Layman System

Chapter 1411: Mystery

But the fat man just talked about it and didn't mean to give out the money at all, so the waiter still stood there and didn't move.

But the waiter's behavior became even heavier, and the anger in the fat man's heart raised the fat hand high, ready to hit him in the face.

Although Zhou Dong had been sitting next to him, he saw the whole process in his eyes. He felt that this fat man had acted too much, and he couldn't bear to see the waiter being beaten, so he suddenly spoke.

"Well, I have a super black card here. Take it and get a bottle of Lafite from 1982. Stop making trouble."

Zhou Dong already had a black card in his hand at this time, and politely handed it to the waiter, smiling slightly at her.

The waiter seemed to have seen a savior, and a smile of surprise appeared on his face immediately, then he took the card handed over by Zhou Dong with both hands, and cast a particularly grateful look at him.

"Thank you gentleman, I'll bring you the wine right away. Wait a moment."

The waiter left this place as if fleeing for his life, but the expression on the fat man's face was completely shocked, as if he was suddenly hit with dozens of mouths.

Staring at Zhou Dong with an extremely surprised look, the fat man did not speak for a long time.

What is the identity of this man? He can actually come up with a super black card, which is much higher than my card level. What does he do?

A lot of doubtful glances have appeared in the heart of the good man, and he has been staring at Zhou Dong, looking very rude.

An Moqi already knew Zhou Dong's identity and assets, so she was not surprised by this kind of thing, with a calm expression on her face.

But seeing the weird look in the fat man's eyes, An Moqi's brows wrinkled slightly, and she felt that this man's behavior was really impolite, and she hated him in her heart.

"This man is really annoying, and he is completely a local bun, what he can't afford, don't you think others can't afford it? Staring at others like this is really no education at all, he is completely a local tyrant. Not at all level."

An Moqi also secretly stole a disgusting glance at the fat man, and then turned to look out the window.

The waiter quickly brought a bottle of Lafite 1982 from the inside bar and put it on the table with a smile on his face.

"This is the wine you want. Please use it slowly." The waiter's emotions have also calmed down, with the same smile on his face, and he politely greeted them a few words, then turned and left.

At this time, the fat man didn't have much interest in wine. Instead, he turned all his attention to Zhou Dong and kept guessing the mysterious identity of this person.

Turning his head and looking at An Moqi who was sitting across from him, the fat man said, "Hehe, Miss An Moqi, is this man your friend? Why have you never heard of you mentioning that we have worked together for so long? Time is running out, it seems that you exchanged very little information with me."

An Moqi knew that Zhou Dong didn't want to reveal his identity in front of such a person, so she didn't answer the person in charge of the communications company, but smiled and greeted him.

"Oh, boss, you are a little worried when you say that. The time for the two of us to cooperate is not long, and your business is so busy, how can you have time to chat with me? I didn't deliberately want to hide you, just But neither of us talked about this topic."

Zhou Dong didn't know that this fat man wanted to inquire about his identity, but he felt that his attitude had suddenly changed a lot, and he felt very satisfied in his heart.

When the fat man heard An Moqi's answer, the expression on his face went gloomy again, thinking that she was not answering what she was asking.

However, he didn't give up on asking An Moqi about Zhou Dong's identity.

"Hehe, it seems that the communication between the two of us is still a bit too little. I must spare more time to chat in the future. Do you still have many such friends who can introduce me? For example, give me your friends. The introduction, the two of us don’t know each other."

The fat man's face was already showing a very complimentary smile, and he was anxious to befriend Zhou Dong.

With Zhou Dong's shot just now, his status is higher than his own. I don't know how many levels he is. If he can make friends with such a big man, his career will be much smoother in the future.

The fat man made his own calculations in his heart, desperately wanting to get close to Zhou Dong.

However, Zhou Dong had a very bad impression of the fat man. If it weren't for Li Li and Yu Xiaoxiao, he would not come to him at all. Naturally, he had a very cold attitude towards him.

An Moqi had been pestered by the fat man, feeling helpless in her heart. In the end, there was really no way. Only then did she euphemistically tell the fat man some information about Zhou Dong.

"Hehe, my friend is actually married. He is usually very low-key, but I think if the two of you work together for a long time, you should become more and more familiar with each other. Why don't we talk about business today? Right."

When the fat man heard An Moqi's explanation, he seemed to understand something in his heart, and his eyes changed obviously when he looked at Zhou Dong.

"Haha, are you married? I don't think this man looks very handsome, and the clothes he wears are almost all street goods, I am afraid that the total amount does not exceed two or three hundred yuan."

"Huh! I want to pretend to be forceful in front of me. I think he clearly shows that he has a rich woman who betrayed his body. This is a small amount of money. I was really frightened by his behavior. "

The fat man felt that his guess was extremely accurate, and a particularly contemptuous expression appeared on his face. Zhou Dong rolled his eyes and a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, An Moqi, have you noticed that in this society, more and more people are not doing their jobs properly, always looking for something crooked, or shortcuts to get some money for themselves? I really look down on such a person."

The fat man sighed pretendingly, but he glanced at Zhou Dong intentionally or unintentionally.

But An Moqi and Zhou Dong didn't know what the fat man was thinking about, and they all froze when they heard him sigh like this.

An Moqi was even more panicked. She didn't know how to pick up the fat man, she could only hesitate for a long time, and finally just smiled awkwardly.

During the whole process, Zhou Dong sat indifferently at the window, watching the cars going back and forth, waiting for An Moqi to negotiate with the fat man.

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