Layman System

Chapter 2064: Girl's task

Before Zhou Dong rushed over, Hong Long's hand subconsciously grabbed Zhou Dong and questioned him.

"What are you going to do?"

Suddenly, Zhou Dong was almost taken to Raqqa by Hong Long being so big, he turned his head and looked at him with a dazed expression.

"You didn't see how pitiful that little girl is, and the two big ones are fierce, and many of them, we can't say anything, they won't be saved."

After saying this, Zhou Dong set off and ran to him. Honglong also expressed special helplessness to Zhou Dong's actions. What did he care about such meddling?

Has he forgotten that he has a task now? If it causes a big sensation again, I am afraid that everyone in the city already knows them.

At that time, I think again, I am afraid there is no way to do such a light action, but seeing Zhou Dong has rushed past, I can't ignore him.

I can only turn my head and look at all the people in the special department.

"Okay, don't stand and watch everyone, everyone has already rushed over, let's hurry up and follow."

When everyone heard this, they set off to follow Zhou Dong.

Since Zhou Dong ran over so fast, he took the little girl before the two big guys could react.

The two big guys saw that the little girl was taken away with some misunderstandings, and quickly turned around and looked ahead.

Zhou Dong looked at him proudly and said.

"You two are so burly tall, are you being so rude to a little girl? I advise you to disappear from my career as soon as I am not angry, or you must be good-looking."

The two big guys instantly sneered when there was only one person in Zhou Dong, and said with an unconvinced expression.

"You are such a thin man, and you plan to compete with us. Don't let us smash your legs."

Zhou Dong didn't know why these big guys always liked to judge people by their appearance. Although he was thin, it was more than enough for the two of them.


"You two are too underestimated, don't look at your burly figure, I can solve you in five minutes, believe it or not."

The two big guys really don't see what this guy has, so they will slap some guns here, what's the use? Shaking his head indifferently, he was about to leave and ran in front of Zhou Dong to teach him some lessons.

What they didn't expect was that Zhou Dong saw them running over, and he didn't intend to hide. He stood there all the time.

Could it be that this guy really has some means to feel impossible, and his appearance is just an ordinary person.

After thinking about it, I felt that there must be Kit Kat in it, and the two big guys stopped at the same time.

Zhou Dong also had some accidents. I don't know what happened. He has already run to the front, so why not continue? If this continues, I will kick them to the ground with both feet.

Said triumphantly.

"Why, are you afraid of me? If you are really afraid of me, then quickly get out of it, don't delay my time here, my time, but you can't accompany you with money."

One of the big guys was not convinced, and said to the person next to him.

"The two of us shouldn't have stopped just now. We should walk over and teach him a good lesson. Look at his face, how I want to cut him off."

The other one was quite sensible, and when he saw this, he said seriously.

"You can't think about this matter so rashly. Since this guy has the strength to stand in front of us with many people, it means that he is still a little capable. Look at ordinary people, does he dare to take things from us?"

The big guy also calmed down, feeling that this is indeed the case, what should I do next, this can't be so easy to give the little girl to them.

This is also a more troublesome question. When Zhou Dong saw the two of them, he didn't know what he was thinking about. How could he be able to write so much? Said impatiently.

"I've said if you can hurry up. My time is precious. If you have any abilities, just use it, or you can get rid of me quickly."

At this moment, the throat also led everyone behind Zhou Dong, watching the two big men glaring fiercely, and then looking at Zhou Dong's body, and found that this fellow was not injured in any way.

He walked safely to Zhou Dong and said.

"You guy ran too fast. We finally caught up to you. What are you doing? Fortunately, the two of them didn't do anything to you. What if you do it and hurt you?"

Zhou Dong smiled and shook his head to answer.

"My brother, you too underestimated me. How can I say, I was also an insider of you before. Do you have to find anything else to deal with these two people? Don't worry, they will not hurt me. ."

When the two big men saw such a large group of people suddenly came, they instantly looked at Zhou Dong in panic and at a loss.

Zhou Dong saw that so many people had come to his side, his waist became hard in an instant, and he pointed at the two big men and shouted.

"I understand what I have said to you. Either hurry up and get rid of me, don't waste time here, do you force me to do it first?"

The two big guys saw that they were too many people. If they started, they would definitely be injured if they were one of them, so they turned around and left more wisely.

Just as they left, the system suddenly sent a reminder to complete the task.

Zhou Dong had some accidents. He didn't expect this task to be completed so easily. In the future, it would be great to send out more tasks of this kind!

Seeing that the two big men on the opposite side had already left, Hong Long hurried to Zhou Dong and asked.

"Okay, everyone has already left, and this matter has basically been solved. Tell me about the identity of this little girl. I still understand that you are not going to save people for nothing. ."

Zhou Dong was also asked by this question from Honglong. He was a little confused. I don't know what the situation was. Why did he suddenly say that he was just completing the task of system release.

How did he know so much about the rest? At this moment, the system suddenly noticed this, and immediately sent Zhou Dong information about the little girl.

In fact, Zhou Dong was also curious about this little girl's life experience, so he hurriedly clicked in to check it, and found out that he was the daughter of Beilong Patriarch.

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