Layman System

Chapter 1529: Be chased

Yu Xiaoxiao was also particularly helpless. She shook her head to express her own things, and didn't want to recall this episode.

But watching Zhou Dong in front of him was always a little curious. Anyway, he wasn't someone else. Let me tell him here, so he opened his mouth and started talking.

"Actually, I don't know what happened. I heard that my uncle provokes a very powerful person. It's the kind that can't be resisted. Then we have been hunted down here, and my uncle also stepped down. ."

When Zhou Dong heard that it was because of such a thing, he started to move his head there, patted his shoulder and comforted her.

"Okay, okay, these things are completely unexpected, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to start from the beginning, anyway, your uncle is still so good, this time you should hide from me first, don't let others catch up That’s too dangerous."

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't have any other options here, so he just chilled his head there, and then agreed to Zhou Dong!

I felt that this place must not last long, and those people would definitely come, so I just started talking to it there.

"Let’s leave here as well, because those people will definitely come back, and they will definitely look like when they come back. Then I won’t know what the situation is. We should leave here now so they can’t find us."

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded her head there, because there was only one way. Then the mouth began to speak to him with special thanks.

"This time you helped again. I really thank you so much. I don't know what the situation is. I may need to trouble you for a while, so I am really embarrassed."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard this, what did he say? I am also friends with him, and we have been together for so long, so what can I do to help him with such a small favor.

He shook his head there and answered Yu Xiaoxiao's words.

"I said there is something about this. I shouldn't help you all. Besides, this is not a big thing. You don't have to worry about it. There will be no problems with these things."

Yu Xiaoxiao listened there, then moved her head, and started to follow Zou Dong to leave. Zhou Dong was also very quick. The group of people knew that they must be unconvinced just by looking at their eyes, so they might Go back and find your own reinforcements!

If there are a lot of people here at once, I'm afraid I'm not a low-end here, so it's better to leave here as soon as possible, without thinking about other things.

The two people walked very quickly along the way. Who knows that just halfway through this, a lot of people suddenly appeared. Looking at some people inside, they suddenly saw the one who was beaten up just now.

It seems that I was really guessed by myself, and these people really went back to find their reinforcements. And this time so many people have come, no matter how strong you are, I am afraid that you can't resist it.

But after taking a glance at Yu Xiaoxiao there, she must not be threatened at all. Even if it is not possible here, she must do her best to protect her good friend at the last moment.

"For a while you will still look like just now, don't be afraid, my strength is absolutely possible, you can rest assured to stay behind me, there will be no problems."

Yu Xiaoxiao here also believes that as soon as Zhou Dong heard him say these words, he immediately moved his head, followed him closely, and kept walking.

Soon those people walked directly in front of them, and the one who had just been beaten came out first and pointed to Zhou Dong's place and said!

"Why didn't you just be very good? Why are you running now? You just have to do these two things. If it doesn't work, you will quickly hand him over to us, and we will let you go after we are happy to beat you. If you don’t pay, you will leave your life here today."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Dong felt really upset. What he said this time made him look like he couldn't bear to disdain.

When the man saw Zou Dong's face suddenly disdainful, he immediately became even more angry. He was really beaten here just now!

He now has a relatively strong strength here, why is he still there and looking at him like this, so he directly spoke to her.

"I said that you guy really doesn't know how good we are. Just now we might have been chasing for too long, so we can't keep up with our physical strength. This time we will never let you run away so easily. Believe us, you cannot underestimate our strength."

Zhou Dong is also really impatient now. This is so much useless here, why do you have already prepared yourself for it? If he wants to fight, he should hurry up, don't be here mother-in-law. There are some impatient answers.

"I said you are here with mother-in-law. It's really boring. Why are you here? It makes me feel nothing wrong. Do you have any seeds? You What's the point of being here every day?"

As soon as that person heard these words, he was so angry that he directly let ten people come forward!

Those ten people are also relatively young and energetic, and don't know what the situation is. Anyway, I want my eldest brother to talk about it, so I can go up by myself.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw that they were only ten people here, it was much easier for him to solve it, so he immediately started to work with them, and soon ten people were already on the ground.

At this moment, there was a bit of awkwardness for that enemy family. I didn't expect this guy to be really powerful, and he really looked like the person who came back said he didn't deceive himself!

But there are more people here than him, and he has only one person. Even if he has more physical strength, I am afraid that after fighting these people, he will not have any fighting power, so there is no need to be afraid. So he directly let everyone go. stand up.

"Come and come, everyone holds it up, let me see what he is capable of, today I must knock him down in front of me, let him know how good we are."

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