Layman System

Chapter 1412: Murderous mind

But the fat man had already focused his attention on Zhou Dong's face at this time. Seeing his indifferent attitude towards him, his heart rose again, and a fat hand had clenched his fist.

Only An Moqi worked hard to maintain the atmosphere throughout the whole process, but now she also felt a little more and more strenuous.

"The anger of this person in charge is getting more and more vigorous. If this continues, I am afraid this negotiation will be ruined."

An Moqi wondered inwardly, a reluctant smile appeared on her face, and she tried to ease the atmosphere between the two.

"Oh, it's really hard for me. Zhou Dong's arrogant personality is impossible to change for a while, and the person in charge wants to pretend to be forced. It seems that the two of them are unlikely to succeed in the negotiation today."

An Moqi turned her head and looked at Zhou Dong at this time: "Zhou Dong, you can say something, since there are important things to tell the person in charge, he will definitely help you."

Zhou Dong turned his head faintly, and glanced at the fat man: "That's right, I'm looking for you this time to ask you to find someone for me. As for the price, I can accept everything."

Although Zhou Dong spoke very sincerely, the fat man believed in his heart that he wanted to act in front of him, and the anger in his chest was finally about to explode.

But looking at An Moqi with a pure face, the fat man still suppressed his anger abruptly.

"Huh! My business is very busy every day, and I don't have much time. As for whether you can help me with that matter, I have to wait for me to go back and consider it. If I am in a good mood, I will contact you."

At this time, the fat man cast a particularly contemptuous look at Zhou Dong, then gave An Moqi a meaningful look, then got up from the table and left.

As soon as An Moqi saw the fat man about to leave, she stood up and kept him in a hurry, "Boss, do you still think about this matter? After all, my friend is in a hurry, so you should help him. ."

But the fat man now had a particularly arrogant expression on his face. He gave Zhou Dong a fierce look, then opened the door and walked out.

"Oh, it was hard to get him out. Now this negotiation has broken up again. Alas, so much effort was wasted." An Moqi sat down at the table with a face of disappointment.

Just a few minutes after the person in charge left, An Moqi's phone rang suddenly.

"It was from the boss just now. What happened to him? Isn't it a change of heart?" An Moqi's face was already showing a very pleasant smile. He looked up at Zhou Dong and picked it up at the fastest speed. make a call.

Zhou Dong felt that the man would not change his mind so quickly, with a trace of defense in his heart, he let An Moqi turn on the hands-free button.

"An Moqi, I know that you are looking for me today because of your friend, but if you want me to help him, I will give you a place to eat with me tonight, as long as you can make me happy, that person’s Things are not a problem, it will depend on your performance."

Although the fat man said so, in fact, all three of them understood the unspoken rules. This clearly meant that An Moqi would be a escort.

Hearing this fat man's request, An Moqi's face has changed and she seems very angry, but since you have something to ask for help from the other party, you can only bear it.

However, Zhou Dong's anger in his heart finally couldn't be suppressed, and he directly said to the phone: "She is not going. If you are willing to help with this matter, don't let An Moqi do anything. Something she doesn't want to do."

As soon as the fat man heard Zhou Dong's voice, he immediately exploded.

"You get out of here! There is no place for you to talk, a wimp who eats soft food, give the phone to An Moqi!"

Zhou Dong was not listening to the man yelling on the phone, he reached out and hung up, pulling An Moqi out of the restaurant.

The fat man only heard a beep from the phone, and his heart exploded with anger.

"This **** man actually broke my good deeds. I don't think I can spare him today!" The fat man trembled all over, and the fat on his face was shaking.

At this moment, Zhou Dong walked out of the dining room with An Moqi, just into the sight of the fat man.

A sullen smile appeared on the corner of the fat man's mouth, and murderous intent was already in his heart.

At this time, An Moqi went to drive while Zhou Dong was standing in the square waiting. The fat man's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Huh! What a good opportunity, since God wants you to die today, then I can't keep you until tomorrow!"

As soon as the accelerator pedal was stepped on, the fat man's car dashed towards Zhou Dong.

At this time, Zhou Dong also suddenly realized that the car in front of him seemed to be very abnormal. The symptoms had been dodged, but he suddenly saw through the car window that the person sitting in it was the person in charge of the communications company. shock.

He hurriedly wanted to dodge, but at this moment, a black off-road vehicle suddenly rushed out from the side, and sturdily hit the fat man's car.


After only hearing a loud noise, the fat man's car had been hit and turned a few turns, and there was a gust of heat from the front of the car, and it looked broken.

The black SUV has also become bumpy in front, but it looks much better than the fat man's car.

This huge traffic accident caused a crowd of customers in the restaurant. Everyone was watching from the huge glass, the expressions on their faces were extremely shocked.

Zhou Dong's heart was still beating wildly. At this time, he finally reacted. He hurried to the black off-road vehicle and saw a group of people walking down from above.

It turns out that these people from the Tiangong organization have saved their lives at this critical moment, and Zhou Dong's heart is naturally very grateful.

"Thank you so much. I almost thought I was going to hang up just now. Fortunately, you showed up in time and helped me block this car."

"It's okay, we were looking for you for some other things, but when we saw this car suddenly rushing towards you for unknown reasons, we blocked it for you. There is nothing to be thankful for."

An Moqi was also shocked by the huge impact and hurriedly ran to Zhou Dong's side. Seeing him standing in front of her safe and sound, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Are you all right, the noise just now was too loud, I thought something would happen, but it's fine now." The expression on An Moqi's face also relaxed.

Zhou Dong looked at these people from the Tiangong organization, then turned to look at An Moqi: "Well, let's go back first. I have some things to deal with here."

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