Layman System

Chapter 2045: Cleverness

Seeing that the dealer didn't seem to understand what he meant, Zhou Dong immediately repeated what he had just said.

"Now I need your help to prove if Zhang Hunzi came with me just now, and then he lost everything here."

The dealer only understood it at this time and quickly answered with an innocent look.

"What are you talking about, I don't know anything."

The dealer was already secretly refreshing in his heart, because he had seen Zhou Dong displeased a long time ago, and hadn't caught the opportunity to clean him up, this time he finally caught it, so he should be cleaned up.

And this time, there is money to be made for doing such a thing. Of course, this kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone is of course deadly.

After hearing these words, Zhou Dong was stunned on the spot. What is this? It's obviously a fact, and they have to say it like this. Isn't it just to embarrass themselves on purpose?

At this moment, Zhou Dong also found Zhang Hunzi, the expression on his face suddenly changed from before, and he understood completely.

Zhang Hunzi has secretly communicated with the dealer, and today he said that he was asking him, and the dealer would not say that Zhang Hunzi had been here.

When the audience in the apron heard these words, they got anxious and cursed at Zhou Dong.

"You are too vicious in your heart. You run to tell us that there is evidence that proves it. This is the evidence of the proof. Don't waste time here. Give them the money. They are life-saving. Money!"

When Zhou Dong saw this, if he didn't do anything, he would really have jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it up. Since Zhang Hunzi dared to buy the dealer, he could do it himself.

He left directly and walked towards the dealer. The dealer thought that Zhou Dong was going to do something with himself again, so he hurriedly hid back subconsciously.

Seeing the dealer's expression, Zhou Dong couldn't help but become happy, and said quickly.

"I didn't mean to hit you. You don't need to be so nervous. Bring your ears closer and I will tell you something."

After hearing these words, the dealer looked uncertain, because Zhou Dong had some skill in his body. If he moved in so easily, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Zhou Dong saw that the dealer was still a little worried about him, and continued anxiously.

"What are you doing? If you ask you to come over, just come over, what are you doing?"

In the end, the dealer still couldn't withstand the threat, and slowly moved in, wondering what Zhou Dong was going to say?

Zhou Dong reached the banker's ear, then you talk to him.

"If you say everything today, then I will come every day in the future. If you don’t say it, you will face very serious problems. I will also come every day to win all your money and let you The door is closed. From now on, you will never have your casino on this street again."

After hearing this, the dealer was more threatening than Zhang Hunzi's, and quickly nodded in agreement. Zhang Hunzi yelled anxiously when he saw Zhou Dong not knowing what the dealer was muttering.

"What are you two talking about, why are you still shameless? Are you discussing how to do me?"

Zhou Dong saw that the things on his side were almost the same, so let the dealer do the rest. The dealer also heard Zhang Hunzi's voice and immediately yelled.

"You guy knows what a fart, just shut my mouth if there is nothing to do, don't make me poor there."

After listening to this, Zhang Hunzi subconsciously realized that there was no room for recovery, and he stood there with embarrassment. Zhang Hunzi's sister saw some changes in Zhang Hunzi's expression and immediately asked.

"What's so nervous about you? We haven't been here, but we haven't been here. Then it must be their cause. Don't be nervous, there is a sister."

After talking about Zhang Hunzi's sister, she took Zhang Hunzi's hand. Zhang Hunzi originally planned to take the opportunity to slip away, but then there was no chance.

Standing with a helpless expression.

After listening to what Zhou Dong said, the dealer also went through a struggle in his heart. It feels that Zhou Dong's strength is too strong, his own muscular man can't handle him at all.

Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to clean up Zhou Dong, but now he was able to clean up, and he had no choice but to tell the matter.

"Yes, Hunzi Zhang did come to me just now. I blocked it for a while. It seemed that he had won some money, but in the end it was all in. I don't know when she left. I think I have seen it he."

Hearing that Zhang Hunzi's emotions were about to collapse, he paid the money, so why did he still talk about himself like this? Pointing to the dealer with a helpless expression.

"You have to act on your conscience. Isn't it a bit of a slander for you to say that? Can we tell the truth? My family is still here, can you not lie."

After hearing these words, the dealer immediately laughed, feeling that this Zhang Hunzi was so interesting, he should even tell the money.

Since this is the case, don’t blame yourself for being vicious, so Zhang Hunzi said,

"You little Zhang, who is still here to make irresponsible remarks, do you have the skill of Zhou Dong? You usually eat and drink with others' butts, like a dog every day, see Whoever posts it, I really don’t understand how a person like you can survive."

Everyone present saw that things had turned around and looked at Zhang Hunzi and his family with incredulous expressions.

It turns out that it was their family who lied here. Just now, I just confidently helped him catch up with them. Everything was wasted.

Suddenly, he was furious and shouted at Zhang Hunzi's family.

"I thought that your family was still very poor, but when I heard this, I felt that your family was really terrible. Thanks to our group of people kindly helping you to chase people, I really don’t know how you could get there. Actually wronged a good man."

For a while, Zhang Hunzi and his family couldn't say anything, and they didn't know how to answer. The crowd onlookers saw this scene and continued to speak viciously.

"Looking at the look of each of you, you know that you are not good people like us. Just now we were just listening to what you said on your side, so this matter needs to be carried out by mistake. Now we realize the seriousness of the matter. Apologize to Zhou Dong. If you don't apologize, this matter will never end."

Li Li also followed me curiously at this time, silently watching her.

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