Layman System

Chapter 1419: Never die

Just when Zhou Dong felt overwhelmed, a young policeman suddenly walked over in the distance, took a deep look at Zhou Dong, and called the old policeman away.

"You two are waiting here. I'll be back after I finish talking. Don't run around!"

The old policeman glared at Zhou Dong and An Moqi, and then left with the little policeman.

"I'm talking to the two of them, why are you calling me over?" The old policeman's face seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Oh, listen to me." The little policeman crawled to the old policeman's ear and muttered a few words, and saw that the man's face suddenly changed.

"Really? Well, it seems that these two people can only be let go." The old policeman laughed and said in a low voice, turning around and walking to Zhou Dong and An Moqi.

"If you two are lucky, you will not be held accountable this time. You can go."

When Zhou Dong and An Moqi heard what the old policeman said, and saw his attitude suddenly undergo a huge change, they were filled with doubts.

Unexpectedly, the old policeman just glanced at them faintly at this time, then turned and left the house.

When the two people were confused, Zhou Yanran received another call from the Tiangong organization.

"We have solved this matter for you. You can leave the police station with An Moqi as soon as possible."

Zhou Dong realized that this matter was also secretly helped by the Tiangong organization and hurriedly thanked him.

Turning her head to look at An Moqi, she found that her face was still shocked, and she probably explained it.

"It's okay. This is a friend I know. It's a bit related to the police station. So I took care of it. The two of us can leave now. You don't have to worry anymore."

An Moqi was relieved and rushed to her home with Zhou Dong.

"Okay, there is nothing more to do now. You can take a good rest at home. If you have any questions, call me again, but I don’t think the police will come to you anymore. This matter has been settled and adjusted. a bit."

Zhou Dong comforted An Moqi for a while, and then left her home.

But the person in charge of the communications company didn't know where he got the news, and was furious.

"Damn it! Obviously this matter is already considered a certainty, why suddenly letting that woman go again? It really annoys me."

"No, she must have gone home now. I have to take revenge. Isn't it that I was hit by someone for nothing, and almost lost my life, and in the end I won't get even the slightest compensation. I will never tolerate this. Things happen."

The fat man made this decision and quickly stopped a taxi and rushed to the vicinity of An Moqi's house.

But when he got here, he suddenly saw An Moqi being escorted home by Zhou Dong. The fat man hurriedly ducked to the side, watching all this secretly.

For Zhou Dong, the fat man is still very taboo. After all, what happened last time is still vivid, and the fat man is still very scared of the car crashed out of unknown origin.

After Zhou Dong finally left An Moqi's home, the fat man quietly poked his head out from behind a wall and slipped into the yard of An Moqi's house.

A dazzling knife was taken out of his arms, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of the fat man's mouth.

"Huh! No matter what, I want you to die by my sword tonight. Even the king of heaven can't save you. That man has left, I don't believe he will come back again!"

Before speaking, the fat man had already reached the door of An Moqi's room and knocked on the door lightly.

An Moqi just calmed down on the sofa, and heard a knock on the door outside, thinking that Zhou Dong had returned again, and hurriedly went over and opened the door, and saw the fat man standing with a fierce look. In front of myself.

"It's you? Why are you here!" An Moqi's heart was panic again, and a heart had already touched her throat.

But after the previous things, An Moqi knew in her heart that this man was an out-and-out demon, with no conscience at all, so she quickly took out her cell phone from her pocket and directly dialed Zhou Dong’s phone.

"God, please do me a little bit. I hope that Zhou Dong is not hospitalized and can come back in time."

Not long after Zhou Dong left An Moqi's home, he suddenly received another call from this woman, and his brows were slightly frowned.

But he still got on the phone and heard An Moqi's anxious voice over there: "Zhou Dong, come back and save me, that person came to my house to kill me, and he still had a knife in his hand..."

"It's ridiculous that you still have time to call, but even if he knows it, it doesn't matter. Now no one can save you. Your life is in my hands. I want you to die today. Can't see the sun tomorrow!"

When the fat man saw An Moqi's behavior, his mouth suddenly sneered, and then the fat body threw on An Moqi, preparing to cut her throat with a knife.

Zhou Dong was about to say a few words on the phone, but when he heard a sudden interruption over there, he cried out in his heart: "No!"

Turning back at the fastest speed, Zhou Dong Yuanyuan saw the door of An Moqi's house open, and the light inside was shining on the ground at the door, which looked very strange.

I vaguely felt that something was wrong, Zhou Dong ran in directly, but suddenly found that a figure flashed in front of him, and a person had already rushed forward.

Zhou Dong's reaction was also very quick. One hand was already tightly clenched into a fist, and he hit the person in front of me directly.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that this man was very slim and had a light gait. It didn't seem to be the fat person in charge. He was already in his heart, and his fists suddenly slowed down a lot.

"An Moqi, why are you?" Zhou Dong finally saw the person in front of him, and immediately took his hand.

After listening to Zhou Dong's voice, An Moqi suddenly calmed down, let out a long sigh of relief, and fixed his eyes on Zhou Dong's face.

"Ah, fortunately, it was you. I thought it was this fat man's accomplice. He just rushed forward to wipe my neck with a knife. I used anti-wolf spray to deal with him for a while, and I didn't get him. "

"I was just about to go out to find you, but I didn't expect to see another figure not coming up. I hurriedly prepared to use the same method to deal with it. I was really embarrassed. Fortunately, I didn't make a move so quickly. It is you that I am injured now."

"What the **** is going on?" Zhou Dong already glanced like inside a house.

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