhou Dong was quickly escorted to the rich woman and saw the woman staring at him with such an angry expression.

"Don’t think about running away. If you don’t help me find out what Zhou Jin made, you won’t be able to escape from this country anyway. If you have to fight against me, then I will ask someone to kill you. , If you don’t believe it, you can just wait and see."

"My wife has news now. I have to go back to find someone. I'm not in the mood to accompany you to discuss any cooperation here. Moreover, Zhou Jin's whereabouts are uncertain. It will take a lot of time to find clues, which will delay me. Save people."

But the rich woman simply ignored Zhou Dong's difficulties and demanded that he must stay here and do things for himself.

"I don’t care what difficulties you have. Since you have agreed to cooperate with me, you should carry it through to the end. If you run away again, don’t blame me for being impolite. I’m not giving You are kidding."

Zhou Dong glared at the woman in front of him with an angry look, with great resentment in his heart, and his teeth clenched tightly.

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