Layman System

Chapter 1564: Stingy

So Lu Jing shook her head there, and then began to talk about this to it.

"Then you'd better forget it. I will buy you a suit later. I feel that the suit is more formal to wear. Anyway, a suit is better.

When Zhou Dong heard it, he felt that this guy seemed to dislike himself a little bit. How could he say that he was bought with a lot of money.

There was some dislike for himself there. I really don't know what this guy thinks, but there is no way. After all, I work for him now, so he just said whatever he said, so he nodded and agreed.

Lu Jing saw that he was more happy and very happy here, so he laughed directly there, nodded her head, and brought Zhou Dong to a more upscale suit shop.

As soon as I entered the path, I used a speciality of my own woman, and I immediately started shopping there. Almost a lot of suits were sitting in front of Zhou Dong, and Zou Dong looked so bewildered there.

It's really amazing to be able to choose so many things at once. What is the situation? Which set does this make me wear?

Zhou Dong looked awkward, and Lu Jing saw it all at once. Lu Jing knew what Zhou Dong was thinking now, so she just opened her mouth and smiled at him.

"You don't have to be surprised that our women are like this. We will choose a lot when we choose, and then choose the best. After all, we spend money. Can't we buy something that doesn't fit, right?"

Zhou Dong did indeed look like this after listening. After all, these things cost money. If they buy something inappropriate, don't you regret it here? So I started nodding my head there!

Lu Jing looked at Zhou Dong's agreement here, so don't ink there, and quickly change to see the effect.

"Okay, let's not bother to continue talking here. Let's change it quickly to see what an effect is. Let's go quickly. My best mom is still waiting for me there, maybe for a while. So anxious, I called to urge us."

Zhou Dong couldn't do anything after listening to it, so he could only agree to start a set of changes, and finally finished a set of more satisfactory ones, walked out there and stood in front of Lu Jing.

Lu Jing was also relatively bored and kept looking at her mobile phone. Suddenly Zhou Dong walked out and suddenly raised her head. At this moment, she was a little dumbfounded!

It's so handsome. Some men I've seen in my life have never looked like him. This is also a bit exaggerated.

Zhou Dong, you look at Lu Jing like this, what kind of evaluation is you still waiting for him? It was he who watched endlessly as soon as he was there, so he started asking him there.

"I said what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly dumbfounded? How about this set is quite satisfactory, if it doesn't work, just use this set, I don't want to change it again, it's really exhausting!"

After listening to these words, Lu Jing suddenly turned her head back, and then began to answer this there.

"Not bad, not bad. This suit is really good. I'll check the price later to see if it's suitable, then let's just go straight to this suit."

When Zhou Dong came back, he knew that some of these clothes were very cheap, and they were also relatively cheap compared to others.

This one of his own is also his choice, the one with the lowest price, he is quite speechless here, so he shook his head there and said to it.

"What do you say? I feel that I still don’t like this thing, because I may not be used to wearing it. I still like my little Gucci. At least she is more suitable for wearing it, right? This is what I wear. I always feel that my body has some constraints."

As soon as Lu Jing heard this sentence there, of course, she shook her head, and said there quickly.

"No, you are absolutely not allowed to be like this. Then I have to make you suit and leather. After all, my mother has no resistance to boys in this kind of suit and leather. You can see it very clearly at a glance, and then we two He won't find some flaws in the matter."

How did Zhou Dong feel so strange after hearing what he said? There really was something that made me wonder, so I started to look at this Lu Jing questioningly there.

"I said I pretended to be your boyfriend, or to seduce your mother? You made me especially like your mother. Are you afraid of something else? I really don’t understand what is going on. What is the situation?"

Lu Jing was speechless when she heard this. I really don't know what to say to him. It really makes me embarrassed by this sentence!

As soon as Lu Jing saw that this was the case, she went to the toilet here to make up some makeup, and then let him think about it. Anyway, there is one thing she has to do this time, since it costs money. If you hire him, you need to do it.

He opened his mouth and said to Zhou Dong.

"Think about it here now, go to the toilet here, and then we two will get ready to go out soon."

Before Zhou Dong agreed, this Lu Jing turned around and left here. Zhou Dong was also very helpless there. How could this guy be like this and just leave himself here.

When Zhou Dong was thinking about other things in his mind, suddenly the subsystem sent himself a new task.

"Bill, please."

When Zhou Dong saw these two words, his brain instantly began to be blank there. The inside of his pocket was cleaner than his face. How could he settle this account?

There are really some who don't understand how the system distributes these tasks, don't they go to investigate their actual situation?

This is really too difficult for myself. I really don't know what to say. I can't settle the bill at this time. What should I do? I don't want to waste this task.

When there was some helplessness there, suddenly a figure familiar to him appeared outside the door. Isn't it Song Xiaohu? How could he be here, there is absolutely no problem with him here, so Zhou Dong took the stride of meteors. Went out.

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