Layman System

Chapter 1404: You are a slave

Zhou Dong's soft body was dragged up from the ground by several people and thrown into a black car behind.

After about half an hour, the light in the secret room turned on again, and a man fainted to the ground. The rich woman and some of his men waited for him with a cold expression.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Dong suddenly opened his eyes slowly, looked up at the dim lamp above his head, and turned his neck with difficulty.

His sight gradually became clear, Zhou Dong was suddenly surprised to find that he seemed to be locked in a very closed place, and when he turned his head, he saw the group of rich women.

Seeing Zhou Dong finally awake from the coma, the rich woman gave a cold smile to her execution, and looked at the man in front of her with a condescending look.

"Zhou Dong, your behavior really disappointed me. This is the second time you have run away. I don't think there is any need to trust you in the future. Since you are so disobedient, then I have to treat you. Use a little unusual method."

"What are you doing?" Zhou Dong's spirit suddenly became tense, and he felt a little uneasy about each appointment.

With the dim lights, the closed room, and the deep group of carved men, is this woman ready to lynch herself here?

However, Zhou Dong also has a little skill, and he is really not afraid of those strong men.

But he was still wrong. The rich woman was already calmly speaking at this time: "Zhou Dong, let me tell you the truth, now you have been given an R injection in your body, so I can only follow my orders. From now on, you are my slave. No matter what order I issue, you will execute it."

Zhou Dong's eyes widened in shock, as if he couldn't believe his ears, staring at the woman in front of him incredulously.

"Impossible, I don't believe you have injected me with that kind of thing!" Zhou Dong's voice almost trembled.

After all, it is a terrible thing. As long as it is injected, it is equivalent to a mindless machine. Even if others let yourself jump off the building, I am afraid I will not hesitate at all.

Zhou Dong had already heard about the various side effects of this injection from Yu Xiaoxiao, so he was very repulsive of this stuff.

But now suddenly he heard that the rich woman had injected the thing into his body, Zhou Dong suddenly couldn't accept it. The news was too shocking for him, it was simply unacceptable.

The rich woman saw Zhou Dong's shocked and unbelievable look, and a smug smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Haha, there is no way, who made you not listen to me so much? Originally, I valued you so much, so I just wanted to talk to you about cooperation, but since you don’t know good or bad, I can only use this method Control you. If you don’t, what should you do next time you sneak away?"

"You vicious woman, why do you want to do this to me?" Zhou ** Ran shouted at the rich woman.

This kind of thing can not only control people's thoughts, but once injected into the body, there is almost no possibility of reversal. Zhou Dong is afraid that he will be the hard work of this woman in his life, and he is naturally extremely angry.

All of a sudden, Zhou Dong was about to come to a life and death duel with this rich woman, almost wanting to tear her to pieces.

But before he rushed to the rich woman, a few sturdy men flashed out from one left to the right, and immediately caught Zhou Dong's two arms.

Then, a sturdy man raised his foot and kicked it, which happened to hit Zhou Dong's knee.

Zhou Dong's legs softened, and the whole person knelt on the ground again, but his eyes had become red from congestion.

"You insidious and vicious woman! Why do you do this? I don't believe it. Now my mind is not controlled by you. I don't believe what you said. You didn't control me!"

Zhou Dong suddenly realized that he still had an independent consciousness. He neither believed nor followed this woman's words.

"Oh? Do you really think so?" A mocking smile appeared on the corner of the rich woman's mouth. "It seems that I have to show you on the spot, otherwise you still don't believe it in your heart."

Zhou Dong's heart has sunk, and he feels that his body is gradually getting cold. If this matter is true, then he doesn't know if he can bear it.

The rich woman had already lightened her red lips: "Zhou Dong, help me take off his coat."

The rich woman's eyes have turned to the sturdy man on Zhou Dong's left, with a meaningful smile on her face. She looked at Zhou Dong and seemed to be ready to appreciate the effectiveness of the drug.

"Oh, I haven't tried the effect of this thing when I just got it. I didn't think that the first use was actually on you. Next, let me appreciate the charm of this thing, why are so many people? Willing to pay a big price for it."

Zhou Dong, who was originally very clear-headed, heard this order from the rich woman, and felt that his head was suddenly hit by someone, and then he entered a state of representative system, with nothing in his head. Now, only the order the rich woman just made.

Moreover, this order became stronger and stronger in Zhou Dong's consciousness, urging him to complete this matter.

His eyes became dull, Zhou Dong slowly turned his head to look at the man on the left, stretched out his hand and took off his coat.

Seeing Zhou Dong's performance, the rich woman gave a satisfied smile at the corner of her mouth, and stared at him with a smile.

Seeing the miraculous effect of the medicine, the other subordinates all had a particularly shocked light in their eyes, and they stared at Zhou Dong with a smile on their faces.

About ten seconds later, Zhou Dong woke up from the command just now, and then he saw that he was holding a strange coat in his hand, his brows were frowning tightly, as if he didn't know what happened just now.

"Hahaha, Zhou Dong, I just proved to you that now you are my slave and I am your master. No matter what order I have in the future, you will execute it!"

Only then did Zhou Dong wake up from his consternation. He turned his head and looked at the man standing next to him and finally understood that the rich woman had already given him an order just now, and he had also unconsciously fulfilled her request.

A large swath of cold sweat oozes from his back, and Zhou Dong's whole body is sinking toward the bottom of the abyss.

"No! No way! I can't become this woman's machine, or the fruit is too terrible, and I don't dare to predict what I will do!"

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