Layman System

Chapter 1501: Biggest suspicion

The reason why he had such an idea was that the one he had in his hands was special news for Zhou Dong.

So he didn't dare to send anything else. Anyway, if he wanted to know, he had to cooperate with him. If he didn't want to know, then he had no other way.

Anyway, all things have the initiative in their own hands, so how do they decide?

"I feel that there is absolutely no problem with this matter because I have already mastered a lot of information here. I believe Zhou Dong will not miss this opportunity."

As Zhao Hanxuan was walking out step by step, he thought that Zou Dong would stop him there at once, and then began to say to himself that he had agreed to his terms.

But it never occurred to him that this guy didn't do things according to his own ideas, and just let him leave here.

Zhou Dong looked at his back and instantly felt that this guy was doing this thing, or he wouldn't come to him so confidently.

I also want to allow myself to agree to her terms. Don't even think about it, and I already know some features here, so it's easier to investigate.

Zhou Dong saw that he had left, so he turned his head silently, looked at the ice and Luohun behind him, and spoke directly.

"What did you two think about what the guy said to us just now? Anyway, in my inner mind, no one else is doing it by this guy. This thing is absolutely impossible."

When Han Bing and Luo Hun heard their captain doing this, they nodded their heads there quickly, because they felt that way in their hearts.

If it weren't like this, then this guy would definitely not come up with such a painting under this circumstance, and he looked like he was determined to get it.

Han Bing hurriedly spoke to his captain, where he said a thought in his heart.

"Actually, how do I say it, captain, when he said the first sentence just now, I felt that this guy didn't say something, and he was so right and confident. He definitely didn't run away. ."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong became more certain in his heart, this is definitely something this guy has done.

Now that there is already a clue, we must seize it, but this must be investigated by one person. If there were no such investigations, some of the remaining things would be for nothing!

But this task can be entrusted to someone. The danger is too great. No matter it is given to anyone, it feels that there is a certain danger to their lives. This will cost the lives of their own players. This is absolutely I don't want to go.

Han Bing looked at his captain and didn't know what was thinking there, so he quickly spoke to her.

"Captain Captain, do you want to find someone to investigate and see if it looks like we think it is. If it is like that, let me go, because I'm a woman, so I can get away."

After hearing what Han Bing said, Zhou Dong didn't even think about it and started shaking his head there, saying that he couldn't agree here because it would be too dangerous to let Han Bing go!

It is because she is a woman that she must not be allowed to go. If something happens to a woman outside, the consequences are really disastrous.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening, so don't think about it like this, Zhao Hanxuan is not a kind of kind.

This guy's strength is absolutely equal to his own, and Han Bing must not be able to go alone, so Zhou Dong can't think about it.

He shook his head right there, and began to answer this cold ice negatively.

"No, no, you are too risky in this way, no matter what, I won't let you go alone. This situation is absolutely impossible."

Han Bing is about to ask why? But when I heard my elder brother say this, I didn't have any good solutions here, so I became more depressed.

Zhou Dong looked at Han Bing a little frustrated, but for his safety, let him be like this if he couldn't let him go anyway.

Luo Hun also understood what Zhou Dong meant, so he quickly explained to Han Bing.

"Han Bing'er is definitely not as good as you think this simple guy has some strengths. You also know that we two will work together and it will be difficult to deal with him. Therefore, the captain will not let you go, but I am afraid that you will encounter any danger. , So you just stay here."

Han Bing understood what Luo Hun said, but didn't this matter have some seriousness? If you don't go, who should go?

And his captain is already facing a big difficulty now, so this matter must be done a little bit more time, if you slow down, the guy suddenly took away all the jade, leaving here will be more troublesome. Up.

Even if you want to find you, you can't find this person. At that time, some of them were really frozen. Now that this guy hasn't left here, I must seize this opportunity and investigate it quickly.

Don't look at the current Zhao Hanxuan who suffered a serious injury, but even if he broke an arm, Han Bing is probably not his opponent. One of the strengths of this guy is really particularly powerful.

In order not to let myself have any more casualties here, I said that I would definitely not agree with them to do something like that.

I never like to see my team members fall down in front of me.

Zhou Dong remembered it in his heart.

"Anyway, this time, all the rescue methods have happened for the family. Do your best here. No matter what, you must not let your team members face any threats. This is one of my goal ideas."

Zhou Dong looked at the two of them and started to turn his head and started talking directly.

"Okay, okay, no matter what, I’m going to take care of this matter, so you can rest assured to follow me. I will have a better way to deal with it. Then you don’t have to worry about following my arrangements. Okay, you don't need to think about the rest."

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