Layman System

Chapter 2013: Defeated

Because his mind now looks like the bed in his room.

Feng Aoxiang was almost desperate now, said helplessly.

"You are going to leave, then I will dispose of me. Although my hand is very fast, I can't fight anything."

Zhou Dong was a little surprised when he heard this. After spending so long in the Tiangong organization, he couldn't fight. Who can believe it?

So he said in disbelief.

"Don't deceive me here. I think you are so fierce. Fighting will not be a problem. Don't do this useless here. I won't help you."

After Zhou Dong had finished speaking, he planned to drive away directly. Who knew that at this time Feng Aoxiang grabbed the car door and prevented Zhou Dong from leaving.

Zhou Dong looked at him helplessly and said.

"What is this for? Even if you pull my car door off today, I will leave here. I have said that I can't manage this matter, and I don't have the energy to manage it."

After hearing these words, Feng Aoxiang glanced at the gangsters again. He was about to cry now, and said to Zhou Dong with a begging expression.

"Please, please help me quickly. If you don't help me, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of here successfully."

Zhou Dong was a little curious about the turn of his head just now, so he poked his head out of the car and took a look.

It turned out that the group of **** actually had knives in their hands, and it seemed that Feng Aoxiang's trouble this time was really not small.

If it is not that serious, there is no need for someone to bring him here. Since he came with a knife, he has already been tempted to kill him.

Feng Aoxiang saw Zhou Yanran looking out and felt that there should still be a chance for this matter, so he immediately added.

"Big Brother, please, please save me. You can see that they hold them in their hands to this day. If you really don't save me, I will die here."

After hearing this sentence, he hesitated for a while, but never thought that the system suddenly sent a task at this time to help Feng Aoxiang.

Although Zhou Dong is particularly upset now, he had to give up the task and drove out of here to stay.

The moment Zhou Dong opened the car door and got down, Feng Aoxiang almost cried, hugging Zhou Dong excitedly.

"Big brother, thank you very much. If you help me solve this matter today, I will definitely not treat you badly in the future, trust me."

Zhou Dong looked at Feng Aoxiang in surprise and said.

"Didn't you just tell me that you didn't hire these people? How come they are now? What did you do to provoke such a group of wicked people?"

Feng Aoxiang didn't want to express anything about these things, but if he didn't answer Zhou Dong's words, it would change his mind. What if he doesn't help himself.

I had no choice but to answer the previous question.

"I am like this. I will provoke a group of people inexplicably, and I don't know what's going on. I really appreciate your staying and helping me. I can tell in a moment.

While Feng Aoxiang was speaking, the group of gangsters had already arrived in front of them, and saw that the two people didn't know what they were whispering.

Yelled impatiently.

"What are you whispering over there, there is nothing you do here with me and your house, please get out of here."

Seeing that these people had already arrived, Feng Aoxiang hurriedly hid behind Zhou Dong subconsciously and spoke to Zhou Dong silently.

"Look at them one by one, they are very fierce. You have to fight for a while. Be careful not to make any mistakes."

Zhou Dong had some impatient answers.

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things here, and find me a place to hide in a while. These people are just a group of children to me. I will knock them down in minutes."

After all, Feng Aoxiang had no other choice but to trust Zhou Dong and said firmly.

"Okay, you can rest assured in a while. Although I don't fight very hard, this evasion ability is definitely the first."

Zhou Dong curled his lips, I'm afraid he only has so little ability now.

Seeing that Zhou Dong was already standing in front of Feng Aoxiang, the gangster seemed to be ready to be nosy, and said angrily.

"I have already explained it to you just now. Don't be nosy, too. Do you have the strength to manage this matter? If not, just get out of here. Don't blame our swords for not having eyes. ."

Zhou Dong sneered, took a step and said.

"Originally, I didn't intend to take care of this matter, but when I saw you crooked melons and split dates, I wanted to take care of this matter again. Don't pretend to me, your things are just decorations. , I can take you all in minutes."

If this group of gangsters could bear such a tone, they would yell on the spot, Zhou Dong was a little irritating to their state.

Do people in society now like to start this way? Said helplessly.

"Can you be quiet? Why are you yelling? Don't you think it's noisy? It makes my heart irritable."

The boss of the gangster spoke first.

"What are we going to do? You have no chance anymore. If you apologize obediently now, I can still consider biting you, but you must be admitted to the hospital."

Zhou Dong noticed that these little gangsters had a really big tone, so he said this here and waved his hand.

"If you hit it, hurry up, if you don't hit it, hurry up and get out of here, and it's haggling here. Are you bothered? It's already delayed me going home to sleep!

After all, this group of small gangsters are also decent people. Of course, they couldn't help hearing this, so they took the knife and rushed over.

Zhou Dong saw that this group of people had already rushed over and quickly switched to the combat mode. Who knew that these little gangsters really didn't fight.

The two hits knocked them all down, but because they both had knives in their hands, they directly made a very big hole in Zhou Dong's arm.

Perhaps because Zhou Dong was too excited at the time, he didn't feel it at all. After the end, Feng Aoxiang stepped forward to find that Zhou Dong's arm was bleeding, and said nervously.

"Brother Dong, what's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding? Hurry up and see if there is anything wrong!"

After hearing this, Zhou Dong silently tilted his head and looked at the cut hole. He didn't expect that this group of punks would be very ruthless, and they could actually touch him.

Said with a sigh.

"Maybe because I was too excited just now, so I didn't feel the pain. When you say that, I noticed a trace of pain."

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