Layman System

Chapter 1577: Be a teacher smoothly

When the interviewer heard the principal's order, he understood completely, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"That's OK, don't worry about the principal, and leave these things to me."

The principal didn't fully pay attention to it at this time. The interviewer quickly turned his head and spoke to Song Xiaohu.

"Okay, okay, President Song, our problems here have basically been resolved, and your friend will come to us tomorrow. The school will teach math!"

Song Xiaohu immediately nodded his head with satisfaction, and then started running towards Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong looked confused and didn't know what he was doing here. He always felt that there were some extra thoughts. What is the situation?

Song Xiaohu started talking to Zhou Dong as soon as he walked over.

"Okay, brother, you will come to this school to teach tomorrow. I specifically recommended you to the principal. Are you not special in finance? I feel that there is absolutely no problem with you being a math teacher here. , Those counts are definitely OK."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly. He didn't blow anything else, and he was really good at numbers. I still dare to guarantee this.

Suddenly there was something embarrassingly flapping Song Xiaohu's shoulder.

"Okay, okay, this is also a special thank you, I also let you help a lot, here is indeed some embarrassment."

Song Xiaohu smiled there instantly, swaying his hand quickly, and said to his elder brother.

"Big brother, big brother, don't tell me these things. Didn't you help me a lot before? The reason why Song Xiaohu can achieve such a result today depends entirely on your big brother's little things. There is nothing in my eyes. If you have any questions in the future, just ask me."

Zhou Dong smiled and nodded his head when he heard there. He was really embarrassed here. Song Xiaohu has some other things to deal with here, so he can't continue to accompany his eldest brother here to talk quickly.

"Big Brother, Big Brother is really embarrassed, I still have some things that haven't been dealt with. I will come to you after I have dealt with them. What do you think?"

Zhou Dong replied with a smile.

"Oh, oh, no, no, no, I will go home in a while, and the interview is over. I originally planned to have an interview today and I will go home. You should take care of your affairs and don’t show up. What a mistake!"

When Song Xiaohu heard this, he could only nod his head in agreement. After all, his elder brother did have his business, and there was indeed something that had not been done here, so he couldn't delay himself.

He nodded quickly and agreed. In this way, the two people went to work on their own affairs separately.

Zhou Dong walked out, thinking about what happened today. He was really lucky. Through an introduction from Song Xiaohu, he successfully became a math teacher in the first class of Haiwan Middle School.

Once the system was completed, it didn't give much. All of a sudden, Zhou Dong's confidence was completely blown!

It made me feel uncomfortable in my heart. I felt that there was nothing wrong with it. I was actually playing here, so I began to question the system.

"I said, elder brother, I worked so hard to complete this task, and you were so digging and searching to give me something. I feel that this is really making me uncomfortable!"

The system heard Zhou Dong's complaints and began to explain to him.

"I said you can rest assured, no matter what, I will definitely not treat you badly here. You can stay here and wait until the last task is completed, and your debts will be repaid. ."

Zhou Dong felt the same when he heard these words. At the very least, he could have some yearning in his heart and gave himself a small goal, and then basically paying off is equivalent to paying off.

In an instant, I felt that I had some fighting spirit in my heart, and the system had insight into this there, so I quickly asked if he would continue.

"Since it is like this, do you want to continue this task? If you don't continue, then I will cancel the option of this task as soon as possible. You should consider it carefully now, and you can see how to do it. "

The reason why the system can come up with such a sentence is because he feels that Zhou Dong will never refuse, because this is the biggest temptation for him!

Zhou Dong also feels that this system is like a nonsense for himself, such a good job, can he refuse it here?

Is he a fool? Answered without even thinking about it.

"I said, eldest brother, do you treat me as a fool? It is not easy for such a good thing to happen to me. Of course I must continue. Besides, I have so much vitality and need Use it well."

The system was amused in an instant there, this is completely a two-faced person! This was still there just now and kept complaining, and this mission gave relatively little.

Then I immediately agreed. With such a big contrast, there are indeed some surprises to myself! It doesn't matter, anyway, just let it go on. If you do it yourself, you will also fulfill your promise.

The day after tomorrow is the day when this school starts. There is no preparation yet. It is really the first time to be a teacher. Suddenly, there is some tension in my heart, and I don't know how to face the eyes of so many children.

Do you need to make a lot of images here? If there is no good image, will it be regarded as a leopard in the eyes of students?

This is really embarrassing to myself. I was hired to be a teacher without any thoughts at all. Although the first step is to be a teacher, it is quite smooth, but what can I do if I can’t talk about it next time?

And Xiaohu said it to himself too, so if he were to lose the chain here, would that be the end?

All the questions immediately appeared in Zhou Dong's mind, which made him a little anxious, so he hurriedly went online to check how to be a good teacher.

After all, does school start the day after tomorrow? Give yourself an emergency training in this short time.

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