Layman System

Chapter 1530: Solve all

As soon as everyone heard how their boss spoke, it was as if they were crazy, and they didn't care about anything at the beginning, so they charged forward.

The whole person's appearance has become particularly crazy, and I don't know what is going on. Maybe it's because their boss gave them too much energy, so they told them to completely ignore their comfort.

Zhou Dong looked at this place and felt that some of them could not be beaten, so he immediately activated it there, and his system quickly exchanged a general skill in that shop.

"This skill is instantly relieved in my hands, because with this skill, no matter how many people there are, I can definitely handle it."

I saw that Zhou Dong had also started to make all preparations here, and soon the two groups started to fight there.

The whole look is particularly fierce, completely without the situation before. Maybe it was because there were too many people this time. Zhou Dong couldn't keep up with more or less physical strength, but the more he fought, the better.

It's really been a long time since I have exercised my muscles and bones like this. When I used to have those players by my side, they were all going to me like this.

Suddenly I started to have such a big exercise, but I really didn't get used to it. But it's okay this way, at least it can make yourself a good exercise.

This is something that others can't compare, so let's go on like this first and let yourself have a dash of exercise.

"The province's staying at home for too long, the whole body is like rusty dead, completely without any state."

I saw people one by one, and instantly fell to the ground in front of them, completely loving without any other actions, and the enemy on the spot was immediately stunned.

Never thought that the man in front of him had such a strength, which was really too scary.

This enemy is indeed dumbfounded. This may be the most capable person he has ever seen. He has never seen such a terrifying person before.

At this moment, he can be regarded as a grown-up and knowledgeable, which made him understand what it means to be someone outside a person, and there is a day outside the sky.

The enemy thought for a while, and suddenly reacted, and he knelt directly on the ground in front of Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong was also particularly stunned there. I didn't know how this guy could be like this, so he knelt in front of him all of a sudden, which really surprised him a little bit!

I never thought that this guy would make such a move. As soon as the guy knelt down, he opened his mouth and begged for mercy.

"Big brother, big brother, please let me go. I have no eyes and didn’t recognize my big brother. You really know that I was wrong this time. I will never harass him again. You believe my big brother, you let me go this time. Right."

Yu Xiaoxiao also heard his begging for mercy from behind, so she pulled Zhou Dong's clothes tightly. Then began to speak in his ear secretly.

"Don't don't don't don't don't let this guy be very bad. He once wanted to assault me. Don't let him go. This guy really did a lot of bad things."

Zhou Dong really wanted to let him go at first, because he didn't want to do a lot of things here, but when he heard that he wanted to violate Yu Xiaoxiao.

Suddenly he got up unwillingly and opened his eyes fiercely. When the enemy saw him like this, he was scared to pee there.

Because he had never seen such a person before. And it was still so terrifying, I really didn't know what to do this time, it was really uncomfortable.

Zhou Dong looked at the enemy and opened his mouth and spoke to him.

"Why is what he said just now is true? You guy is really wicked, then I can't save you anymore, just wait for death."

Zhou Dong used one of his skills just by pressing this sentence all the way. In an instant this person fell directly to the ground, without any signs of life at all.

Zhou Dong glanced at the quarrel, then turned his head and watched Yu Xiaoxiao talking to him with a smile.

"It's all right now, and your side is much cleaner. There are really some disgusting things in their group. Things like that are really disgusting. But now there is nothing more. I am here to protect you."

When Yu Xiaoxiao heard Zou Dong's words there, there was something directly in his eyes. The meaning of love.

The whole person began to become particularly happy. After this incident, some of his kindness towards Zhou Dong also became more.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoxiao liked Zhou Dong even more, feeling that this man is really great, and that no matter what she does, she is always that handsome.

But he also knew that Zhou Dong had a wife, which made him really helpless. Can't occupy all his life at all!

So I can only hide this thought in my heart secretly, not let him show it, after all, I can't do this kind of thing.

Zhou Dong watched Yu Xiaoxiao after this incident, as if the whole person was stupid. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he quickly patted him and said.

"I said, what's wrong with you? Why did you stop there suddenly? Why was it that I was attracted by my handsome actions just now, so I said that I was stupid there."

Yu Xiaoxiao left her mouth when she heard this, and then deliberately shook her head there and said.

"Who said I was thinking about something, where should I go in a while? Now I am really a homeless child again. It is really uncomfortable, and I don’t know my uncle. How is it there?"

When Zhou Dong heard these words, he felt that he was too far-sighted. This was not one. Are people by his side, can you worry about where you are going?

He got up right there, scratched his head, and began to speak patiently to him.

"I said you are too stupid. I am a big man in front of you, and I said just now. It’s good if you stay in my place for a while, and don’t go anywhere. , Because there is so much worry now, it may not be someone who wants to kill you in particular, you should just take it honestly."

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