Layman System

Chapter 1438: Solve this cancer

When the burly man disappeared in front of everyone, everyone present began to be shocked.

No one dared to stand up and continue to challenge Zhou Dong.

Before Zhou Dong came just now, all of them were particularly arrogant and domineering. I feel that this person must not be his opponent, and everyone said that if the one in front is knocked down, the rest will rush up.

But it seemed that everyone was stunned there. There is no motivation at all, so I will continue to push these things forward.

I could only swallow one by one, and secretly hide these dissatisfaction in my heart. No matter how unconvinced there is, it is impossible to say it again, because they also know if. Like that burly man disappeared directly.

That means that I will never have room to stand up in the future, so I will definitely not allow this. If something happens, I must stay here.

They also heard that this guy came to be the captain, and then it was also because they had an agreement with the boss here to complete some of their own things.

So smart people will never stand up to the wind. Because you need something better. When the time comes, in case it is really time for real competition, it must be taken out, so there is no need to waste it here. These people are also particularly smart.

If you can't beat it, then give up quickly, so I won't waste too much time here.

Zhou Dong saw that everyone was there, without any words, there was no need to waste any time here, he didn't care about these things anyway.

These people are all small people by their side, and there is no need for them to be worthy of their attention, so they just walked forward.

This time, I went straight to the subject and asked the person in charge of the temple to see what he was going to do. No matter what, I don't know what to do now.

I stay here every day, and some of them are really boring. Besides, when I look at these people like this, I feel unhappy when I look at my heart.

So quickly finish what you need to do, and then leave this place as soon as possible. Now I hate this place more and more, and no one can see it!

Soon Zhou Dong found the person in charge of the temple. Zhou Dong didn't have any concealment about him, and he opened his mouth and asked him something.

"I said, what are you planning for me to do here? Just tell me, I really can’t stay here anymore. It’s better to let me go out and get some air. Tell me what it is. What a mission like."

As soon as the person in charge of the Tiangong saw that Zhou Dong was coming, he immediately raised his head. Zhou Dong looked up and down.

Then there was no hesitation here, and he opened his mouth and said to Zhou Dong, the task he was going to give him.

"Actually, you have nothing else to do here. Let's do this. Will you help me get rid of this person? This may be one of your current tasks..."

Zhou Dong became curious as soon as he heard it, and quickly raised his head, looking at the person in charge of the temple, wondering who this person is?

The person in charge of the Tiangong also noticed Zhou Dong’s eyes, so he opened his mouth and answered quickly, his eyes,

"He is a person who just sneaked into China and is also the leader of the Mohun Organization. This person is really swaying in front of us like a parasite, making our entire system very chaotic. I want you to help I get rid of him."

Zhou Dong also felt very weird when he heard it. What is the problem? For this small matter, it’s not necessary to take a very small one, just a strange person to solve it.

Why do you want to let yourself go? But I thought about it for a while and there was nothing wrong with it. Anyway, it would be particularly boring to stay here, so I might as well go.

So they began to nod and agreed with a puzzled expression, anyway, they would do whatever they wanted to do, and they would not ask them too much.

As soon as the person in charge of the Tiangong saw Zhou Dong's expression, he knew that his heart must be particularly puzzled, so he immediately explained it there and told him some of the things inside, so that he could do things easily.

"In fact, you don't need to have too much doubts. This person is indeed quite abominable. He specializes in destroying the evil organization of our China Intelligence System, and these guys are also particularly abominable, causing us to lose nearly a hundred strangers. So this person It has already had a big impact on us."

Zhou Dong felt that this incident was really interesting, so it seemed that the boss really had two shots, which could have caused the Huaxia system to suffer such a heavy loss.

That shows that this guy also has a certain means, it seems that he has to be prepared for everything, if this guy is really unusual, it is difficult for him to deal with it!

So I must do a lot of things here, and then wipe out this person at once. When the time comes, the people of the Huaxia system will be very scared when they hear their reputation!

After all, this is the first time that I have been the captain, so I said that I must play a particularly loud thing. Do you want to tell them what something looks like?

They must know that their captain is not particularly ordinary, but also has a certain strength, and don't challenge their limits every day in the future.

If you want to challenge your limits in particular, you can come in person instead of behind your back. Talk about yourself or talk about something. That's what I hate most.

So this matter is really interesting to Zhou Dong, he likes this kind of challenge, if there is no challenge at all,

Then even after I have solved it, I will come back here with a lot of discussions. I feel like a bastard, without any performance at all.

And the solution is also for some small people, but if this matter is let them know that they are solving a real big boss, then their mouths will be particularly closed.

When the time comes, let them take a good look at their own strength and let them take a good look at themselves. They are definitely not some superficial players.

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