Layman System

Chapter 1905: Joy of victory

However, Lin Chaoxi also noticed that his situation is really pitiful now.

He said that the remaining mana is only enough for him to use a big move, but there is still half of the man on the opposite side with more than half of the mana.

Zhou Dong looked like it was almost done, and it happened that Zhong Shiqi had been training, just waiting for an opportunity to destroy him directly at this critical moment.

He didn't even have a chance to react.

As expected, Zhong Shiqi didn't disappoint Zhou Dong. He died directly and came out with three sets of combos, which instantly made Lin Chaoxi not even have a chance to react.

Lin Chaoxi couldn't believe what was happening in front of him, it was too scary.

This is absolutely impossible. He was stupefied in front of the computer. He had never seen him in this situation before. What happened to this guy today? How did he suddenly become so powerful?

It was also guessed by Zhou Dong. This was a devastating blow for him. He originally thought that the team replaced him and made himself the captain because he was many times stronger than him.

But today I lost this game. I got to know it again. I felt that the whole game was handled very well. I didn't have any negligence at all. Why did I lose?

My mouth was already talking incredible.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how could I lose to him? This is an impossible thing, and my skills seem to be many times better than him."

Lin Chaoxi hasn't come out yet, and it feels like a dream.

The deputy team was not particularly surprised to see this scene, because they had guessed it before, so they stepped forward and said.

"Okay, you have lost enough people today, let's leave quickly, don't continue here."

But Lin Chaoxi is still thinking about these things, feeling that this is absolutely impossible. What is the situation?

When Zhou Dong saw this group of guys, he wanted to directly take the bet they just said? Does it need to be honored?

Slowly stepped forward and said.

"You can't leave now, don't forget that you just said the 300,000 with a bet?"

Lin Chaoxi is only a child of seventeen eighty-nine, how can he fight Zhou Dong, an old fox?

Moreover, young children like him are especially fond of face, so they picked up the phone and called the team manager on the spot.

The manager of the team was shocked when he learned that he was going to borrow 300,000 yuan. He didn't know what happened to this guy. Why did he suddenly get so much money?

You have to ask this question clearly, but you can't just give him the money. What if he is deceived? Asked him.

"What's wrong, what happened to you, asking for so much money, are you cheated?"

Lin Chaoxi is also more detrimental to face. After all, he is relatively well-known among the younger generation. If he let others know that he lost the game, he would definitely laugh at him.

So this matter must not allow others to know and answer hesitatingly.

"How could I be deceived? I just encountered a little thing suddenly. You can give me 300,000 yuan as soon as possible. When I finish handling these things, let's go back and say yes."

The team manager felt that there must be something in it. If he didn't say anything, he must not give him the money, and he refused.

"If you don't tell me what happened to you, then I am sorry, I must not be able to remit this money to you, I need to be responsible to each of your team members."

Lin Chaoxi was embarrassed when he heard these words, his whole face blushed, and he felt ashamed for an instant.

But he thought for a while, if he couldn't get the 300,000 yuan, Zhou Dong would definitely not let him leave so easily.

So while I was on the phone, I looked for a corner and talked about the ins and outs of everything to the team manager.

When the team manager heard that, it was Lin Chaoxi who was looking for it, and he was defeated, but it really made the atmosphere and almost offended his heart attack.

The team manager also thought about it seriously. If he didn't put out the 300,000 yuan, he wouldn't be able to return.

Now Zhou Dong is quite famous in their circle.

Everyone knows that this guy's strength is particularly powerful, and he is also a capitalist.

This 300,000 is not considered any thought at all to him, but it was put forward by his own team members, so if you can't get it out, I'm afraid everyone will be detained.

If the time comes to ask him to release people, I am afraid it will not be so easy, and this matter must be resolved now.

Immediately he took out 300,000 from his deposit and put it in Lin Chaoxi's account.

Lin Chaoxi saw that the money had come, and instantly his waist became hard, and he looked at Zhou Dong confidently and said.

"Come on, I have already received 300,000 in my account. Give me your account quickly, and I will call you quickly. This matter is also settled."

Zhou Dong didn't expect this guy to take it seriously. He wanted to tease this little thing.

It's really not to say that their team is really used to him, since it's already like this, just give him the account, it can be regarded as a lesson for him to rise at a young age.

The money is already in the account, and this matter ends here, there is no follow-up.

I believe that Lin Chaoxi will be severely punished when he goes back this time.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Zhou Dong hurriedly returned to the training room, not wanting to continue to grind here.

Everyone was happy for Zhong Shiqi's victory along the way.

I felt that his operations were unexpected, and I never thought that his operations would have improved so much.

In particular, Song Ji couldn't believe the master's operation, praised it.

"Master, when are you secretly practicing these skills? I have never seen this trick from you before. It's really cool. I have nothing to say for that kid just now."

Zhong Shiqi didn't say anything, but simply smiled and turned his head to look at Zhou Dong. When Zhou Dong saw Zhong Shiqi looking towards him, he said strangely.

"What's wrong? You are a little surprised about this game. What we practiced in the training room before is this. Don't be surprised. This is the result of your hard work and what you deserve. ."

Zhong Shiqi nodded his head to admit this, but there was another point that must be admitted.

"In fact, there is one reason for this and our training, but there is also some tactical guidance from you. Without your tactics, this game might not have been so easy to win."

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