Layman System

Chapter 1906: Entangled

Zhou Dong quickly dodges when he hears it.

"Oh, this has nothing to do with me. I just simply told you the theory. Didn't I still operate it myself? So all these things are attributed to you. As long as you can train hard, you will definitely There are results."

After listening, Zhong Shiqi moved directly to the next topic.

"Brother Dong, thank you so much. Without you, this heart disease of mine might not be cured."

Zhou Dong is a little strange, what's wrong? Didn't you always say that the matter was over? Why were you still thinking about it, so I asked.

"What's the matter? Isn't this your thing is over? Why are you still thinking about it? Don't think about it, it's all over."

Zhong Shiqi nodded and said the last time.

"Well, this time, this is the last time I have said it. I thought this little guy replaced me because of his strength. I have defeated him today. I also understand it. It's not because of his strength. It's not because I'm old, maybe the team doesn't need me anymore. The road ahead will be quite long. Let's go slowly."

Just when this sentence fell, the system suddenly reminded Zhou Dong that he had completed the task and received a popular score.

Zhou Dong was a little confused, thinking about when this task was issued, why didn't he know this, and it was too sudden when the task was completed, so I quickly entered the system to query.

It turns out that when completing the member collection task, each team member will have a separate task bar, and they will get some popular points every time they upgrade a level. And this comparison score is really a lot.

Zhou Dong felt the system, what he did this time was really open, and he couldn't help feeling.

"System, what you are doing this time is really open and bright, I can see it, and it is really comfortable to do things with an open and bright person like you."

The system is stunned, and when he is not open to doing things, what he said is too ugly. Helpless answer.

"Originally, I was quite happy. When I heard it at the end, this sentence made me upset and upset again. Tell me when I am not open and what do you want to do? What? This little thing is actually here, mother-in-law said."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong didn't speak, just laughed loudly and walked away.

After walking for a while, suddenly Zhuang Zixue said.

"You go back first. I will also go back to the hotel. When I came, I specially booked a room in the hotel."

When Wang Chanchan heard this, his expression became serious. This girl was too dangerous to live in a hotel, and said worriedly.

"Otherwise, I will stay with you. You are staying in the hotel alone. I am a little worried. There will be everyone in and out of the hotel. What if there is any danger in the hotel?"

When Wang Ziqiu heard their conversation, he suddenly remembered. It seemed that he had mentioned the villa. Since there is a villa, he should go to live there.

It just so happens that Zhuang Zixue doesn't need to stay in a hotel, which can effectively avoid trouble and danger.

Said side by side.

"Brother Dong, I suddenly remembered, you seem to have a villa, when did you get it? This is too fast. I just said that we will give us one billion villas. It’s better to live together. It’s lively and lively. If we don’t move in today, it happens that Sister Zhuang can also live in."

After listening to Zhou Dong, of course he understood what was going on. This guy was still lighting up there, and he said so, there was no other way, so he had to agree.

When everyone saw that Zhou Dong agreed, they were immediately excited, and went back to the training room to carry their luggage to the villa.

Zhou Dong watched that these five people were really like children who said they would do whatever they wanted, let them do it, and rush to accompany Zhuang Zixue to the hotel to get luggage.

Zhou Dong said to everyone.

"Okay, everyone will go to the villa and tidy up quickly. I will give Zhong Shiqi the key here. I will accompany Sister Zhuang to take off the luggage. Don't say wait for us in a while."

Everyone nodded to know when they heard it. Zhou Dong looked at it and basically explained it, so hurry up and get the luggage with Zhuang Zixue. It would be good to move back earlier.

Soon Zhuang Zixue and Zhuang Zixue came to the hotel, and Zhuang Zixue suddenly said when he arrived at the hotel.

"Oh, look at my clothes and it's burying them again. I always don't pay attention to these details when I eat. What can I do?"

Zhou Dong was a little helpless, so he hurried to change it. What did he complain about here? He said at that time,

"Although it's all buried, then quickly change it. It doesn't take long."

When Zhuang Zixue heard this, she took her clothes and walked into the bathroom in a rather embarrassing manner. However, after changing for a long time, she didn't come out. Zhou Dong was a little worried. What's wrong?

I wanted to ask, but I was ashamed to be afraid that people would change clothes inside. I suddenly asked how impolite, but I was particularly worried. What can I do? After hesitating again and again, he decided to ask what was going on.

Walked to the door of the bathroom and shouted inside.

"What's the matter with you? Why haven't you come out for so long? Is there something wrong?"

Who knows that Zhuang Zixue ran out wearing underwear just after this sentence, Zhou Dong was taken aback at this scene, and quickly turned around and said to him.

"You quickly put on your clothes, what's the matter with you?"

Zhuang Zixue didn't care about this at all, so she said directly what she had just thought.

"I don’t want anything, even my status. I just want to be with you quietly. Do you think it’s okay? You are really the best person I have met since childhood. I don’t want to leave you. ."

Zhou Dong was really helpless after hearing this. Hasn't this matter already been over? Why did he suddenly remember it again? What kind of excitement was this?

Oops, day by day naivety is a headache, and there will always be upsetting things at critical times.

Zhou Dong was helpless, so he could only cover his eyes, turned and said to her.

"Can you stop thinking about it this way, don't you understand all of these things? You are a really good person. Like me, you must not be worthy of you. You deserve a better person. Match you."

Zhuang Zixue didn't speak after listening, and she opened her arms and hugged Zhou Dong tightly. This was a sudden change for Zhou Dong. What was the situation? Why did she suddenly hug him?

Suddenly Zhuang Zixue said at this moment!

"I don't need anything, I just want you, I will stay with you, please, please? Promise me."

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