Layman System

Chapter 2063: Mystery family

Both people have tangled expressions, and don't know how to take the next step.

Hong Long's brain became blank for a while, and he turned his head helplessly and asked Zhou Dong.

"Help me think about what to do next, I don't know how to choose."

Zhou Dong really couldn't help seeing Red Dragon's expression. He could only think of a way to stabilize it temporarily.

"Basically, there is no better way now, and I can't think of it, because we don't know the strength of the other party, so this matter can only be left to tomorrow."

Red Dragon also thought about it. At present, he can only do it like this. He nodded and asked everyone to rest. After all, there are still some unknown things to do tomorrow.

Zhou Dong looked at Red Dragon's helplessness towards the North Dragon family. It seemed that what happened this time was really not small, no wonder he was able to dispatch all of them.

Zhou Dong also quietly returned to where he lived to rest.

Early the next morning, Hong Long had already arrived at Zhou Dong's door and opened the crazy knock mode. Zhou Dong slept a little awkwardly. I don't know who actually knocked on the door so early in the morning.

Going to the door in a daze and opening the door, it turned out that Red Dragon asked strangely.

"What are you going to do? Are we preparing for action so early today? Is it a bit too early? The other party's details have not been figured out yet."

Hong Long shook his head and answered.

"No, no, no, I still need to discuss with you. After all, there are still a lot of things to do, so I need to discuss in advance. I am like this. If there is no bottom line, I will not dare to take any risks. Yesterday was already A terrible lesson."

Zhou Dong rubbed his head and felt that it was indeed such a thing. He looked at Hong Long suspiciously and really wanted to know what good ideas he had now.

Of course, Hong Long understood the look he used, and said.

"My brain is also very messy now. I didn’t take a good rest last night. After all, ten people went there and none of them came back. This is already the highest record, so this time we must act carefully, you Help me think about it, your mind is so good."

Zhou Dong got up so early in the morning, and felt a little confused in his brain. How could there be room to think of a good solution? Said helplessly.

"You told me to get up so early, how can you tell me to figure out a solution? I'm all in the Hunjiang River now, maybe because I was on my way."

Red Dragon was dumbfounded, and pushed Zhou Dong into it, persuading him as he walked.

"Hurry up and help me think about it. If this matter cannot be completed, our reputation will be greatly reduced. I hope that this matter can be resolved today, and quickly get those ten people back to me. This is the most important thing. Pivotal."

Zhou Dong walked inside and sat down next to the bed. He began to think that there was no good way. After all, the other party hadn't figured out the details, what good way could he have?

Said helplessly.

"In fact, this matter is not very easy to talk about. You can only take one step and look at it one step at a time. After all, the other party’s secrets are too tight, and the insight ability is so strong. You say that no matter what we do, we are like people Do things under your nose."

Hong Long thought for a while and it was indeed the case, and then said.

"It's true, so let's be more careful today, and let's take one step at a time."

Zhou Dong looked at the red dragon and asked silently.

"Then are we ready to set off now? If we are ready to set off, then I will quickly clean up, don't delay everyone's time."

Honglong thought for a while, and took a look at the time. It felt like it should be almost there. After all, it is better to do things like theirs earlier. After all, there is plenty of time.

Then he nodded and agreed.

"I took a look at the time and it felt like it should be almost there. Let's quickly clean up and get ready to set off. After all, the time left for us is running out. I also hope to end this matter sooner."

Zhou Dong nodded and cleaned it up. Soon all the staff were ready and stood there in unison.

Seeing this formation, Zhou Dong quickly patted Zhang Honglong and said.

"Brother Honglong, you can't be like this. If we go in such a mighty way, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion, so we try to spread out a little bit, and don't spread too far away. After all, the lesson yesterday is already very serious Up."

Red Dragon thought for a moment that this is indeed the case. It must be dispersed a bit. After all, with so many people acting collectively, others will know that something is going on.

In addition, because they are local aristocrats, they know more people. It is very likely that a passerby will inform them. Wouldn't it be more difficult to get things done?

Sure enough, people with practical experience like Zhou Dong are still very good, always thinking of key issues at critical times.

Zhou Dong watched that the Red Dragon had divided many groups quickly, and then all the group members started to split up.

I don't know what's going on. Everyone who was in the group with Zhou Dong surrounded Zhou Dong. I don't know what happened. Red Dragon always positioned himself as an important figure in the whole team.

I don't have much ability in this, besides, I can protect myself by my own means. This is too exciting.

When I was about to ask what happened to Red Dragon, the system suddenly sent a task.

"Save a little girl."

When Zhou Dong saw the information about this task, he was instantly stunned. I don't know what the situation was, how suddenly he let it be solved by herself, and the little girl herself had nothing to solve by herself.

Just when he was about to ask what was going on with the system, suddenly two big guys and a little girl walked towards them.

Hong Long saw Zhou Dong not knowing what was wrong, and suddenly prepared to go forward. If this guy is an assassin, wouldn't he give him ko directly?

Quickly stretched out his hand and pulled him behind him. When Zhou Dong saw the little girl, he knew that this little girl should be the rescuer mentioned in the mission system.

If this is the case, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and finish this task. Otherwise, it would be uncomfortable to keep it there!

And this kind of thing should be done quickly, what if those two big guys are bad guys, such a weak little girl?

For the justice of his heart, he needs to be rescued quickly, but he can't be reduced to the wrong hands.

After thinking about this, Zhou Dong planned to rush over.

Honglong looked at Zhou Dong questioningly, wondering what he was going to do, why did he even rush over?

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