Layman System

Chapter 1426: Terminally ill

"But I forgot to tell you one thing. If you don't agree to my request, I will never let Lu Haifeng go."

Zhou Dong felt that he was suddenly pinched by someone, and he was stunned, but in the end he gritted his teeth and still did not agree to the rich woman's request.

The rich woman had finished packing the papers on the table, turned her head and stared at Zhou Dong with a particularly proud look, and left the room.

Although he wanted to rescue Lu Haifeng in a hurry and was worried about Li Li's situation, Zhou Dong insisted on being unmoved and was not caught by the rich woman.

Every few days, the rich woman would come to ask Zhou Dong's opinion, but every time Zhou Dong gave the answer very simple.

"Sorry, I am already married and have no interest in any other women, so don't waste time on me. With this effort, it is better to find someone who loves yourself."

Zhou Dong looked like eating and waiting to die every day, obviously he didn't take the rich woman's request to heart at all, and he showed no rush.

But in fact, he knew in his heart that he was out of rush now.

The task of the system has not yet been completed, and Li Li's current situation has not improved. He is trapped here again. As long as Zhou Dong thinks about this, he feels his head is big.

Of course, the rich woman could understand Zhou Dong's thoughts, and she was not at all anxious. She had a kind smile on her face every time, as if she was arguing with him.

"It doesn't matter, since you are willing to spend time with me here, then I will spend it slowly with you. Anyway, I can afford to wait. It depends on whether you can stay."

The rich woman looked calm and calm, turned and left the room, leaving Zhou Dong thinking there alone.

After I saw this woman leave, Zhou Dong cruelly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and smoked them one by one. The smoke filled the top of his head, which had almost turned the living room into a fairyland.

Li Li's situation is not known now, and there is not much guarantee for safety, but now there is no way to go out, it is simply an emergency.

Zhou Dong felt that he couldn't continue to eat here and wait for death. After all, the rich woman didn't seem to be anxious at all, and he had a lot of tasks to do.

At present, the best way is to take the initiative to attack, Zhou Dong has already begun to pay attention to the situation of these guards at this time.

Sneaking quietly to the window, Zhou Dong carefully observed the guards in the yard and found that their distribution was very regular.

On the side close to the villa, the number of guards is the largest. There are about seven or eight guards around the front and back. Looking far away, there are still a few people in black hidden in the corner of the courtyard.

Looking through the door, there are still guards outside the fence. These people in black can be said to be surrounded. The third and third floors are about to escape, which is probably not easy.

In order to keep Zhou Dong here this time, the rich woman has paid her money, regardless of all costs.

However, Zhou Dong's martial arts was so good that he didn't put these people in his eyes. For him, these people only needed a little trick and the cover of night to escape easily.

However, the most important issue has not yet been resolved, that is, Lu Haifeng's current location is uncertain, and where the rich woman kidnapped him has never been revealed.

However, Zhou Dong was more fortunate this time. The rich woman did not detain him, and mobile phones and other communication tools were still taken with her.

Soon, he called his subordinates and asked them to find Lu Haifeng's trace.

After about a few days, Zhou Dong had already received the news from his subordinates.

"Brother Dong, Lu Haifeng was imprisoned by the rich woman in a house about one kilometer away from the villa, and it was very hidden, but we now have his specific location."

The moment he learned the news, Zhou Dong's face also showed an expression of shock and joy.

"Hurry up and send me his position. I am ready to act as soon as possible. I can't continue to consume it here."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Dong’s cell phone sent a message from his subordinates. Zhou Dong secretly took this message in his heart, and then deleted the message.

In the past few days, although the rich woman did not control Zhou Dong’s external contacts, she would check his mobile phone call records and messages from time to time, and she was very precautionary in her heart.

That night, Zhou Dong pretended that everything was normal. After dinner, he watched TV in the living room leisurely.

Although his eyes are fixed on the screen, he has been thinking about his plan in secret, thinking every step very thoughtfully.

Finally at 12:00 in the evening, Zhou Dong raised his hand to look at his watch and quietly touched the window.

This time period was when the guards outside changed their shifts, and their defenses were most lax. Zhou Dong had mastered the rules of their work. At this time, taking advantage of the chaos, he quietly opened the door and slipped out.

The guards changed shifts for about five minutes, and no one noticed the situation at the door.

Zhou Dong was agile, leaning on the cover of some rockery trees in the yard, slipped into the garden behind, quickly turned over through a fence, and gradually ran away under the cover of the dark night.

The rich woman has been inquiring about Zhou Dong's thoughts these days, but she felt a little disappointed in her heart when she saw this man unwilling to let go.

That night, the rich woman was depressed. After drinking a few more glasses of wine, she felt a little dizzy, and finally felt very lonely in her heart, so she sent Zhou Dong a message.

"Zhou Dong, I know that you are very annoying to me during this period of time, and I also know that what I have done is not a good thing, but there are some things you understand clearly, if you know it, it should be something to me. Considerate."

"I'm terminally ill, and time is running out. My team Zhou Jin's injections have no special interest. I just want to find someone who truly loves me to accompany me when my life is dying. I think As long as you agree to cooperate with me, you will stay with me forever, but I never thought it was wrong."

The rich woman drank too much, and her consciousness was a little unclear at this time, so she edited a lot of words and sent them all at once.

Zhou Dong was about to rush to Lu Haifeng, when he heard the phone beeping several times in succession, he hurriedly took it out to see, it turned out that it was sent by the rich woman, and there was a panic in his heart, but also a doubt.

This woman didn't find out that I had fled, but if that's the case, her reaction shouldn't be just like this. Maybe she had already ordered her hand to come down and grab me?

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