Layman System

Chapter 1424: Save her life?

When Zhou Dong took the rich woman and the others to the outside this time, the black people were all shocked, and they dared not act rashly.

"Don't let me go, if I catch up with one step forward, I will kill this woman. Then no one will continue to pay you any more, and all of you will drink northwest wind!"

Zhou Dong's threat was in place. After hearing what he said, the people in black all quietly pushed aside and watched Zhou Dong leave with two people together, not daring to do anything.

The moment they stepped out of the hotel, Zhou Dong's mind rang another crisp voice.

"Ding! The system task is completed, 10 points will be awarded!"

Zhou Dong also sighed secretly in his heart. Although he had tried his best to rescue Lu Haifeng from it, the points awarded by the system were very small. If he wanted to redeem new skills, it would still be far away.

With these two people, Zhou Dong didn't know what to do for a while, and in desperation, he could only find the Tiangong organization.

"I still need your help now. Lu Haifeng is a very cunning man. He is also a doctor of biochemistry. He is also very good at studying all kinds of strange injections. Please watch him carefully and don't let him run away."

The people of the Sky Organization were naturally willing to agree to Zhou Dong's request, so he readily left Lu Haifeng in the organization and sent someone to take care of it.

Zhou Dong has a headache at this time, what should this rich woman do?

Just when he was very hesitant, the rich woman had opened her eyes and woke up from her coma, but suddenly she began to gasp.


The rich woman gasped very loudly, and Zhou Dong discovered that this woman had a severe asthma.

The rich woman's white face was flushed from panting, and she barely took a breath. Zhou Dong was worried about whether she would refuse to go there, but there was no life-saving medicine at hand, so she could only sit in a hurry.

At this moment, another clear voice rang in Zhou Dong's mind.

"Ding! A new mission in the system, just live a rich woman!"

cut! This woman is so scheming, it is really embarrassing to save her to life.

Although Zhou Dong still resisted in his heart, he was helpless. This was an order given by the system, so he could only accept it.

"How are you? Is there any way to save you?"

At this time, Zhou Dong could only rush to the rich woman's side, lowered his body and listened to what she said.

"I have... Asthma... I put the medicine in the hotel... Huh..."

Seeing that this rich woman couldn't even speak clearly, Zhou Dong knew that if she was not rescued in time, her life would be in danger, so he didn't think much about it. He directly held up the rich woman and rushed downstairs. .

Tucked the rich woman's body into the back seat of the car, Zhou Dong stepped on the gas pedal and headed directly towards the nearest hospital.

"Come on, the patient has asthma. Now the situation is very urgent and needs immediate rescue!"

Zhou Dong hugged the rich woman's body and started yelling as soon as he appeared in the hospital lobby, with an anxious expression on his face.

Several young nurses heard Zhou Dong's yelling, and they ran over with a small boat quickly, put the rich woman on the hospital bed dexterously, and pushed into the operating room again.

The lights in the operating room were on and Zhou Dong took a rest in the corridor panting for a while, staring at the situation inside.

About an hour later, the lights in the operating room finally went out, and the attending doctor walked out of it with a calm expression on his face, and he couldn't tell what the result was.

Zhou Dong rushed up at this time and asked, "Doctor, how is the patient's condition? Is there any rescue?"

The attending doctor just nodded slightly, and said in a very calm tone: "It doesn't matter, this disease is not a particularly intractable disease. We have dealt with it for the patient. She has now passed her life crisis. The next few days of hospital observation will be fine."

"Thank you, doctor." Zhou Dong's face was already exposed for a while, and Xiang Rong was particularly surprised, and then he saw the little nurse pushing the rich woman's bed out.

The rich woman had already opened her eyes at this time, and when she passed by Zhou Dong, she gave him a strange look, and then she was pushed away by the little nurses.

Zhou Dong came to the ward along with him, and heard the rich woman couldn’t help but say: “You saved me, why did you do this? I’m really curious if I die like that, for you It’s not that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Can you tell me why you did this?"

"Nothing, since you have nothing to do, let's rest here for a few days." Zhou Dong said lightly, not wanting to explain too much to the rich woman.

In fact, he also has a lot of hatred for this woman. If it weren't for this woman, I'm afraid things wouldn't be so troublesome.

But helplessly, this task was accounted for by the system. If it is not completed, there will be no points rewards, so I reluctantly did this.

In order to reward points, you can only give up the disgust in your heart, and you can't waste your points.

Zhou Dong had already turned around and walked out of the ward at this time, without taking another look at the rich woman.

Looking at the back of Zhou Dong's departure, the rich woman's eyes became very complicated. After resting in the hospital, about a week later, she was discharged healthy.

However, Zhou Dong was surprised that this rich woman did not give up the research on the r injection. After a week, the woman actually found herself again, and still proposed a cooperation.

"You still don’t forget about the r injection? Does that thing really make you so obsessed? I think you should do a little bit of business. Don’t waste time on this kind of thing. In the end, it can only hurt people. There is no good for yourself."

Zhou Dong felt very shocked by the rich woman's behavior. It was almost as if she had been demonized. She couldn't listen to anyone's advice at all, so she finally shook her head helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, the market for this thing must be very big in the future. I think you can finally figure it out. You are welcome to cooperate with me at that time, and the two of us will definitely change some history." The rich woman's attitude is still very optimistic.

But Zhou Dong's attitude has become extremely cold: "I'm sorry, I won't think about this at all, please go back."

In the next period of time, the rich woman didn't give up at all, and she went to Zhou Dong many times, and every time she proposed cooperation, but all were rejected by Zhou Dong one by one.

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