Layman System

Chapter 2046: 100% good

I found that the big guys were saying that Zhou Dong was good, and I was a little surprised.

Of course Zhou Dong also saw Li Li standing there. When he was about to pass, he found that Li Li had left silently.

In this way, Zhou Dong had passed this incident, and Zhang Hunzi and his family were also punished accordingly.

Zhou Dong returned home and felt that he was a little tired today, and he didn't know what was wrong with him. He was all languid. Maybe he was tossed by Zhang Hunzi and his family.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Hunzi felt that this person was so angry, he was still thinking about framing himself, how could a person like himself be framed by a villain like him.

Zhou Jin Guo was cooking at home at this time, when he suddenly saw Zhou Dong coming back, immediately put down his work and asked him.

"How's it going? I went out and came back early today, why is it so late? Isn't that gold house sold?"

After hearing this, Zhou Dong shook his head quickly, and then put another 200 yuan from the pocket of his clothes into Zhou Jin Guo's hands.

Zhou Jinguo was a little embarrassed to see the 200 yuan, because his golden lock was bought at a high price. If it were sold, it was definitely not just that little bit.

But he had some reluctant to say his son, so he nodded silently and accepted the matter. The money was still in his hands and put it back in Zhou Dong's hands.

Zhou Dong was a little strange, not knowing what he was doing, so he asked.

"Won't you keep it there? Why did you give it to me again?"

Zhou Jinguo shook his head helplessly and replied.

"I have food and drink at home. What do I want this money for? You can go to the health center tomorrow and pay this money for medical expenses. We are so sorry to others. We should pay them more medical expenses. People will remember us if they get better."

Zhou Dong hates Zhou Xixi too much now, why is he so incompetent? It is so painful for Zhou Jinguo to live, no matter who it is, it will feel distressed.

I don't know if this kid has any intentions.

Zhou Dong also understood that in the past few years, Zhou Jin Guo had been eating potatoes, and all the money he saved was given to Zhou Xixi. He did this to let Zhou Xixi eat something good.

I'm afraid he hasn't eaten meat for several years. Zhou Dong couldn't help but feel pain when he thought of this.

The next day Zhou Dong paid Li Li's father's hospitalization fee early, and he bought a chicken directly with the remaining part of the money, and then went back to cook for Zhou Jin Guo.

Zhou Jinguo smelled something when he got home, and quickly asked Zhou Dong.

"What's this smell? What are you doing?"

At this time, Zhou Dong was busy in the kitchen. He turned his head and looked over as soon as he heard the sound, and then continued to answer silently.

"It's not that you don't have any nutrition, and then I bought you a chicken, and I will cook it myself today and make a good meal for you."

It was exactly the same as Zhou Dong said, because Zhou Jin Guo had not eaten anything nutritious for a long time, so his noodles were hungry.

Zhou Jin Guo was surprised when he learned that Zhou Dong was going to eat for himself, because he had never been in the kitchen before, and he had not even touched the pot.

In addition to eating at home every day, it is eaten outside, which is a lively and lazy image.

I really can’t believe what he cooked. After all, he has never cooked before. What if a good thing is harmed?

So Zhou Dong walked over with a particularly worried expression and began to persuade Zhou Dong.

"The chicken you bought is also quite expensive, or else let's not make it. I'll show you something. I haven't made anything fishy in a long time."

Zhou Dong fully understood what Zhou Jinguo was talking about. He was afraid that he could not do it well, so he wanted to persuade himself not to do it.

From this we can see how delicious and lazy Zhou Xixi is at home! Reluctantly shook his head, feeling that this is the Adou who can't help him!

But he is not him, he can still do this little thing himself, so he directly pushed Zhou Jin Guo and said.

"Well, today you will have a good taste of my craftsmanship. My craftsmanship is very powerful. I don't like to show it. But I will show you my hand if I am happy today. Just go in and wait. A hot pot of chicken soup will appear."

Although Zhou Jin Guo felt a little distressed, Zhou Dong rarely wanted to show it, so let him show it, nodded silently, and returned to the room.

It really didn't take long for a pot of hot chicken soup to be ready, and the smell had drifted into the house along the air. Zhou Jinguo smelled really good.

Walking towards the kitchen with a curious look, as soon as he entered, he saw Zhou Dong carrying a hot pot and preparing to enter the house. Zhou Dong saw Zhou Jin pot coming and said with a smile.

"Did it be fragrant by my chicken soup? I said that my cooking skills are very good. Under normal circumstances, I would not show it. How about it? It's fun. You will taste better later. "

Zhou Jinguo nodded and replied.

"It really smells good. I knew this chicken soup must be good after smelling it just now. Let's go in and have a taste."

Zhou Dong just drank the chicken soup with Zhou Jin Guo. Zhou Jin Guo took a sip. There was something unbelievable. He never thought that the chicken soup was so delicious, like it was made in a restaurant.

Asked Zhou Dong with a surprised look.

"That's not right, in my memory, you don't seem to know how to do anything. When did you secretly learn the art of cooking?"

When Zhou Dong heard this, he knew that Zhou Jin Guo was quite satisfied with the pot of chicken soup he made, otherwise he wouldn't ask himself that way.

Zhou Dong looked at Zhou Jinguo proudly and said.

"Is there anything more difficult about this stuff, it's just that I played better with a cook a while ago, and secretly learned two skills with him, do I still have the talent to learn a cook?"

It was the first time Zhou Jinguo encountered such a situation. Don't mention how touched he was. He felt that he was now the happiest person in the world.

Nodding his head and answering.

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