Layman System

Chapter 1439: The discovery of Mohun headquarters

After receiving the news, Zhou Dong felt that there was really no fun here, so don't continue to take it here, go home and have a look!

After all, things in country Y have not been settled yet, so it feels like a waste of time here. It is better to investigate it if you have this time!

Take a look at what's going on here, Xiaodong!

After all, Zhang Shuang already knows there, but why Xiaodong hasn't appeared yet, so you have to check it out if one day!

Let him return to his side quickly!

To be honest, Zhou Dong is really worrying about his two brothers all the time, feeling that without them, he would not be happy anymore!

When they were by their side before. There is still something interesting, and suddenly I missed it, making myself really caught off guard!

Anyway, no matter what I say now, the first point is that I must find out the whereabouts of my two brothers.

Because the two brothers are outside, it is true that my heart is a little uneasy and I am afraid that something else will happen to them.

Therefore, Zhou Dong's pace of going home has also become particularly fast. He has already arrived at home very quickly, and started a series of investigations of his own as soon as he arrived.

Want to see where these two brothers are? When you have a chance, you must research them out. After all, you need to solve everything that is based on them.

Zhou Dong's investigation was conducted most of the night, but there was no progress at all, and there was no news at all, which is a bit strange.

What is going on here? With this strength of my own, how come there is no news? The only thing I know now is that Zhang Shuang is receiving research from a government in country Y.

After those people have finished studying, they must pick them up in person. Zhang Shuang asks Zhang Shuang to return to his side. The rest depends on Xiaodong. Xiaodong doesn't know what the situation is.

I hope that when Zhang Shuang comes back to his side, he can know some of Xiaodong's whereabouts, which will also facilitate some of his own handling.

Because two people both registered the same thing and disappeared together, there is some news that two people must be together. I can only wait for Zhang Shuang to come out and see what's going on with Xiaodong in the future.

If it is easy to receive any more valuable news, do it yourself and immediately start to walk over and take a look. It is necessary for two people to return to their side perfectly.

Zhou Dong felt that some of his brain started to ache there. It might be because of the things he was thinking about recently, and it was too much, so he slowly started to rest there.

During this rest time, Zhou Dong didn't forget to check his vulgar score. This check was really good. Didn't he buy the frozen thing a while ago? There is not much left now.

If there is no common point. If you want to do something else here, it will become particularly difficult, so you must hurry up here and quickly raise your score.

Even if something unexpected happens at that time, you can still use your score to help you solve many things.

So the most important thing now is to do a lot of things to improve my score.

It seems that I can't rest, so the time is really good now, it is really convenient to do things at night, then go to the periphery of the Mohun headquarters now!

Go to the periphery of the Mohun headquarters to see what news is worth investigating. This is especially convenient for your future tasks.

After all, the person I faced this time was not a particularly small person, so I still need to inquire first to see what the situation is.

Let yourself have a special full preparation here.

Zhou Dong didn't spend much time outside! It was noticed by one person, and that person didn't seem to see who it was. Anyway, there was a general figure, and immediately shouted there.

"Who? What are you doing here?"

When Zhou Dong heard this, he felt that something was not good, so he quickly used it, the chasing leg he had just acquired recently.

With one of his fastest movements, he ran directly into a room, and then when he entered, it was completely dark!

I couldn't see the structure in this room at all, and there was no breathing in the sound, so Su Tong slowly relaxed his vigilance, and then began to look around at some of the terrain inside.

Nothing happened unexpectedly, and I didn't even know the terrain here, it was like a self-investment.

So Zhou Dong slowly turned on the flashlight and started taking pictures. When he suddenly walked to a corner, he found a woman.

Zhou Dong was immediately taken aback by this woman. On the contrary, the curiosity in the heart suddenly emerged. But with my own curiosity and my own vigilance!

He started to move, and slowly walked forward. Take a look at the situation. Why is a woman locked in this room all of a sudden?

And why is this woman tied up? What is going on here? Why are these people keeping this woman here? Does this woman have any special meaning?

At this time, Zhou Dong stood in front of the woman vigilantly, then began to check, and slowly put his hands on some of the woman's arteries and nose.

Take a look at this woman and see if there are any signs of life.

After Zhou Dong's series of inspections, it was discovered that the woman had completely no signs of life. It seemed that she had been **** here for a long time.

If there are any signs of life, then if he moves in, he will definitely scream desperately, a rare chance to escape.

So you must seize it tightly, but you can't let this opportunity be missed.

Zhou Dong looked at the woman in front of him as very pitiful. A very petite body was **** here, and it seemed that no one had come here for a long time.

Maybe the person who bound him has forgotten him here, completely unaware, there is another person here.

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