Layman System

Chapter 1477: Wanted

Routh has already heard the assurance from the person in charge of the Tiangong, so those who said that his etiquette only needs to quietly wait for those people to come over and admit some mistakes to himself, and then return these two people.

But he never thought that these two people would never go back, because they would be his life for Zhou Dong.

"Whatever it looks like? These two people will definitely not go back there again, because they don't respect them at all. And they have to use knives on them, which is a little hard to understand!"

After hearing the news, the person in charge of Tiangong was instantly stunned. There was no expectation that these guys would actually do something like this. Isn't it clear to find something for yourself to deal with?

But I can’t do anything about it here. I can only understand the situation first and see what is going on with them. How could this happen suddenly?

When asked them to do tasks before, they would complete all tasks perfectly for themselves. Yes, but what happened today? How come such a serious error suddenly appeared!

Don't they know they have certain rules here, and if they do something like this, they will get a corresponding punishment? These guys really don't let themselves worry about it!

The person in charge of Tiangong quickly got in touch there.

First of all, the person in charge of the Tiangong contacted Zhou Dong, because he felt that it should be something he did, and others didn't have such courage!

"One more thing, is that he made the appointment because he is the captain of the entire team. It must be led by him, and the entire team, and then directly did this thing. This time it is too great. Let yourself be upset."

Originally, there are so many things in my own place, but here comes another one. I really don’t know how to solve it? This Zhou Dong also didn't make himself worry much!

At this time, Zhou Dong and Xiao Dongzheng took them to escape. How could they have time to observe their phone calls, so they didn't know that the Tiangong organization had already called themselves.

And after talking about these basic common sense, doesn't he know? If you turn on the phone, there must be some positioning that follows your own body, no matter where you go, it's useless.

"They will all catch up with them, so they must have turned off their mobile phones here, so they don't know what they are going to do."

If your mobile phone is turned on, it will become particularly easy for others to track down the designation, and the chance of catching yourself will suddenly rise.

In order to allow myself to leave here smoothly, I said that I have to turn off my mobile phone temporarily. And every team member's cell phone also needs to be turned off. Some information from the outside world must be disconnected.

Wait until I go back, and then I will talk about something else here. Anyway, the most important thing at the moment is to return to my country quickly. When the time comes, I don't have to go, because I am afraid that others will come to the door.

The person in charge of Tiangong was also really difficult. He found that he couldn't get in touch with a person in the third team.

"If this is the case, the whole thing will become particularly difficult, and there is nothing I can do here. It seems that all these things are planned."

If they didn't even have this plan, then they would not have made such a thing. These guys are really making themselves disturbed!

I really can't contact him here, so I can only find that Wan Bai, and let Wan Bai see what is going on in his book. Some customers have come to complain about them.

This caused the entire organization to do things in this thing in the future, and it completely tarnished its reputation!

The person in charge of the Tiangong organization immediately found Wan Bai and spoke to him there.

"I said that the person you looked at you has caused a lot of trouble. Now you have to go and see what is going on. You must make it clear to me anyway, and take a look. What's the matter?"

The reason why they could find Pale was also because they felt Pale and Zhou Dong were in contact with Zhou Dong most frequently, and Zhou Dong also slowly believed in Pale.

So this person can be counted as the most suitable person in the entire Tiangong organization. After all, the relationship between others is also there. No matter what you do, they have a special understanding of the other party.

There was some confusion in the pale, and then the person in charge of Tiangong briefly talked to him about some of the reasons for this matter, and then he also felt something serious.

So I quickly picked it up here, and called Zhou Dong with my cell phone, but no matter how I called it, I couldn't reach it at all.

He didn't have a better way to contact him, so he said that he could only go to Country Y on his own to see what was going on.

Wan Bai used his fastest speed and soon reached Country Y.

I just came to Country Y, and I saw the wanted warrant all at once, and it had already been issued. It seems that Routh, you can't hold back some of it, so you just talked about this situation to your upper organization.

Then the organization above found that this matter was really serious, so quickly issue a wanted warrant. Zhou Dong and his entire third team are on the wanted list.

"Wang Bai felt that this matter was a bit serious when I looked at it this way, and it actually allowed them to be on a wanted order. It seems that there are really a lot of troubles this time."

But in any case, I also need to understand the situation first, and then see what the situation is, and then I can find Zhou Dong here.

So Wan Bai rushed over to the position of the previous customer, to see if this guy could tell him something.

While waiting at the door, I wanted to know some ins and outs, but the employer suddenly refused.

He didn't want to see outsiders at all. It seemed that Routh had become very angry this time, and he didn't want to see any outsiders at all. It can be felt from his heart that he is now in a particularly broken state.

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