Layman System

Chapter 1437: unhappy

Zhou Dong didn't know why he was eating too much this night, anyway, he was particularly confused when he got up early in the morning.

There may also be part of the reason. I am using too many special abilities now, so I probably don't remember some things clearly. Anyway, as long as I don't suffer a loss, I can do it.

Zhou Dong glanced at the time and felt that he should go there to take a look, see what the situation is, and then think about what he should do next.

So I just used my quickest way of dressing, and I was dressed soon, and I rushed to my organization to pass!

Do you want to see what the people inside look like? Because I always feel that everyone inside has the same pair. Especially making yourself curious.

I just want to let myself have a long experience, and see if they are all like myself. If they are all like myself, this is really interesting here.

After all, you have to try it to see if these special abilities stand out in these places, and see if your own special abilities are different from others.

But as normal, they are generally different, so I really don't know much about this aspect, and I really want to know some of the things here in particular.

So at this time, Dong Zhou had always had this curiosity in his heart, and he ran directly to his organization and walked over.

To be honest, there are really some mysterious things, this place is really not found by ordinary people, and I don’t know why. When you get closer to here, professionals who have their own brains go here by themselves. go.

It may be because of their own special functions, or because there are some other things specially set here, which is completely impossible for ordinary people to approach.

Perhaps this is one of their rules, so this is also relatively normal. Some mysterious organizations are like this. It is necessary to maintain this sense of mystery.

Of course, as the captain, it’s very easy to enter here by yourself. The door guard saw this person and opened the door at once, because all his photos have been published in this organization.

People of all sizes know some of his city, so there is no too much hindrance, and Zhou Dong walked in smoothly.

As soon as he walked in, Zhou Dong was shocked instantly and found that there were really many people in it.

I don't know what this group of people are doing here. Why are the eyes that look at me different? Is it because I am a little dissatisfied with being the captain of a sudden?

Of course, I didn't ask too much about these things. Walking around, I suddenly found that each of them had some special marks on their heads. It seemed that these people were completely different from them.

It should be that these people have these special abilities only acquired. It's not like me at all, I will bring these things innate.

But the way they looked at them really made them uncomfortable. Why did they look at themselves with such a look, and didn't offend them.

This made my heart feel particularly helpless, and I didn't know how to talk to this group of people. It's too uncomfortable.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided not to pay attention to them. Anyway, this group of people would just get along peacefully for a while where there is no harm to them!

Besides, I won't stay here for longer, and I spend very little time with them. Just open one eye and close one eye and let yourself spend some time here.

There is a possibility because they think that they are a captain when they come in, so they are particularly unhappy in their hearts. They feel that they have stayed here for such a long time and have paid a lot.

Nor did he become a captain all at once. Therefore, each of them is particularly unconvinced in their hearts, feeling that this is a particularly unfair state for them.

But this was not determined by Zhou Dongneng, so Zhou Dong didn't bother to pay attention to them, and just continued to walk forward. If you take care of them, it will waste your time.

Anyway, I came here to complete my task, and I didn't have too much enmity with them. I don't want to offend anyone too much here.

When he was walking forward, suddenly a particularly strong and strong person stood in front of him.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw that this man was fierce and vicious, he estimated that he was going to trouble him this time. It seemed that he still couldn't escape the first battle today.

So Zhou Dong just watched this guy quietly there, to see what a movement he was going to make.

I saw that the burly man saw that Zhou Dong had been there and watched him quietly and didn't say anything, so he started talking here and said directly.

"What's the matter? Are you the new captain of ours? I don't think there is anything special about it. Wow, let's not compare well, let me see what your skills are and why To make you our captain?"

Zhou Dong laughed as soon as he heard it. Sure enough, these people are still worried about themselves because they suddenly became the captain.

That burly man, Zou Dong laughed there instantly, as if he had some contempt for what he said!

Those who were immediately unhappy, quickly took out some of their own skills to show off there. Zhou Dong has been standing there quietly looking at this man, what on earth is he going to do? Like a monkey juggler.

What is going on here? If you want to fight, hurry up, what are you waiting for here quietly, making yourself seem to be wasting time here!

Finally waited, that big man had completely finished some of his foreplay.

Zhou Dong guessed that he didn't have anything to do here, so acting as an agent by himself only needs to simply use some small special abilities to shut him into another world and let him trouble himself here.

So Zhou Dong snapped his fingers directly, and then a special world appeared in his brain instantly, and he glanced at the big man and instantly the big man disappeared in front of him.

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