Layman System

Chapter 1403: Chase again

If it hadn't been for someone to tie his hands now, Zhou Dong would definitely jump up at this time and slap the woman directly.

But both hands had been restrained, and Zhou Dong could only greet the whole family of this woman in his heart.

"Huh! If you don't let me go, I won't go? It seems too naive, can it be cured by your little means? I must go back to Li Li, this time Let her continue to disappear from my sight."

Zhou Dong gave the woman a hateful look, and pondered inwardly.

The rich woman saw that Zhou Dong had already come down, so she ordered the people under her opponent: "Put him in that small room and take care of him. Don't let him run away."

Several people came forward, grabbed Zhou Dong's two arms roughly, and escorted him to a small room next door.

The door slammed shut, and Zhou Dong stood alone in the empty small room, turning his head and looking around the room.

This is a small room not too big, with glass inlaid on the front and back walls.

Except for the door, these two glasses are places of escape, and Zhou Dong has his own plan in mind.

Walking gently to the door, Zhou Dong put his ear on it. After listening for more than half an hour, he noticed that there seemed to be a slight noise at the door, and Zhou Dong frowned.

"It seems that someone is guarding the door, but I don't think there are more than two people at most. If you can find a way to confuse them, you can escape."

Turning his eyes, Zhou Dong glanced at the sky from the window, ready to take advantage of the approaching night to implement his actions.

"Now it's almost time for dinner, and I will run away from the house while they are eating. At that time, their defenses were the weakest, so just do it."

With this plan, Zhou Dong sat in the house calmly, and immediately began to untie the rope tied to his hand.

Zhou Dong is still unaware of this kind of trick. It took him about ten minutes to untie the rope tied to his hand, but in order not to arouse the other party’s suspicion, he still held his hands tightly behind his back and waited. At the right time.

After waiting for about an hour, Zhou Weiran heard a sound of footsteps outside, followed by the voice of several people talking.

"It's dinner, you two hurry up to settle the dinner, and you will continue to stand guard here in a while." A stranger's voice sounded, Zhou Dong's eyes were already lit up.

"It's now, the opportunity is here!" Zhou Dong thought silently in his heart. He walked quietly behind the door again, with his ears pressed tightly on it, and he hurried away when he heard the sound of two people's footsteps. The rope in my hand.

Although the window was airtight, it was easily opened. Zhou Dong looked around and found that no one was standing guard here. He hurriedly jumped out of the window. Under the cover of the dark night, he quickly ran to the building. On the road, a taxi was easily brought in.

"Driver, hurry to the airport. The speed must be fast!" As soon as Zhou Dong got into the car, he urged with a panic expression, and at the same time nervously looked from the rear window to see if anyone was chasing him.

Zhou Dong's heart became a little calmer when he realized that the rich woman's people had not followed up.

The driver also became very curious about the young man's strange behavior. He looked at him in the rearview mirror, but in the end he said nothing.

After the rich woman's men had dinner, they also brought a simple dinner to Zhou Dong by the way.

Because the boss once explained that for this person, as long as he is to be watched, he can't be abused. After all, he is a rare talent, so these people all follow suit.

Opening the door, the two guards suddenly panicked.

Because there was no one in this empty room, Zhou Dong had already escaped without a trace.

The two people hurriedly looked at each other, all of them plopped and jumped up, and quickly ran to the two windows.

"He escaped from here, this window has already been opened!" A man pushed a window open easily and hurriedly yelled to his companion.

"Broken, he escaped under the hands of the two of us. We cannot escape the blame this time, but now we still have to report the news to the boss as soon as possible. This may reduce the loss a little, and it will be regarded as a compensation."

The two rushed to the rich woman's room, told her the news, and saw that the rich woman's face was pale with anger.


The rich woman directly grabbed the tea cup in her hand and threw it to the ground. The fragments cracked on the ground, making a crisp sound.

The two of them were shocked and stunned, looking at their boss in fright.

"Boss, the two of us really didn't mean it. He stayed in the house before eating, but when we went back, the people were gone!"

"You two rubbish, don't hurry to chase me now!" Although the rich lady was very angry at the stupid actions of these two men, the most important thing now is to catch Zhou Dong back, so it is not on them. waste time.

"Yes, let's get people back now!" The two hurriedly got up from the ground and hurriedly ran outside to call for someone.

The rich woman also knew that these two men were not Zhou Dong's opponents at all, so she had gathered a group of elites under her and took them to the airport in person.

Zhou Dong was panicked on the road. After all, he had the experience of being intercepted by a rich woman last time. This time he was more cautious and urged the driver to speed up.

As soon as he saw the airport, Zhou Dong's car suddenly braked again and stopped abruptly in the middle of the road.

Looking up, Zhou Dong said in his heart: "No! This rich woman is chasing me again!"

But before he could react, the rich woman took a few of her men and walked straight to the taxi, her expression on her face was particularly gloomy.

The subordinates had opened the door of the taxi and dragged Zhou Dong down from above.


Just when Zhou Dong was about to resist, he suddenly saw a large cloud of mist sprayed in front of him.

In the next second, Zhou Dong suddenly felt that his head became groggy, his whole body began to weaken, and his body fell softly to the ground.

"You..." Zhou Dong exhausted all his strength and wanted to struggle again, but in the end he could only close his eyes under the effect of the drug.

"Take him to the secret room!"

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