Layman System

Chapter 2012: Defeat Feng Soaring

Of course, this sentence cannot be said, after all, now people have let themselves in the car.

Now that he was in the car, where should he go next, Feng Aoxiang asked curiously.

"You have already let me in the car, so where are we going today?"

Zhou Dong has some helplessness towards this person, doesn't he know what he is waiting for? So disgusted.

"What's your purpose in waiting for me here, don't you know? I know there is an internet cafe recently. Let's go over together."

Feng Aoxiang had something incredible about Zhou Dong's words. He originally thought he would not agree so easily, but he didn't expect to take himself to an Internet cafe.

Said with a surprised look.

"I just thought you would find an excuse to cover up the past casually. I didn't expect you to agree to do it directly. It would have surprised me too much."

Zhou Dong feels why this guy talks so much? So helplessly said.

"Alright, don't be there for mothers-in-laws, fasten your seat belts and get ready to go."

After hearing this, Feng Aoxiang immediately fastened his seat belt, looking forward with expectation.

Zhou Dong, this guy is like a child, some helplessly shook his head, started the engine, and drove to the Internet cafe.

Soon I came to the Internet cafe that Zhou Dong said. Now Feng Aoxiang still has some people who can't believe that Zhou Dong will agree so easily.

Zhou Dong didn't take care of him anymore, stopped the car and walked directly into the internet cafe. Feng Aoxiang saw this and quickly set off to board Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong drove two machines as soon as he entered, and walked to the machine by himself and sat down. Feng Aoxiang still didn't believe that this thing would happen so quickly at this time.

Standing there alone, not knowing how to solve it, why did Zhou Dong see that this guy hasn't come yet? So I turned my head and looked over and found out why this guy is so inked? Why is he still standing there, doesn't he want to solo with himself?

Asked him.

"What the **** are you doing? Don't you hurry up and turn on the machine?"

Feng Aoxiang reacted from a trance at this time, and immediately left and walked over and said to him.

"Are there anything you haven't done yet?"

Zhou Dong has been training and running in with his teammates today, so he is tired and impatient now.

Feeling that this guy is really good enough, so he said impatiently.

"Have you played against me? If you don't play, I will go home and sleep. You don't know how tired I am this day."

After Feng Aoxiang heard this, some of them were crying, but didn't expect this matter to be resolved so easily.

Then immediately logged in the account and Zhou Dong started the solo game.

Because Zhou Dong is so upset now that there is no time to waste, so the game is over in just ten minutes. After all, he is still anxious to go home and sleep.

The end result was naturally that Feng Aoxiang ended in failure. Feng Aoxiang couldn't believe it. He felt that his hand speed could be called the best in the world.

It is absolutely impossible for any person to be faster than his own hand, but he missed one point, that is, Zhou Dong is not only fast in his hand, but also very good at micromanagement.

Zhou Dong saw that the game had been ended by himself and there was nothing else left, so he got up and prepared to leave.

I didn't forget to say after I got up.

"Okay, don't you stop bothering me next? Your operation is still pretty good. It didn't disappoint me. I went home to sleep without much. I was too tired today."

Feng Aoxiang had been in a state of dazedness. He didn't hear what Zhou Dong said. When Zhou Dong saw Feng Aoxiang was stunned, he didn't pay attention to himself.

Then he won't bother him anymore, and walked outside.

Feng Aoxiang only realized Zhou Dong had left when Zhou Dong had just walked to the door, and immediately got up and asked Zhou Dong.

"The operation you just did is something I have never seen before. Did you hang it up?"

Zhou Dong slowly stopped, and looked back at Feng Aoxiang to find that he was questioning himself, and said silently.

"What do you mean by opening up? Strength is strength. It is a very normal thing if you can't beat me. Don't be surprised. You should go home and practice your operations."

Feng Aoxiang still felt that this matter was strange after hearing it, because he was also a master in the game.

I have never been beaten so badly in a solo game, and I solved it so quickly for myself. If there is no trick, it is absolutely impossible.

Then he chased him down.

"Don’t deceive me here. You’re definitely on the hook. Otherwise, how could I be solved by you in ten minutes? My hand speed can be ranked in the world. Without any status, how is this possible?"

Zhou Dong expressed helplessness for these questions, and it is not clear how to explain them, so don't explain it anymore.

Fortunately, Zhou Dong still had reason in his mind at this time, otherwise Feng Aoxiang would definitely suffer this beating.

Unexpectedly, at this time, I suddenly encountered a group of gangsters.

Zhou Dong saw that he thought that this group of people should not be okay, after all, he hadn't been involved in too many social issues recently.

Since it was not recruited by himself, it means that Feng Aoxiang recruited it, and said silently.

"How come a bunch of gangsters suddenly appeared? Did you provoke them, they came to you, if that's the case, then you can solve it yourself, I don't bother to take care of it."

After saying this, Zhou Dong immediately planned to drive away. After all, staying in this place for a long time will cause trouble to the upper body.

Feng Aoxiang was also unbelievable about this matter, because he had been in the team especially and honestly recently and didn't offend anyone.

He looked at Zhou Dong with a panic.

"No, you must not leave, you must help me deal with these people! Look at them one by one, how can one deal with me?"

Zhou Dong looked at him with disgust and said.

"Why are you so stupid? Since you have the ability to provoke them, then you have the ability to solve them. They don't want to make irresponsible remarks here. I am really tired today. I don't have the time to take care of you. Going home to rest."

Zhou Dong started the engine after saying this, and planned to run back to the villa in a hurry.

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