Layman System

Chapter 1476: Successfully rescued two people

In an instant the whole room was there at once, without any lights on. This was exactly the effect Zhou Dong wanted. Before they could react, they quickly walked in with a particularly sharp body technique.

As soon as you walk in, you can listen to what the people inside are saying clearly. What is going on? Why is there a sudden power outage here?

"What the **** is going on? What's going on? Why is there a sudden power outage, hasn't such a phenomenon happened before?"

Followed by a very messy footsteps. Zhou Dong took a look there and felt that this was an opportunity for him. He felt that he had used the coma skills to stun them all, and all the researchers there were blocked on the ground.

Xiaodong also accurately walked to the location of Zhang Shuang's belt, and suddenly found something was wrong, why suddenly the lights went out there?

So they didn't care about that much, they rushed out with Zhang Shuang directly, Zhou Dong was also particularly smooth, and quickly walked out with a coma.

Soon the two groups of people had come together, and then they joined each other and walked directly out. This time they went out really smoothly, but the whole institute was in a mess in an instant.

Because none of them knew what happened, when they were doing what they should do there.

Suddenly, the whole light went out there, which made them feel a little confused. Such a thing has never happened to them, so suddenly it feels really strange!

It is because they have never had a similar incident here, so they didn't have any preparations. After the follow-up, they just fumbled in the coma to see where the problem happened.

When the research institute discovered the problem with its own electric switch, at this time both of the researched personnel had been taken. Zhou Dong took them out.

All the human body researchers were particularly dazed there, yelling.

"I said, what the **** is going on here? Why did it suddenly become like this? Why are our people the object of our research?"

And at this time they were nowhere to be seen, and they didn't know where they went.

In an instant, the entire research institute began to respond to the first-level defense state there, because they had never encountered such a thing here.

If you lose the two members under study, you will definitely be blamed, so it is really difficult to solve it here, and you need to report that information to their leaders.

Then let their heads be there, and you start to decide how to do it. After all, there are no such big things as small people like them. Ability to decide.

When Routh was thinking about something at home at this time, suddenly the phone from the research institute had already called him.

Louth looked at the phone call from his own research institute. He was a little confused. He didn't have time to go to work when he did it himself. Why did he call him all of a sudden.

Did they have any questions they didn't understand? I didn't ask myself, so I started to answer them there. The result is known. The two people who were being studied in my own research institute disappeared in an instant without knowing who was taken away.

Routh became stunned at such a moment. He always thought that the research said it was a heavily guarded place, even if it was impossible for a fly to fly in, how could this have lost two adults for no reason?

Routh began to clenched his fists tightly, now his heart has collapsed!

"Who is it on earth? There is such a big courage to take people away under our noses."

Routh was also very strange there. I didn't know what was going on, so he quickly took his security guard and walked over to the research institute to see what happened.

Soon Routh had already arrived at the research institute, briefly looked at the question, and then looked at the photo of the newcomer!

This person is Luo Huo, because the entire third team is responsible for protecting him, so he has some impressions of the people in the third team, and he froze for a second when he saw this photo.

Then my brain turned very quickly, and I immediately understood who did this thing? I started to recall some things from the past, no wonder that Zhou Dong always wanted to bring him in. It turned out that all his actions were purposeful.

Thinking about this guy is too bad!

"Using myself here, I usually use others. I didn't expect that one day I would be used by others, which made my heart feel unhappy in an instant."

Then there were more or less furious there, feeling that this matter must have nothing to do with them, no matter what, Zhou Dong is also the captain of a team, and all the members will listen to her instructions.

Two people can be taken out from here particularly easily, which means they can do it. Because each of them is a person with supernatural ability.

"There are some remarkable things in them, so besides them, there will be no other person who will do such a thing, and they also use some special abilities to come in?"

Routh didn't directly mention this to their people, but went back home in silence and quickly called the Tiangong organization. They must be held accountable for this matter.

Now Routh has begun to get furious there, feeling that this incident is simply an insult to his own IQ. Routh thought about himself before,

"I have never made any mistakes since I was a child, and even if I have some small mistakes, I will be strict, just to make sure I will never commit such a thing again in the future."

Never imagined that these series of things were actually done by the group of people I hired. If this is to let some of my responsible persons know, then I will definitely not spare myself lightly.

When Routh thought about this, he got a headache there. He really wanted to swear. If they are in front of them, then I am afraid they will definitely do it.

Soon Routh had already told all these things, and the Tiangong organization hoped that they would deal with it seriously. If they don't deal with it, something decent will be sent to them.

The person in charge of the Tiangong organization heard about this incident and was relieved, as if something was serious, he quickly assured him there.

"I will investigate this matter carefully, and then let my team members be in front of him to make it clear that there will be no problems with this matter. After all, a reputation for doing this kind of thing is particularly important."

And this attitude must also be correct, must serve every customer well, or who else will come to do these things by themselves in the future?

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