Layman System

Chapter 1444: Let it go

When Zhou Dong was thinking about these issues there, he suddenly seemed to want to understand some of the reasons for this matter.

The reason why the system is locked to this dangerous person. Maybe it's because of the person in black yesterday.

The man in black in my memory yesterday healed himself there. And he didn't do anything else for himself. It seems that the man in black made it possible to return to the Tiangong.

When I still had a little meaning, I secretly used my perspective there. Looked at the man in black in front of him.

The moment I saw her, I was shocked in my mind, and it really was what my system said.

This person can directly give himself to the second in minutes, without having to exert any great effort. Yesterday, he was also very skillful in his healing.

And this person's meridians are all inflexible. To be honest, it was the first time I saw such a person. I was really shocked at the time. I had never met such a strong person before.

This time I was really surprised when I saw it. I don't know what the situation is, what the **** is going on, how can I suddenly meet such a powerful person in front of me?

I don't remember much of the later things in my mind, because I had passed out in a coma at that time. I don't know at all, how I spent the rest of the matter, and I don't know if the man in black did anything else to him.

Anyway, I felt that I experienced a lot of things last night. Thinking of the simulated killer, I felt like I was putting cold sweat behind me.

I don't know what's going on, it always feels very strange, and also very confusing. Maybe this is my own pressure recently.

Recalling the room last night, I felt that the simulated assassin that I saw at first sight had something different.

If this were done in normal times, I would definitely recognize this killer, but last night I kept thinking about Li Li in my brain.

So I blinded my eyes at once, and couldn't remember anything at all. She didn't even know that the woman in front of her would take her own life.

All the brains are thinking about studying it carefully to see if they can find some way to crack this thing from him.

If you can find that kind of information, then I am really great here, and my daughter-in-law will be saved. Then there is no need to ask others or anything.

There is no need to freeze Li Li in the ice cube any more. It feels uncomfortable to see him in the ice cube, and I always owe him a lot.

It was originally a very small body, and it was still in such a block of ice, which made the truth in my heart, and there was something uncomfortable. It feels very strange.

Anyway, everything I did was for the people around me, and they had to be well, but nothing happened.

Wanting to play these contents, suddenly the brain circuit suddenly returned to the person in black yesterday.

Seeing that all the meridians in his body are so powerful, I really envy myself a little in my heart, and I really can't deal with her. After all, people seem to be many times stronger than myself.

He is a character who has just started, and he has already encountered a very big person, who is of the level of violent death. If he really targeted him, then he would probably have no life.

It seems that the guy from yesterday was not particularly interested in his name, there should be some other intentions, so I said that he spared his life yesterday.

Anyway, I was fate yesterday too. You must be lucky if you survive a catastrophe. You must be serious in doing things in the future, and there can be no more things like yesterday.

If this is passed to their special department, it will definitely make them laugh. He was originally a captain who had just taken office, but he actually treated him like this directly.

That's a shame, I originally wanted to show my skills in front of them. Who knows that such a thing happened. Isn't it just stealing chickens and losing rice?

Thinking about it, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I should say that although I don't care much about these things, I can't help my face.

No matter how big or small, I am also a captain in this heavenly palace. It's really uncomfortable for something like this to happen. I must find a chance to get this face back again, but I can't continue like this.

Anyway, I can't think of a better method here. Let's see if there is a better method in the system. If there is a better method, there may be some opportunities. So Zhou Dong turned on the system again.

As soon as Zhou Dong opened the system, he opened his mouth and asked the question he was most worried about.

"I said, is there any better way to help me solve this person? If this person is in this world, then no matter what task I do, if I really encounter it, then she can definitely kill me. I’m so young I don’t want to be ruined."

After hearing this sentence, the system hesitated for a while and did not answer, and then Zhou Dong was a little confused. What happened to this system today? How is it?

It wasn't like this before. If you came to him for inquiries if you had any problems, he would definitely do it right away, but today there are some differences.

Suddenly thinking about it here, it seems that this person should be difficult to deal with. Then the system is looking for a better way to deal with this person.

So Zhou Dong began to wait there patiently and waited for a long time before the system answered.

"At present, there is no better way. If you go out here to do the task, then you can only let you do whatever you want. Please pray well and never meet this person."

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