Layman System

Chapter 1502: In danger

Han Bing and Luo Hun heard these words from their elder brother, so they began to nod their heads there.

The three of them quickly turned around, and hurriedly returned to the warehouse to see if there were any further investigations out of the warehouse.

Because they now have a general goal, it will be particularly easy to investigate!

So this is also an opportunity for them, and it must not be missed.

Although Han Bing followed them, he had already had an idea of ​​his own.

"I saw that the time should be almost the same, and the Tiangong organization also gave a particularly stressful time. If I don’t find him here to investigate, then I’m afraid my captain won’t stay here anymore, I can’t. Looking at his captain. Lost."

Zhou Dong and Luo Hun had been walking in front of them, without observing Han Bing's expression at all.

The three of them had returned to their temporary headquarters after a while.

Han Bing was sitting there and kept his head down without saying anything, but his heart kept thinking about how to get out of here.

Then after I got away, I just kept doing what I needed to do according to my own thoughts.

Zhou Dong and the others were holding an emergency meeting there. Everyone looked nervous. Zhou Dong also shared some news he knew with everyone to see what was going on there.

Sitting there, Han Bing suddenly felt that this was like an opportunity for himself, so he had to seize it and quickly walked out quietly through Youzi.

All people's attention was focused on the solution to this matter, and no one noticed that the ice disappeared all at once.

When Han Bing went out, he began to steadily proceed there according to his plan, and soon found Zhao Hanxuan's temporary base there.

While Hanbing was approaching step by step, danger was also coming to him step by step, he didn't realize it at all.

What kind of person is Zhao Hanxuan? He thinks in his mind that everything is planned. He also knows that once he comes out today, someone will definitely come out to investigate him.

So I have already laid a net here, even if it has wings, I am afraid it can't get out from here!

Hanbing's own victory was just around the corner. So I quickly speeded up my pace and rushed directly to my victory, but after a few steps, the organs deployed by Zhao Hanxuan immediately began to activate there!

When Han Bing saw this scene in front of him, he immediately started to be stunned, and cried out in his heart!

"No, this guy has a trap here, it's not good! What should I do now, I can't use this skill at all now, how can I fix this? My brain is blank now, Captain, Captain!"

Han Bing was about to collapse now. Originally, he wanted to help his captain accomplish this, but he never thought that something like this would happen, which made his heart really depressed!

Han Bing didn't expect to encounter such a sudden situation here, which made his heart feel too uncomfortable.

Isn't it just that he didn't help his captain? And it's still messing up here.

In this way, Zhao Hanxuan has even more interfaces that threaten his captain. What should I do? Why are you so stupid? He didn't even see these routines clearly.

Zhao Hanxuan immediately became proud of Han Bing who had been caught by him, walked slowly in front of her, and directly talked to him arrogantly.

"Why is Zhou Dong so capable? Zhou Dong actually let a little girl like you come here, don't you know how dangerous I am here? Still look down on me too much?"

As soon as Han Bing heard these words, he raised his head directly, and then looked at his face to him, and said without any fear.

"Why are you just grabbing me? I have no chance to compete with you at all, so you don’t count as a skill. A man treats a woman in this way. I really don’t know you are. How do you think about it."

Zhao Hanxuan laughed instantly when he heard it, applauded there, and opened his mouth to speak!

"Okay, okay, anyway, you have fallen into my hands now, and you don't have any chance to escape, so just stay here honestly and see if Zhou Dong will Come and save you."

After saying this, Zhao Hanxuan immediately turned her body and never talked to Hanbing again, because she felt that it was unnecessary to waste time on this person, and her primary goal was Zhou Dong.

While Zhou Dong was discussing these issues there, suddenly the subsystem received a task to rescue the ice.

This task was a little daunting to myself at this moment, so why did I have to be cold? I just saw Hanbing sitting there, what can I save?

This is too incomprehensible, what is going on? So he raised his head and looked at the place where Han Bing was sitting last. Sure enough, he found that Han Bing's person was no longer there.

Zhou Dong became anxious when he saw this, and quickly thought about it in his mind.

"What the **** is going on? Why was he still there just now watching him sitting there and suddenly disappeared, what is going on? Is it possible that this guy really went to Zhao Hanxuan according to his idea? "

Zhou Dong directly stood up, took out his own phone, and called Han Bing to see what was going on with her, or if there was something of her own when she went out.

The call was not connected for a long time, causing Zhou Dong's heart to sway. I really don't know what the situation is. If he is in danger, then how guilty he is here!

Zhou Dong was always worried there, for fear that Han Bing would really go there, and then relying on his strength to be completely unable to beat others, what if he encounters some life threats?

The phone in Zhou Dong's hand was quickly connected, but the person who answered the phone heard the voice just now.

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