Layman System

Chapter 1418: Being wronged

"I am very grateful for your help to me, but now I still need you to do one more thing for me, and send someone here to protect Li Li and Yu Xiaoxiao, so that I can do things at ease."

The people of the Tiangong organization originally wanted Zhou Dong to settle the matter as soon as possible, so naturally they did not reject his request.

"No problem, as long as we can do what you ask, we will help you, but you have to remember one thing. We need you to be rewarded for doing this. I hope you can handle the things at hand as soon as possible. Perform the contract with our organization."

Zhou Dong also nodded lightly, expressing his intentions.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter, and I also remember your help to me. Next, I will definitely help the Tiangong organization make money. Don't worry about this. The most important task now is to protect it. These two women, I will deal with the others myself."

Zhou Dong quickly arranged a group of special bodyguards for Li Li and Yu Xiaoxiao, and then went back to think about how to deal with the rich woman.

This woman is gloomy and has a very wide network of contacts. Zhou Dong feels that she is a very difficult existence.

Although she was in a coma for a short time last time, it was not the fundamental way to solve the problem, and Zhou Dong was now in a tangled state.

While he was thinking, Zhou Dong suddenly received a call from An Moqi.

It turned out that An Moqi had been frightened since going out of the restaurant with Zhou Dong that day. After all, the person in charge of communications had such a serious car accident, she felt that her heart was always unreliable.

Just a few days later, An Moqi's residence was suddenly visited by the police and caught in the Public Security Bureau.

In desperation, An Moqi called Zhou Dong for help.

"An Moqi, are you okay for a while? Is there anything I can help?"

"Zhou Dong, it’s okay. Do you remember the person in charge of the communications company that I took you to meet the last time? He was not killed at all in the last car accident, and after being rescued by the hospital, others have now woken up. ."

Zhou Dong was still slightly shocked by the result of this incident, but now that Li Li and Yu Xiaoxiao have found the people, they don't care much about that person's affairs, and just responded indifferently.

"Well, that would be considered dead. He was blessed to have not killed him in such a serious car accident, but I am no longer interested in his affairs. Do you have any other things? "

Zhou Dong had no interest in the news of An Moqi, and was about to hang up when he heard the voice of the woman over there more anxiously.

"No, what I want to say is not about him, but about myself. After the man woke up, he reported to the police that I ran into him with a car, but there was no camera in that place, and neither did I. The evidence proves myself."

Zhou Dong felt even more anxious at this time, his eyes were already irritable, and he was even more disgusted with the fat man's behavior.

"What are you talking about? He actually dared to sue the wicked person first. Obviously he was going to hit you with a car, but now he has added all the crimes to you. !"

An angry flame rose in Zhou Dong's heart, and then he heard An Moqi speak nervously over there.

"Now the police ask me to show evidence of my innocence, but I can't get it out. Wasn't you still there at the time? You may be able to tell the police something and ask them to recheck the matter."

"Well, where are you now? I will rush to rescue you immediately." Zhou Dong also stood up from the stool at once, very anxious about the current situation.

"I'm in the police station now, this is to secretly find an opportunity to call you, and they will be coming soon. You have to hurry up, or I'm afraid I won't have a chance to help myself. Charged."

Before An Moqi had finished speaking, the call suddenly stopped. Zhou Dong knew that something must have happened over there, so he hurried to the police station.

When he arrived at the police station, the sky had already darkened. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening, but An Moqi hadn't come out yet, and was undergoing strict interrogation in the interrogation room.

Although they have been asked for hours, the policemen seem to be reluctant to stop there.

"Mr. Policeman, I have already said that I was not the murderer who hit the fat man at all. Why don't you believe it? If it was really me, my car should have a problem, but now you too I see, my car is fine."

The policeman sitting opposite was also a veteran handling case, and he only smiled faintly at An Moqi's explanation.

"Ms. An Moqi, your explanation doesn't completely mean that you are not a murderer. After all, the car can be replaced. The general criminals don't want to use their own things at all. Maybe you rented out other cars."

"Why can't you believe me? Obviously I was wronged by that person, but now accepting your endless identities is simply too frustrating. I can only say that I am not a murderer, you want me It's impossible to bend a fight."

After a long time of interrogation, An Moqi's emotional state has become extremely anxious.

Seeing that An Moqi's condition was already very bad, the police terminated the interrogation.

By the time several interrogators came out of the house, it was already more than two o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Dong saw an old policeman walking out of the house and rushed up: "I gave An Moqi a testimony that she was not the one who hit him. She was not in the car at all."

The old policeman also took a deep look at Zhou Dong, and didn't react much to what he said.

"No matter who comes to testify to the suspect, he has to produce true and reliable evidence. Unless you can convince me, it's just empty words. I can't just listen to your side and save the sinner. crime."

"And listening to what you mean, it seems that you were on the scene at the time. Now if you want to save her, it is best to tell who is the real culprit, so that we can carry out further investigations. If not, I am afraid she You can only accept legal sanctions, so consider it carefully."

Zhou Dong suddenly thought of the people of the Tiangong organization and the scene that happened that day, but he couldn't throw the pot to the Tiangong organization at this time, so he could only lower his head.

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