Layman System

Chapter 1576: Encounter Little Tiger

As soon as the interviewer inside saw that this was the person who had just been eliminated? Why did it come all of a sudden? Hurriedly asked him.

"I said you have just been eliminated by us? Why are you here again? Just go back, and don't waste your time here. You can't interview our teacher. We are also for our sake. Students consider."

Zhou Dong's sudden sentence made it more or less embarrassing, what happened to himself? Why didn't you wait to speak when you came up? It was a closed door.

This feeling is too uncomfortable, so I will explain it there quickly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, maybe it was because I was too nervous just now. There are some questions I didn't think I answered sufficiently. This time I completely adjusted my heart, you believe that I will give me another chance."

Zhou Dong looked at the interviewer expectantly there, hoping to get a particularly good result from there.

The interviewer glanced at the people behind and found that there was no one left, so he could simply give him another chance to see how he prepared this time.

If it still doesn't work, don't blame yourself for being ruthless here. After all, your school is a sacred place, and it is impossible for such a **** to walk in.

Now that the school has been opened here, it must be responsible for all the students inside. The interviewer began to say something harshly.

"Well, if you look at your proactive face, I will give you another chance. You must grasp it firmly this time and don't waste it."

This is what I said in the face, but some of the things in it are doomed to fail.

Zhou Dong thought this way in his own heart, but he did not believe in evil if he had to come the second time in his own system.

Then I can only come from here once, and then I will be successful in the interview. I will definitely not come here for the third time.

I saw that interviewer started to get into the topic. All the questions were there to talk to Zhou Dong, and Zhou Dong is waiting to answer.

At this moment, a very familiar figure passed by the door. Isn't this person Song Xiaohu? Why is he here? Is this guy really everywhere? You should be busy in the hospital at such a time. Why did you suddenly appear in school?

Song Xiaohu also saw his elder brother sitting there for an interview, and then asked the principal next to him.

"You have to hire a teacher here! Oh, I know that person, can I go in and say hello?"

Because the sending guy donated a library here, he said that the principal was more polite to him, and when he heard it was his friend.

So he directly agreed and said to him.

"Of course it is possible. There is absolutely no problem. Then I will accompany you in and have a look. It is estimated that your friend should be very good. I will talk to the interviewer later and let her pass directly. All right."

Song Xiaohu hurriedly shook his hand when he heard this. He didn't come here to ask his elder brother to find a job. He just happened to see it here!

If you don't go in and say hello, it really feels impolite. After all, I want my eldest brother to do so many things with me, so I still need to be polite.

The principal began to accompany Song Xiaohu and went in. When the interviewer saw the principal coming, he quickly got up and greeted the principal.

At the same time, Zhou Dong saw that Song Xiaohu was actually next to the principal, and it seemed that this guy was going to be busy with something here, so he started talking to Song Xiaohu with a smile.

"Oh, why did you suddenly appear here? What's the situation?"

As soon as Song Xiaohu heard his eldest brother questioning there, he hurriedly left, stepped forward to greet his eldest brother, and explained his purpose of coming here.

"Big brother has nothing to do, but recently our hospital is engaged in a more charitable campaign. So there is a library in this school, and we donated it. Brother, why are you still here? What's the situation?"

Zhou Dong heard what Song Xiaohu was doing, and then slowly nodded, and at the same time explained his purpose of coming here.

"Didn't I want to be a teacher here? I don't know if it's okay. I didn't pass the interview just now. Maybe it was because I was too nervous the first time. I'll come again to see if it works."

When Song Xiaohu heard this, he felt that his eldest brother was too great, and he still wanted to be a teacher, so he should help him here.

After all, he also has a certain understanding of his elder brother, because he knows that his elder brother is very good at math, especially in finance. He feels that there is absolutely no problem in being a math teacher here.

Just rushed to the principal and walked over. This was when the principal was talking to the interviewer about Zhou Dong.

The interviewer was a little surprised when he heard that Zhou Dong had such a big origin. He was still embarrassed there just now.

Suddenly, a ruthless figure came, letting him understand how powerful the man sitting opposite was. The principal also saw Song Xiaohu coming over, and quickly ended the topic, to see what Song Xiaohu had to say.

Song Xiaohu started talking to the principal in a relatively straightforward manner.

"I said the principal, is it okay to see my elder brother? I don’t want to tell you anything else. It’s absolutely okay for my elder brother to be a math teacher in your school.

The principal had already heard what Song Xiaohu said, so he didn't have much to say here. After all, this was someone who had made a relatively large contribution to their school.

Then he immediately understood that he turned his head and looked at the interviewer and said to him.

"How is it? What we said just now. Did you hear it? Then you know how to do it. I hope this matter can be handled in a good way. Let Teacher Zhou come to class tomorrow. "

The interviewer obviously knew how to do this, but it was a bit difficult for him to give him a subject, so he quickly asked the principal.

"The principal, he is here, he is going to let him hand in a subject, I will arrange it immediately."

The principal laughed there as soon as he heard it, feeling that the interviewer was a little bit stunned, and he was particularly helpless to answer here.

"Aren't we missing a math teacher here? Just let Teacher Zhou teach math directly."

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