Layman System

Chapter 1445: A good way to contain

When Zhou Dong heard the voice answered by the system, he was suddenly stunned.

I thought this guy would give himself a particularly good suggestion. But I didn't expect to say such a sentence to myself, making myself really speechless!

I was still there with my face looking forward to it, and what I was waiting for was such a sentence that made me feel something cold in my heart.

This is totally unreasonable. If he encounters some difficult problems, he will think about it for so long.

Will give myself a particularly good suggestion, but what is going on? Why did you come to yourself suddenly?

This reckless use twice is really really good, making myself really helpless!

Then I can't do anything here, I can only listen to the systematic method. Let everything be the case, and I hope I don't meet this person again when I complete this task.

I feel that if I meet again next time, I am afraid I will never escape as simple as this time.

I will definitely make myself pay a particularly heavy price, but I am particularly unwilling to be like that.

Forget it, don't think about these things anymore, lying here is also lying down, feeling that there is no problem with my body.

Just go back to the Special Department as soon as possible. After all, the task on his body has not been completed yet, so go to the Special Department to take a look. Think about it there and see if there are any better solutions.

By the way, take a look at the guys in the department to see if they know what happened yesterday. If you know, then you need to scare them.

Let them also understand that the person they met yesterday is definitely not an ordinary person. There must be two brushes, or else they wouldn't directly mark themselves like that.

They must be made to understand these things, but they can't mock themselves carefree there. If this is theirs, then I am afraid they do not. Xiao Ming is back.

When they arrived at the house and their hands, I'm afraid they had already begun to lie there on the ground, not knowing what they were doing.

So Zhou Dong moved slowly here, and his body walked directly to the special department. I've been there soon.

I saw it instantly when I entered, everyone was busy there, training there, as if preparing for something big to happen.

As soon as everyone heard the movement, they immediately put down the movement in their hands, and turned around and looked at it. Suddenly found out that his captain had returned.

One by one, the eyes began to be scared again, because the burly man before, hadn't passed through many blows, he just started to disappear.

This made them all very scared in their hearts, because they must have been unable to beat the captain, so they just stayed there quietly.

As long as you don't have to mess with his own understanding here, there is absolutely no problem, don't try to challenge his bottom line at every turn. You can stay here safely.

Zhou Dong walked in and looked at everyone's colors, as if he didn't know what happened to him last night. It seems that daily work is really confidential.

It was really good now, at least one of his prestige in the hearts of all of them was still there. This makes myself very happy.

Since you are happy, then pick a few outstanding people and teach them some experience. It's rare to be so happy.

When you pass on this experience to them, organizing yourself can also allow them to do a lot of things for themselves. You don't have to work so much every day.

Zhou Dong went ahead and walked straight ahead, then picked up some basic information. I found that there are really a few outstanding people.

OK, then choose according to their ranking. This was also very fair to them, so Zhou Dong quickly stood in front of them with the name he knew.

The few people who were called out were particularly dumbfounded, and I don't know where the captain was doing it again. How could these people be picked out all at once? Did these people make any mistakes?

Zhou Dong looked at everyone's eyes and there was something wrong, so he shouted directly at them.

"Okay, okay, do what you should do, don't join in the fun here, I just ordered it, and I will come with me later, I have something to tell you."

As soon as everyone heard this voice, they quickly turned around and continued to work on their own affairs, and no longer wondered about these things.

Zhou Dong saw that everyone was already doing their own things, so hurry up here, so he took them to a secret room.

As soon as Zhou Dong walked in, before they waited for them to ask themselves, he directly said it, and the purpose of bringing them here.

"I think you guys are outstanding, I will teach you a clear heart that I just awakened. This may be of special help to some of your battles in the future."

In fact, although Zhou Dong said so, he still took the first place in all the interests. Because he had already figured out how to deal with that woman.

Then you need not to accept the interference from the other party. If you do not accept the interference from the other party, then you must need some helpers here, so you need to pick them out.

Then it needs a special formation to restrain that woman. Let that woman don't have time to deal with herself, and doing tasks like this is to become very good.

As soon as they heard of their captain, they had to hand over to themselves the clear-hearted secret that they had just awakened. I got excited in an instant, and to be honest, there is really some excitement!

So everyone was there looking at Zhou Dong eagerly, and wanted to learn this ability quickly to himself.

After all, people are also a captain, and it is not easy to learn something from a captain in your family. And there are so many team members.

The captain chose to put it in his own rare opportunity, so everyone seized it specially. Just now I thought that his captain had something. It turned out to be because of this! But when I heard about Qingxin Jue, I felt a little uncomfortable.

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