Layman System

Chapter 1563: Rented out

When Zhou Dong was bored there, suddenly a beautiful woman appeared in front of him!

He came directly to Zhou Dong's face, and took a look at Zhou Dong there! This beauty is Lu Jing, and then watching Zhou Dong look really good, she fully meets the standard in her heart.

Just talked about it with a smile.

"Why did you come here to find a job? I have a job here. I don't know how you feel?"

Zhou Dong slowly raised his head, and then began to look there to see what it was like. He was talking to himself here alone.

As a result, as soon as I looked up, I saw Lu Jing, a beautiful woman standing in front of me, and there was a bit of a daze there in an instant. I don't know why this guy is here.

When I first came up, I told myself such a strange thing, so I still had some curiosity to ask.

"Ah, what kind of work are you talking about? If I tell you that it's not a serious job, I don't want to do it. Don't I know it?"

Lu Jing laughed there for an instant, then shook her head and spoke slowly to him.

"Actually, there is nothing particularly difficult to solve, that is, I need you to play my boyfriend here. I think you should be competent for this thing."

Of course, Zhou Dong couldn't hear it like this. He started shaking right there, talking with his head there.

"Say I'm here to find a job, and not to find a girlfriend. Forget it, I feel that this job is not suitable for me, so I won't do it."

Lu Jing was a little annoyed when she heard this, because she finally saw such a handsome person, why suddenly rejected her.

Thinking of myself, no one would directly refuse there before. I don't know what happened.

Actually ate his own closed doors this time. Really make myself disturbed!

After Zhou Dong refused him there, he didn't do anything here, and continued to sit there quietly.

At this moment, a task message popped out from the subsystem.

"Please help him."

When Zhou Dong saw this news, he was a little confused there. What kind of mission was this? How come a task suddenly appears when I meet a person, this is really strange.

Zhou Dong's expression is really helpless. This is completely unwilling to him. How could he do such a thing? Oh, this is really a headache!

Lu Jing, you have been staring at Zhou Dong's face to see some of his expressions. Suddenly you noticed something wrong with him. It should be possible to give yourself some opportunities to take advantage of it.

"Oh, if you are so handsome, please agree to me. I really don’t have anything to do. I have a superb mother. She is now forcing me to get married, so I can only look like this. If there is a way, you can help me."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Dong didn't do anything. He just sat there quietly, still thinking about his own problems.

Lu Jing looked at Zhou Dong as if he was thinking about what she said, so she quickly continued to add.

"I said I can pay you twice the current salary here, so you can do me a favor? Please, how about you?"

After Zhou Dong heard what he said, he was immediately confused there. How did he know his current salary? If he was a particularly high-paid person, would he also pay him twice his salary?

That's a little strange, he didn't figure out what he said. Some make yourself confused!

When I was stunned here, I suddenly turned around and saw a brand of my own. Why is this a brand for repairing old mobile phones and computers?

It's no wonder that Lu Jing would suddenly say that she could pay her double salary. This is really embarrassing. Why didn't she find these things?

It really made me feel a little confused, I was really confused, and there was a small omission in my own work!

Zhou Dong thought about it in his own mind, and felt that this was also a good job. Now he is short of money, and he can complete a task if he does it this way.

It was a matter of killing two birds with one stone, so I agreed here, and began to cut his head and talk to him there.

"Okay, okay? Now that I look like this, I'll do you a favor. Anyway, you are in difficulty. I will help you solve this difficulty."

Lu Jing laughed there instantly, because the car was really good, and it was really perfect, so she started to move her head there.

"Okay, okay, no matter what it looks like, let's become a partner here, and then I specially rent a better car for you here. You must be careful when you drive in a while!"

Zhou Dong laughed right there as soon as he heard it. It was really fun. This guy is still here to provide matching clothes for himself. Should he buy himself a more suitable set of clothes?

While thinking about these things here, then suddenly the woman saw that the clothes Zhou Dong was wearing was not suitable, so she started to speak to it there.

"I said that basically everything is in place now. I'll see if your suit is still not very good. Then do you want to change your clothes? After all, the clothes also need some decent things, what do you think?"

Zhou Dong was stunned right there, feeling that he could grow whatever he said here. Really, there was something that made him feel confused!

Zhou Dong looked at the Gucci he was wearing today. It feels that it is also a relatively good brand. How can there be some indecency in this? So he asked strangely there.

"I said my sister, isn't this set of clothes you looked at me decent enough? Anyway, it's a brand!"

Lu Jing laughed directly there, and then began to think slowly in her heart.

"Gucci is still there. These are all counterfeit goods. I don’t know this. Really, if you have money to wear this brand, you won’t be looking for a job here. There is really some hypocrisy. I don’t know what to say."

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