Layman System

Chapter 1475: Enter again

"Big brother, big brother, in fact, you don't have to worry about how to get in, because I'm also a small security guard there. I just want to observe Zhang Shuang's movements secretly to see if those people hurt him, so I said I was there to find out A profession."

When Zhou Dong heard this, he was relieved a lot, because he said that because he had sufficient plans. It seemed that he could take him in with ease.

Xiaodong didn't say anything when he saw him. It was the same as usual, and he still didn't know what he was thinking. So I quickly added.

"So, don't worry, big brother, I can still bring you people in anyway. These easy things are covered by me."

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Dong was more sure where to go, and he was more certain about where he was. It saved a lot of things than after all, and there is no need to sacrifice the ice!

Last time I didn't know what I thought, and suddenly let Hanbing seduce that guy. I really regret thinking about it!

After all, Han Bing is also a little girl, so doing it like this is really bad, and it will have some impact on some of her reputation.

If something like this happened again, there would never be a move like that directly here, and it would be a great sacrifice.

It feels completely unnecessary. After all, there are some things that can be done very well. It is really annoying to do too much like this!

Then everyone heard the same thing there, feeling that there is no longer any need to control that Rolls, and there is no need to spend so much trouble, this is really a lot of effort!

In an instant, the people in the entire three teams started to feel very happy there. It is really convenient to do things like this. As long as there are people in there, there is a lot of room to play here.

"Anyway, anyway? Through this incident, I found out that this Xiaodong was really timely. When I was worrying about this incident, such a person suddenly came and helped me solve many difficulties. ."

But I just can't get close to him. Some people don't understand this. Why is that? Why doesn't this let people get close? I really don't understand what the situation is.

But after thinking about it again, he didn't even let people come close, because there was any danger to himself, and he wanted to protect his own safety, so he should follow the opinions of others.

After all, Zhou Dong hadn't seen the small hole that he couldn't directly control. If it was really the kind of damage he said, then I am afraid it is really hard to control here. Forget it, don't think about touching it anymore.

"Since this matter has already happened and I have some brows, what else is there to hesitate here? Hurry up and take action. Anyway, my philosophical plan is to get it out as soon as so many people go. It will be successful."

So Zhou Dong decided to stay there and wait no longer. Anyway, I feel that it should be the best time now. If this opportunity is not seized, I am afraid that I will take more action in the future!

Zhou Dong led everyone to the Human Body Research Institute. As soon as he saw the Human Body Research Institute, Han Bing started talking to Zhou Dong there.

"The captain has one thing I must tell you first."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard that Han Bing seemed to be speaking to him there, he quickly turned his head, not knowing what was going on, with a face full of doubts.

Looking at Zhou Dong's doubts, Han Bing opened his mouth and talked to him without being there.

"Captain, I also just received some news that it was that Rolls and I don’t know what’s going on. I keep looking around. You need you to go back. I don’t know if there is something to discuss with you. ."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard that Routh was looking for him, he couldn't continue here, so he told the players.

"In this way, I will first go to our customer to see what's going on. You first follow some actions I just told you, and then each of you must ensure your own safety. I will go back."

Zhou Dong was here to ensure that he would not be suspicious, so he said that he had to go and see what was going on. What happened to this guy? Why did you find yourself all of a sudden?

I don’t usually see this guy looking around for him. What is going on today? Suddenly I felt something abnormal, and I didn't know what was going on, but there was no way to look at it.

When Zhou Dong was walking outside the human body research institute, he suddenly found that the lights in a space were very bright. So Zhou Dong, with my curiosity, walked over and saw what was going on.

When I was there, I felt a little dumbfounded. I didn't expect that the people inside were not others. It was Luo Huo. Looking at the people in the institute, he had already given him some tranquilizers.

And now Luo Hun didn't mean anything at all, lying there quietly looking at those people, as if he was about to use a knife, and Zhou Dong was a little nervous at this moment.

Crazy thinking in my mind what a more perfect method would be used to get the muddle down. This would not work. In case something happened to do, I would feel guilty.

Zhou Dong thought!

"If something really happened, and this guy said he came here because of his brother, then he would really owe her all his life. Every night I want to go to bed, I will remember this thing. "

When Zhou Dong was thinking about these issues, he suddenly saw the light directly, so he had to pull down the switch.

There was a power outage, everyone would be particularly surprised, and quickly stopped the work in their hands, and then started looking around for what was going on.

At that time, I used some fainting techniques to stun them directly, so that I could guarantee the safety of Luohuo.

Zhou Dong didn't have any ambiguity here either, he immediately started to act and found an accurate switch position, which was pulled down all at once.

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